I found this funny :D


The Romantic Scientist
NT/NF Relationships

The general sequence of events is this:
Stage 1: NT meets NF. NF is enamoured of NT, falls head over heels. NT is characteristically cautious, but interested. NFs are fun, after all.
Stage 2: NF appreciates and admires many characteristics of the NT and thus begins to behave more like an NT, perhaps even fooling the NT into thinking s/he is an NT. NT then relaxes, figuring s/he's with a kindred spirit, gets more comfortable with the relationship, starts acting like normal NT self, expecting to be understood.
Stage 3: NF feels NT cooling off and wonders what s/he is doing wrong. Tries to be more like NT to compensate. This doesn't feel right. NF gets needy and/or begins to consider is her/his duty to draw the NT out of her/his shell, encouraging the NT to express all those feelings buried deep inside. NT doesn't get it.
Stage 4: NT feels pressure from NFs emotional demands, needs distance to figure things out. (This might be only INTs. I'm not sure.) NF panics, becomes more needy. NT withdraws more...NF needs more...and so on and so on.
Stage 5: NF suddenly realizes that the reason things aren't working is that the NT is cold and unfeeling or not nurturing or some other horrible thing. Abandons NT without looking back. (This is especially likely with the NFPs.) NT is confused and (sometimes) relieved.
I don't know if this is true or not but I still found it funny nevertheless lol
Before I knew anything about MBTI I had an INTP friend and the relationship was very much like the above! It's quite funny.
If I had known about personality typing the friendship would have been totally different.
Parts of that are true, in my experience.
I think they left out the part where the NT thinks to him/herself, "Oh no. I think I'm feeling emotions. I can't concentrate. I have to break up with this person."
And the NF says, "So let me get this straight: You're breaking up with me because you...like (love) me too much? You're right *eye roll*, this makes perfect sense." And then the NF goes and cries.

...At least in my experience. Heh.
Well, funny or not, that pretty much described my relationship with an INTx guy I fell for a long time ago.

I think they left out the part where the NT thinks to him/herself, "Oh no. I think I'm feeling emotions. I can't concentrate. I have to break up with this person."
And the NF says, "So let me get this straight: You're breaking up with me because you...like (love) me too much? You're right *eye roll*, this makes perfect sense." And then the NF goes and cries.

And this!
Well, funny or not, that pretty much described my relationship with an INTx guy I fell for a long time ago.

And this!

Oh, me too. That's how I know. Mine was INTP. We're still good friends, though. He's just kind of clueless.
Well, funny or not, that pretty much described my relationship with an INTx guy I fell for a long time ago.

I'm NF babe.
Always worth a try? Want als t pimpen opt unief ni lukt :( Ik hou mijn opties hier open Nele.
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fall heads over heels for NT? :/ Don't see it happening. Unless NF is female - I get the impression they are more attracted towards thinking type.
I'm confused.
