The Romantic Scientist
I don't want to be seen as an asshole but I really need my friend to leave my house and leave me alone LOL. He is French and came here to visit me for 2 weeks and honestly he's driving me nuts. He's not doing anything wrong but I'm all stressed by his presence here, I don't have my alone time and he is wanting me to take him to socialize at clubs and bars. It's been the most hectic 2 weeks of my life but good thing is that he is leaving tomorrow. Yuppie! Don't get me wrong he is a good person it's just that I can't handle a person to stay more than 2 hours withouth me wanting to have my alone time.

Pheew, I just wanted to vent this. I could've done this at my blog but I guess it would've had more impact on a regular thread :D.

Good day everyone!
Man, that must've sucked. Most of the things I like to do are private. Like I can't listen music if there is someone else in the room or watch the films or TV I like. So yeah, give me space or run the risk of being choked unconscious and waking up outside my door step.
I don't want to be seen as an asshole but I really need my friend to leave my house and leave me alone LOL. He is French and came here to visit me for 2 weeks and honestly he's driving me nuts. He's not doing anything wrong but I'm all stressed by his presence here, I don't have my alone time and he is wanting me to take him to socialize at clubs and bars. It's been the most hectic 2 weeks of my life but good thing is that he is leaving tomorrow. Yuppie! Don't get me wrong he is a good person it's just that I can't handle a person to stay more than 2 hours withouth me wanting to have my alone time.

Pheew, I just wanted to vent this. I could've done this at my blog but I guess it would've had more impact on a regular thread :D.

Good day everyone!

Gotta love those house guests.

I hate hosting stuff at my place I its so hard to get away from people.

Just hold out a little longer. :m059:
Yeah -- we had an exchange student for about half a year, and I'm at a boarding school...it took a TON of adjusting. I know what you mean; it's not so much that the person is doing anything wrong, but you can feel them, and feel a need to take care of their needs and be aware of them...
Yeah -- we had an exchange student for about half a year, and I'm at a boarding school...it took a TON of adjusting. I know what you mean; it's not so much that the person is doing anything wrong, but you can feel them, and feel a need to take care of their needs and be aware of them...

Thats a really good way to describe you feel them. And you feel tuned into them..

I think thats why INFJs would live best alone.
Man, that must've sucked. Most of the things I like to do are private. Like I can't listen music if there is someone else in the room or watch the films or TV I like. So yeah, give me space or run the risk of being choked unconscious and waking up outside my door step.

Exactly :D

Gotta love those house guests.

I hate hosting stuff at my place I its so hard to get away from people.

Just hold out a little longer. :m059:

Actually, for me it's the first time I host a person outside of my immediate family, so it's a big adjustment for me. But Thanks BB for your response

Yeah -- we had an exchange student for about half a year, and I'm at a boarding school...it took a TON of adjusting. I know what you mean; it's not so much that the person is doing anything wrong, but you can feel them, and feel a need to take care of their needs and be aware of them...

Beautifully said, even now I'm thinking of logging out of the forum and see what he wants to do because he looks kinda bored.
I'm at a boarding school..

I know how that is, I went to a military boarding school for high school and of course they had to make me room with the most obnoxious fuck-wit this side of Dixie. For two years he would do nothing but loop the goddamn Top Gun soundtrack. He didn't watch TV, play video games, go outside, just swivel from side to side in his desk chair and listen to Top Gun...that's it. He behaved like some autistic idiot savant minus the savant part. One day I just snapped and we got in a fist fight over that fucking CD.

That was absolutely no place for an introvert.
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I know how that is, I went to a military boarding school for high school and of course they had to make me room with the most obnoxious fuck-wit this side of Dixie. For two years he would do nothing but loop the goddamn Top Gun soundtrack. He didn't watch TV, play video games, go outside, just swivel from side to side in his desk chair and listen to Top Gun...that's it. He behaved like some autistic idiot savant minus the savant part. One day I just snapped and we got in a fist fight over that fucking CD.

That was absolutely no place for an introvert.

I'm lucky that I found the right people to hang out with...kind of lessens the stress. I'm constantly in ENFJ-mode, though, and sometimes it just about makes me insane
I don't want to be seen as an asshole but I really need my friend to leave my house and leave me alone LOL. He is French and came here to visit me for 2 weeks and honestly he's driving me nuts. He's not doing anything wrong but I'm all stressed by his presence here, I don't have my alone time and he is wanting me to take him to socialize at clubs and bars. It's been the most hectic 2 weeks of my life but good thing is that he is leaving tomorrow. Yuppie! Don't get me wrong he is a good person it's just that I can't handle a person to stay more than 2 hours withouth me wanting to have my alone time.

Pheew, I just wanted to vent this. I could've done this at my blog but I guess it would've had more impact on a regular thread :D.

Good day everyone!

You don't sound like a jerk, that' sounds normal. I would get like that too. I'm like that when people are in my room without my permission.

I think that's one of the reasons why INFJs and ENTPs are really good with each other. They both respect each others space (I think :?)
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You don't sound like a jerk, that' sounds normal. I would get like that too. I'm like that when people are in my room without my permission.

I think that's one of the reasons why INFJs and ENTPs are really good with each other. They both respect each others space (I think :?)

Ha, sometimes :B I know an ENTP that has absolutely no sense of personal space.
*slides penis in*

Wha? No, don't let me interrupt you, keep talking.

Haha, he probably wouldn't have kept that appendage for very long
Not in this instance, no :D I've had other ENTPs after me in the past, although those were very superficial and they weren't yet very mature.
Not as far as I can tell, but that doesn't give you passes to anything
I'm incredibly Mature!

*stomps foot*
*goes to have a spa bath with a rubber ducky.
Can't blame you for that. Rubber duckies are incredibly fasinating.
I'm pretty sure this a good example of an ENTP invention.
