How do you use water?


On Holiday

Image capture from Talalay's 1995 film "Tank Girl"

Onion: Amount Of Water Man Just Used To Wash Dish To Be Prize Of Hand-To-Hand Combat Match In 2065

"A bath is not necessarily a moral good, but it’s not something you need to feel guilt about either. Unless you live in California..." - Meaghan O'Connell

'"There were those among us in need of water," he said, "yet they would come here and not touch this water. Do you know that?"' - Frank Herbert, Dune

When I was 19 and I was working in a hospital operating suite, one of the nurses interrupted me while I was washing dishes in the break room. "When you're my age, water will be worth more than gold," she said.

When I was 23 and I went to stay with some relatives I took a bath without asking. The next day I noticed that a canvas painting of an arid landscape had been placed in the bathtub, and my relative told me a story about a letter he had written to the council demanding the enforcement of more serious community water usage regulations.

What kind of water usage habits do you have?
For the most part, I use as little as possible. We don't drink the tap water, so I buy a few 5 litre bottles a week and our water consumption is gauged through that.

I Don't feel like I waste too much, although it's so easy to take it for granted. I use the washing machine on average once a day -- a child with ADHD means things get dirty really quickly. I'd like to try and use it less, but it's not always an option. I Don't own a dishwasher, so all of my dishes need to be washed by hand. I might fill the sink up 3-6 times a day depending on how many dishes and pots were used and how dirty things are.
I don't shower for long 5-10 minutes tops and I don't leave the tap running when I brush my teeth. I Don't run my daughter baths techincally, but I do put the plug in the bath when the shower is running so I can turn it off at some point and she can play in the water and not keep the shower running forever. I do sometimes get distracted and leave it on for too long though...
For the most part, I use as little as possible. We don't drink the tap water, so I buy a few 5 litre bottles a week and our water consumption is gauged through that.

I Don't feel like I waste too much, although it's so easy to take it for granted. I use the washing machine on average once a day -- a child with ADHD means things get dirty really quickly. I'd like to try and use it less, but it's not always an option. I Don't own a dishwasher, so all of my dishes need to be washed by hand. I might fill the sink up 3-6 times a day depending on how many dishes and pots were used and how dirty things are.
I don't shower for long 5-10 minutes tops and I don't leave the tap running when I brush my teeth. I Don't run my daughter baths techincally, but I do put the plug in the bath when the shower is running so I can turn it off at some point and she can play in the water and not keep the shower running forever. I do sometimes get distracted and leave it on for too long though...

Sounds like great water habits in general, but why are you buying something in bottles that comes out of the tap for so ridiculously much cheaper, when the bottles are so shit for the environment?
Sounds like great water habits in general, but why are you buying something in bottles that comes out of the tap for so ridiculously much cheaper, when the bottles are so shit for the environment?

I'm going to sound super uneducated here, I apologise for this, running out the door to the doctor with Isobel shortly so I don't have tme to look up all the sources. There's are a lot of nasty things in our water at the moment. I cant spell them without looking first, so I won'ttry. Erin Brokovich has been speaking out agains the Irish water system recently -- google it and you'll see what I mean. Pregnant women aren't supposed to drink the tap water.

Limescale is a huge problem.

Forget about nationally -- in my local area, the water treatment plant is next to a sewage plant which in bad weather overflows and spills into the sea. We have semi regular swim warnings on our local beach after bad weather for e coli etc in the water. This could be one of the reasons our local tap water is so heavily chlorinated. I swim, and my tap water smells almost as strongly as the pool water I swim in.

I only recently switched to bottled water and have noticed health improvements. I'm consuming more water and that awful nausea I suffer from has disappeared, surprise surprise!

The water is so bad that my cats won't drink it. They prefer to go out and drink from puddles...
I'm going to sound super uneducated here, I apologise for this, running out the door to the doctor with Isobel shortly so I don't have tme to look up all the sources. There's are a lot of nasty things in our water at the moment. I cant spell them without looking first, so I won'ttry. Erin Brokovich has been speaking out agains the Irish water system recently -- google it and you'll see what I mean. Pregnant women aren't supposed to drink the tap water.

Limescale is a huge problem.

Forget about nationally -- in my local area, the water treatment plant is next to a sewage plant which in bad weather overflows and spills into the sea. We have semi regular swim warnings on our local beach after bad weather for e coli etc in the water. This could be one of the reasons our local tap water is so heavily chlorinated. I swim, and my tap water smells almost as strongly as the pool water I swim in.

I only recently switched to bottled water and have noticed health improvements. I'm consuming more water and that awful nausea I suffer from has disappeared, surprise surprise!

The water is so bad that my cats won't drink it. They prefer to go out and drink from puddles...

OK, fair enough!!!! Thanks for taking the time to explain it. Basically, the tap water where I am is high quality, which means that people who are buying bottled water are kind of being jerks. But if your government won't guarantee the quality of your tap water, I can understand why you would buy it in bottles.
For the most part, I use as little as possible. We don't drink the tap water, so I buy a few 5 litre bottles a week and our water consumption is gauged through that.

I Don't feel like I waste too much, although it's so easy to take it for granted. I use the washing machine on average once a day -- a child with ADHD means things get dirty really quickly. I'd like to try and use it less, but it's not always an option. I Don't own a dishwasher, so all of my dishes need to be washed by hand. I might fill the sink up 3-6 times a day depending on how many dishes and pots were used and how dirty things are.
I don't shower for long 5-10 minutes tops and I don't leave the tap running when I brush my teeth. I Don't run my daughter baths techincally, but I do put the plug in the bath when the shower is running so I can turn it off at some point and she can play in the water and not keep the shower running forever. I do sometimes get distracted and leave it on for too long though...

Ireland is mad at the moment. Those politicians wanted to install water meters everywhere to make people pay for the banking crisis. I understand why you are buying water in bottles.

Well, I drink tap water in my country and I moderate my use. I happen to drink too much beer sometimes.
Ireland is mad at the moment. Those politicians wanted to install water meters everywhere to make people pay for the banking crisis. I understand why you are buying water in bottles.

Well, I drink tap water in my country and I moderate my use. I happen to drink too much beer sometimes.'s insane. The water charges are hre, but half of the country isn't paying. I haven't registered and I get billsi n the post every few weeks. Water meter hasnt been installed at mt house yet. We are going to have a new government now, so hopefully they will get rid of the charges, but i dont know... if they don't i could end up oweing this fucking company like 400 euro. We already pay for our sub standard water through tax. I have to buy bottled water to drink -- why would I wantto pay this company for unsafe water?!
We get water usage reports and are always well below the supposed average user. I barely use any water honestly. I take short showers and don't run the faucet when I brush my teeth or do other stuff, I would flush less frequently if I lived alone tbh (tmi lol) but it's just common courtesy when living with somebody else. I only do laundry when I have enough for a full load unless there's some rare specific need for particular clothing. We only run the dishwasher when it's full.
I drink the tap water after filtering it. But I actually usually manage the environmental 30 second shower. Not because I am so conscientious, but because I really hate showering (it's boring) and I only wash my hair 1-2x a week, meaning my actual daily shower involves a maximal speed full body rinse down and then out. My husband is in there for hours though, so god knows.
EDIT: Oh and I do one load of laundry a day because our condo washer/dryer space saving dealio washes micro-sized loads. And at this point we seem to only own like 3 dishes and 2 forks, so there's no need to run the dishwasher.
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i shower two or three times a week - when my hair needs a wash. otherwise i 'sink' wash. in the summer i will rinse quickly in the shower after being in the garden. to be honest, i'm not trying to save water, i just hate being wet!
i don't drink bottled water. all that plastic blows me away. even though our tap water is highly chlorinated, you get used to it after a while. laundry is once a week usually.
I shower daily, I do laundry every few weeks (I do not wash jeans), I wash dishes. Every now and then I tip the remaining water out of my (stainless steel) drink bottle because I usually refill it before it gets empty. (I drink soft drinks that come in plastic bottles.) I do not take baths. When I see an article like the one I posted at the start of the thread, thoughtlessly promoting baths, I get enraged. When I hear my mother blasting water down the sink, I also get very angry. Use it... but don't waste it. It's not infinite.

I would really like to get the habit of turning the shower taps on and off while I'm soaping up and scrubbing, and using the water just for rinsing. But it's difficult, because showering is a great consolation. I do really try to take short showers and to refrain from luxuriating under the shower.
My home city has huge water reserves.

I shower every day, sometimes twice a day if I've been exercising. Admittedly my showers are sometimes excessive in length, to the point that I can't feel anything because my hands have absorbed so much water. The garden consumes lots. I wash my cars regularly. I wouldn't be surprised if I use four times as much water as any one person on the thread so far.

If there's a drought I cut back, but there isn't, so I don't.
My home city has huge water reserves.

I shower every day, sometimes twice a day if I've been exercising. Admittedly my showers are sometimes excessive in length, to the point that I can't feel anything because my hands have absorbed so much water. The garden consumes lots. I wash my cars regularly. I wouldn't be surprised if I use four times as much water as any one person on the thread so far.

If there's a drought I cut back, but there isn't, so I don't.

I shower every day too. I think it's gross not to.