I interact best with "weird" people. | INFJ Forum

I interact best with "weird" people.


Jun 14, 2012
Type 2
I think "weirdness" is one of the best traits a person can display. Being weird means you are not afraid to show the world that you are a different mold. Most importantly, being weird means you have the confidence to just be yourself in any and all situations. You do not wear a mask, you do not put on a show for other people and you do not compromise who you are just to fit in.

So when it comes to personal relationships, I get along better with weird, off-the-wall, eccentric people than I would with an investment banker. And the funniest thing is, I probably resemble that corporate, clean-cut investment banker type more than anyone to an outsider's perspective, but I just love meeting people who aren't afraid to be a little different.
I've always held that "Normal people are boring" when people cast a harsh light on weirdness for the sake of weirdness. Generally my first friends in a social group I become apart of are always the more weird ones, they tend to have crazier stories and alternate ways of looking at things.
I will say that I have trouble getting along with uncompromising people in general, weird or not, because they tend to butt heads over things I don't deem worthy of doing so. On the flip side, I'm a very accommodating guy, so not a lot of things are worth butting heads over if a compromise can be found. For me, being reasonable tends to be a bigger factor in compatibility than being eccentric.
Being weird means you are not afraid to show the world that you are a different mold.

Being weird means you aren't what's common. It doesn't imply you aren't afraid to show it. People normally don't have a choice in being weird.

Most importantly, being weird means you have the confidence to just be yourself in any and all situations.

Same deal. You aren't granted confidence with being weird. You earn confidence after you've accepted it.
The best weird people are those who are utterly unaware that they are strange and different--The ones who think they are totally normal.
My friend's dad is like this. He's clueless.
He seriously wanted to mortgage the house to buy a helicopter to keep in their back yard.. though he can't pilot.
He bought a motorcycle and then fell off of it at a stop sign because he forgot to put his feet on the ground for balance
He slept in a cardboard box in his back yard just because
He's pissed in the kitchen garbage can because his wife was in the bathroom at the time--It just seemed the logicall thing to do to him.
Actually, he probably has issues. But he's a successful engineer and pretty intelligent and based on that blending in pretty well I guess.

All people have their idiosyncrasies, it's just about seeing what's below the surface. I don't think any one is really 'normal.' Sure, there's a veneer and a facade people try to pull off, but in reality, people are people and I've never met a truly uninteresting person. You just have to know which questions to ask and when.
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