How organized are you? | INFJ Forum

How organized are you?


Oct 17, 2016
Nagasaki, Japan
Hi guys!

One thing that I've always thought is curious, is that I'm a very organized methodical person. I do things in a very structured and linear way... when I approach a task I always think about the order it needs to be done in and execute it accordingly.

that being said...

My house is a mess... Nothing is organized. It frustrates me because I don't like to see the mess, it stresses me out, but I'm too wrapped up in my own head to do anything about it.

How about you? Are you organized?
I'm pretty orderly as well when it comes to tasks/projects. However, my indoor surroundings are a mess.

I wonder if this is type related. For example, with Se being our most inferior function, I wonder if this plays a role.

Cleaning Tip: If you want your desk to be cleaned quickly spill some coffee on it! It will hit ever post-it, envelope, receipt, etc
and in no time your desk will look much better. Just happened to me yesterday when I carried 2 cups at once. It really works :)
Hi guys!

One thing that I've always thought is curious, is that I'm a very organized methodical person. I do things in a very structured and linear way... when I approach a task I always think about the order it needs to be done in and execute it accordingly.

that being said...

My house is a mess... Nothing is organized. It frustrates me because I don't like to see the mess, it stresses me out, but I'm too wrapped up in my own head to do anything about it.

How about you? Are you organized?

Exact same, my home desk = huge mess. I keep certain objects in a "disorderly order", but many other, more important matters in my life are very carefully organized. Many things in my life are kept clean, except my living space, which has clothes all around, mostly. Then, after it all gets to be too much, I go on these insane cleaning / purging sprees.
I can't stand mess. I literally can't think straight if I've got too much clutter lying around. I like nice a aesthetic around because it makes me feel more comfortable. I tend to have chaos confined to a few places though. e.g. messy draws and out of date paperwork that needs chucking, that I stuff somewhere and let pile up....So I'm not completely organised. When I've shared space with people who were a lot more messy I found it difficult and it made me feel uncomfortable. I also go in for lists and can be very linear in that way and like to have a plan and know ahead what's next, even if I decide to change plan.
I'm naturally disorganized, and that is why I have rigid systems to stay organized. Planners, lists etc. When it comes to organization, I'm like a tone deaf person who has learned to bang out one tune on the piano. I am to the point where I get essential places on time with the necessary items in tow, but it never feels natural. Like I know where all my shit is and it's in order, but it just doesn't look all sleek and organized they way you would think a super organized person's shit would look. And what is written in my planner is so messy that only I can understand it.
From everyone else's perspective: 98% organized.

My perspective: 60% organized. Depends on what we are talking about.

Realistically I'm probably somewhere in between those two percentages.

Thought: Walk into someone's kitchen, notice the organization and then open up the cupboard with the Tupperware/storage containers. That should tell you a lot about a person.
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I tend to be very organized. One of the perks of OCD. I always know exactly where everything is.

Do you know what they are for? Do you know how to use them?
From everyone else's perspective: 98% organized.

My perspective: 60% organized. Depends on what we are talking about.

Realistically I'm probably somewhere in between those two percentages.

Thought: Walk into someone's kitchen, notice the organization and then open up the cupboard with the Tupperware/storage containers. That should tell you a lot about a person.
Totally. It's all subjective. I grew up in total chaos. Now, because I have a small stash of clean panties in an easily locatable (even sensible) place, and because all my current important documents are not lost and in a semi-normal location, I feel pretty damn organized. Compared with most self-professed organized people, and I probably look like a total slob.
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i list things needed to be done for a month.
i set goals on a 3 month basis.
i can't concentrate when i feel or see something that is not on its right place.

im not really organized.. just the usual and necessary organization i think.
I am extremely organized, I'd say this is one of the traits that define me the best. I'm also very busy, almost never home, so I don't really have time to mess it up. But I feel terrible if my surroundings are not clean and tidy. Yet, when I'm on holidays or have a couple of days free ahead of me and can spend some time at home, I can stay days without cleaning and live in a huge mess (but still it'd be an organized mess).
Well.. probably what I call mess is extremely tidy for most of you though, haha! Some people say my house looks like a furniture store....
But I am organized to the point that, each Mondays, I plan what I'm going to eat at each meal for the rest of the week and buy all the fresh ingredients I need that same day. I guess if I was not that busy, I wouldn't do that. But this method works for me as I'm always running after time... BTW, my 10min break's over, gotta run again :)
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I started on this yesterday and got interrupted!

All depends on my mood and what other factors are going on around me. If I'm working in a team then I'm highly organised. I always have a Plan, A, B and C and it goes something like this:

Plan A - Everything goes according to plan - wonderful - hurrah!! Mission accomplished!!
Plan B - A few unexpected hiccups crop up - OK, let's manage it and stay focused...and breathe!
Plan C - Everything goes to pot - hurrah - let's run with it!!

If I'm working on my own then I'm pretty chaotic and messy (but I know where everything is). My office is a crazy disorganised place - I go through phases of tidying up but generally the mess doesn't bother me.

One thing I have noticed in the last few years is that I used to have a habit of packing well in advance (literally throw things in a suitcase a week ahead and then organise later) but now I just pack the night before!! HORROR!!
Can we drive out far into the woods and abandon our OCD never to see it again, the way some mean people get rid of their pets?

Yes. If we run our hands over outlets, lock our doors five times, count to 20 while tapping the steering wheel and say CLOSED when the garage door shuts. Just don't take any alternative routes. ;)
daily 8 hour shower.


One thing I have noticed in the last few years is that I used to have a habit of packing well in advance (literally throw things in a suitcase a week ahead and then organise later) but now I just pack the night before!! HORROR!!

LOL this ^ If I do anything too far in advance I plan way too much. I leave things like this to the last minute now as a terrible coping mechanism lollolol