If life gives you... | Page 13 | INFJ Forum

If life gives you...

Other people probably do too - invest in KMB

Kimberly Clark Corp? I guess if life gave me KMB shares I'd probably sell them as they're at a high right now, but don't look too stable.

If life gives you herpes.
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I'm going to google it anyway.

If life gives you a Dalek
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program it to give free hugs ^^

If life gives you arthritis in both hands...
Apply ointments.

If life gives you naked men..?
If life gives you naked men, suggest that you start an improv group together!

If life gives you a partridge in a pear tree ...
put a tiny camera around its neck and watch as it flies around the world

If life gives you an empty chair
If life gives you an empty chair, you best sit your ass down in it son.

When life gives you combustible lemons...
Make combustible lemon juices. Or combustible marinade.

When life gives you a tree..
When life gives you a tree, make yourself a Groot. (And Groot is an INFJ. Go figure.)

When life gives you a reference to something you've never seen...
keep it for future reference

If life gives you a photographic memory...
If life gives you a photographic memory...enjoy the pictures.

If life gives you a customer using someone else,
Gently escort them to the door.

If life gives you an arch enemy
If life gives you an arch enemy, don't worry.

If life gives you speechless
If life gives you speechless, then you mime like a boss...

If life gives you cupcakes,
If life gives you cupcakes, throw it at a speedlimit sign while driving.

If life gives you roast chicken,
fry it

If life gives you divorce papers
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