Imagine your past life


say for a moment that reincarnation is real, and who you are now is not the only person you've ever been. think, close your eyes for a second, and try to sense the kind of person you were, before you were born into this body.

what was your name?

where did you live?

what kind of work did you do?

did you have a family? did you have friends? who were they? what were they like?

what was your overall temperament? were you happy, sad, angry, neutral, perpetually in love or deathly afraid? what do you sense of your past self's attitude towards life?

and how do you think you died? it doesn't have to be specific. a general location maybe, or a physical sensation in one part of your body

let your intuition (or imagination :P) guide you. who knows, you could accurately be describing your past self.
I'm Chinese. I am a quiet male who is a master of the word and the way. I have honed my mind and my body to a sharp and supple edge. I live at one with all things and impart my knowledge unto those who truly seek. My existence is a simple one with a few close ones in my life--still very INFJ. My desire to affect my environment in a positive way is still present. I see myself as single, but still connected to many others, children and adult. I am at peace, yet I acknowledge that I still lack something. I tell myself that it is inherent in man's restless nature, yet I know I lie to myself and wonder what part of me is unfulfilled. I know I will have to wait for yet another cycle of the wheel to know the answer. This way of life is very appealing, yet ultimately a dead end. And just another piece of the puzzle.

.....I do believe in reincarnation by the way.
I did an online test once and it said in my past life I was a reclusive but kindly herbalist living in Burma.
It nearly knocked me off my chair because it fit in with a recurring dream I had been having.
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I'm Chinese. I am a quiet male who is a master of the word and the way. I have honed my mind and my body to a sharp and supple edge. I live at one with all things and impart my knowledge unto those who truly seek. My existence is a simple one with a few close ones in my life--still very INFJ. My desire to affect my environment in a positive way is still present. I see myself as single, but still connected to many others, children and adult. I am at peace, yet I acknowledge that I still lack something. I tell myself that it is inherent in man's restless nature, yet I know I lie to myself and wonder what part of me is unfulfilled. I know I will have to wait for yet another cycle of the wheel to know the answer. This way of life is very appealing, yet ultimately a dead end. And just another piece of the puzzle.

.....I do believe in reincarnation by the way.

that sounds wonderful, thanks for sharing :)
It was quite a while ago but I don't think so. On this one I got slave! sheesh
You Scored as Slave You were a slave in a past life and lived a long and grueling life of servitude before you finally escaped and made your way to freedom. You died barefoot on the road with the wind blowing in your hair (by means of natural disaster or extreme environmental conditions) which was fine by you because you always knew that the day you died, you would die free.