how important is your image to you | INFJ Forum

how important is your image to you

No. Not at all.
I do not work on my image in any way. I dont dress a specific way or act a way to get people to think of me in one light or another.

However if I feel someone is lying about me I will confront and expose them to others with the facts and let them decide.

Thankfully this does not happen often.... That I am aware of.
I don't care if I'm seen as funny but tbh, it's often not a choice that because of social or professional roles, I will be somewhat aware if I'm "liked" which means (for me at least) friendly or approachable. I'm not the life of the party but I get along with my coworkers and that's important. I don't put a huge effort into being liked, but I like to be appreciated for the good things I do. I do care what people think to some extent. It keeps communication going, and maintains connections to know people have some positive regard for you as a person. However, I don't expect or want to be liked or loved by everyone. And that's ok. Not sure if it would be a good thing if everyone liked me. It would mean that maybe I'm compromising too much of myself to please everyone. However, it's nice when people have positive impressions. However, it's not necessary imho to be liked by everyone. Just be the best person you can be and try not to hurt others while doing so if you can help it. That's it, pretty much. :)
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No, not really. I've heard that I generally am well-liked, especially where I work, but I don't go out of my way to make sure that I am. A lot of it has to do with your attitude. I used to have a very pessimistic, toxic attitude and really didn't give a crap what anyone thought of me. I still really don't care what anyone thinks of me to an extent, but I do want to be approachable and fair, especially since I am in a supervisory position both here on the forum and where I work. I will still call people out on their bullshit (in other words, accountability), but I know that negativity breeds negativity and that's not something that a successful leader does. Also, I accept that it's impossible for EVERYONE to like you, and that's ok. It is what it is. Once I decided to stop allowing bitterness and toxicity infiltrate my personality, it's made a huge difference in my approach-ability and my outlook on life. I'm a much happier person, and my depression and anxiety issues have improved greatly. It took a lot of work, and TBH, I am still working on it but that's how one grows.
No, but I used to have this issue years ago. I rather be authentic. Others can perceive me however they please, but my motto is that I exist for myself first. I have had a life of playing the role of the so-called antagonist. If I feel like I'm being controlled or disrespected, I will lash out, and the public setting doesn't matter much to me. I could throw a fit in the Smithsonian if I felt enough conviction, and I wouldn't care how many eyes were on me.

However, in my late teens and early 20s I was very image-conscious. I don't even think I had the same Enneagram or tritype. I felt like I was either a core 3 or a type with a three-wing.
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Throughout the times it's been less and less apparent (especially nowadays, given that I'm lacking the energy to keep up appearances), but the urge's still there; sometimes subtly pushing me to particular choices.
And the pain when someone explicitly states they do not like me is still.....there. Albeit not as hurtful as it was a few years back.

I feel it's more about I don't want to be hated rather than wanting to be liked, per se.
But it correlates with how much I want them to like me, I think.
And how much effort do I give to be liked because sometimes I just...don't give any particular effort.

The more I want them to like me, and the more effort I give, the more devastated will I be. The more I will care of my image.
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Also a casual reminder that caring about someone's image =/= being duplicitous

You can also care of being seen as genuine, or honest; or you'd want the True You™ to shine, as opposed to say, what others were saying about you.
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