How do you identity an INFJ?


9/8, sx
I have trouble with personality identification when it comes to introverts. The category of I/E is easy and the N/S can be sensed by talking to the person, but what about T/F or J/P? When it comes to introversion, both t and f types like to hide their feelings. The T due to plainly always hiding their feelings, the F due to their sensitivity of being hurt. Also, from what I've read, INFJ can also be disorganized and procrastinate like the INFP's as well due to the fact that their intuition takes over. Even when it comes to the fact that INFJ's tend to be writers - this also applies to INTJ and INFP.

You can say that you can learn to identity T/F by interacting with the person more and learning about their deep side, but from what I learned it usually takes a really long time for F types to open up and trust people. Furthermore, both types are likely to emphasize if I do talk about deeper problems. I am of course, basing these traits solely on stereotypes.

I understand that the ones who are more likely to be involved in social causes are INFJ's, but the same applies to INFP's as well.

I've also read that INFJ's tend to be seen by other people as extroverts. But what exactly does that mean? Are INFP's extroverted when they meet new people, as in they go out of their way to befriend them? Or are they extroverted only when approached by others?

I absolutely need to meet an INFJ! People that share my personality type are much easier to identify. We'll be the ones raising their hand in class several times (to the annoyance of everyone else) to answer and ask questions - however embarrassing they can be haha!

Anywayyy. Just trying to understand Y'all :D
We're like INTJs, but we get angrier.
Books and music. A lot of us like books and music as we're introverts. As to some of your questions.....
We seem extroverted sometimes when we're around people we like and are comfortable with. I wouldn't say we go out of the way to make friends with people but we enjoy having fun.
As for being able to distinguish the 'F' part of the INFJ, well, we have emotional opinions that we generally keep to ourselves most of the time. Have you seen the movie 'Amelie'? We're generally the ones in the backgrounds, quietly overhearing other people's conversations and frowning or smiling to ourselves because we care about random strangers.
I hate it when people are like "You can identify an introvert by their love of books and music!" That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
You can almost see a stream or a connection between their head and their heart. Everything they think about, they feel and everything they feel, they think about.
If you have the N/S and the I/E. Ask them:

1. Truth or happiness? Feelers usually pick happiness over truth.
2. What's your mission? INFJs usually have some sort of mission.

That mission is very different from a Fi mission which is more about justice. The Ni-Fe mission is an end to itself.
Look for that one weirdo who is semi-well dressed, yet who has a hint of awkwardness in manner. They'll probably occasionally say things that make you think, "Man, I never thought of it like that!" While they are usually somewhat talkative and social, at least with select people, you still get the impression that they aren't the #1 most popular/social person in the room. In my experience, the INFJ is usually that innocuous person who seems relatively normal or socially acceptable on the surface, yet your gut tells you that SOMETHING is off. There is something different about them. They are the one listening particularly attentively when someone talks; they have a certain quietness or stillness at times when nobody else does. You get the feeling that somehow, this one knows what the hell is going on. You might get the undying urge to ask them questions, yet are unsure of which questions to ask (the thing is, they KNOW stuff that even they cannot explain). You can physically sense that there is some kind of expanse of a depth or emotional heavyness in the air around them. Like some void that society cannot penetrate or fill. That is Ni.

Lol PS it doesn't make sense to ask INFJs how they could identify themselves.
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Ok for a basic INFJ/INTJ difference. INFJs look like emos who are kind of nerdy, while INTJs look like nerds who are emos. I don't quite mean emo in the conventional sense, but you know what I mean. INTJs are less likely to discuss emotional subjects on a serious level, while INFJs enjoy doing that, and INFPs can't help doing that.

INFJ/INFP difference:

The one thing that has always stood out to me about INFPs is their EYES. Their eyes are like inescapable magnets for everyone else's eyes; their eyes demand attention no matter what. Eyes full of this strong, heavy passion and expression of emotional depth, even at times when they otherwise have a lighthearted expression on their faces. They also move their bodies as if they're ever so slightly unsure or doubtful of how to orientate themselves in the world. Or they're light on their feet, like they want to float through it. As if they're from somewhere else. If you see someone who is like this and also some kind of activist for some emotionally-charged human matter, they are probably an INFP. If people either think they're annoying for not F-ing off* about their own emotions, or want to give them endless cuddles, they're probably an INFP.

This is a typical INFP:


INFJs tend to "smize", or smile with their eyes. INFPs do not do this...on the contrary, INFPs often smile with their mouth while their eyes have completely no movement.

INTJs only smile at really clever or entertaining things. I'd say INTJs are more prone to laughing than they are to smiling for the same reasons that normal people smile. INTJs are kinda like Vulcans.

*HAHA pun not intended.. I just realized
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They will tell you how special they are.
INFJ/INFP difference:

The one thing that has always stood out to me about INFPs is their EYES. Their eyes are like inescapable magnets for everyone else's eyes; their eyes demand attention no matter what. Eyes full of this strong, heavy passion and expression of emotional depth, even at times when they otherwise have a lighthearted expression on their faces. They also move their bodies as if they're ever so slightly unsure or doubtful of how to orientate themselves in the world. Or they're light on their feet, like they want to float through it. As if they're from somewhere else.

I'd agree INFP eyes are different from INFJ eyes, but I think there's some overlap sometimes; the differences might be subtle. I think INFJ eyes can be expressive and emotional, too. I get the impression, though, that INFJs are almost as capable of the famous INTJ death-glare as are INTJs. It's fairly easy for an INFJ to become emotionally detached (the Ni-Ti loops) whereas it'd be nearly impossible for an INFP.

As to the body-language: Rooney Mara, who is supposed to be INFJ, gets pretty awkward in front of cameras and audiences.


Some people attribute it to the Fe need to satisfy the audience (and perhaps also to inferior Se) or to do what's appropriate to the audience's preferences. The same people would contend an INFP would be less likely to do this -- at least for the reasons I've provided.
^ That video is a great example of INFJ awkwardness.

I know what you mean about the overlap. INFJs have an expansive emotional energy, like it's bubbling out of them. INFPs have a very contained emotional energy like a deep well that only they themselves can draw from.
^ That video is a great example of INFJ awkwardness.

I watched it again, and paid attention to the talk about the dress. It just highlights how out of place she is in the Hollywood scene, how she doesn't care for appearances like most of the other actresses do. I relate to that perfectly, and to her awkwardness. I'll bet she doesn't hang out with other movie stars too much.

Look for that one weirdo who is semi-well dressed, yet who has a hint of awkwardness in manner...In my experience, the INFJ is usually that innocuous person who seems relatively normal or socially acceptable on the surface, yet your gut tells you that SOMETHING is off. There is something different about them...You get the feeling that somehow, this one knows what the hell is going on...You can physically sense that there is some kind of expanse of a depth or emotional heavyness in the air around them. Like some void that society cannot penetrate or fill. That is Ni.

"I hate it when people are like "You can identify an introvert by their love of books and music!" That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. "

*sigh* Well, I'm sorry for having pissed you off. Maybe I should elaborate. Introverts get drained from being around people all the time. We need time to recharge. Recharging activities may include, but are not limited to, books and music. I didn't mean to imply that everyone who likes books and music are introverts or that introverts only like books and music. I meant that since we need to recharge all the time, a lot of us spend a lot of time reading or listening to music. Hence places like book stores are likely to have high proportions of introverts. That's all.
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@subwayrider The result of years and years of naturalistic observation :wink:

One more thing to note is that with INFPs, you need to listen to what they say with your heart. Their feelings only exist in fairytale land.

With INFJs and INTJs, you need to listen to what they say using your gut. Their insights only exist in fairytale land.

When I say fairytale land, I don't mean "not real". I mean that they can't be detected in the real world.

If you listen to an INFP, or an INTJ (as strange as it may seem, unless you feel like arguing with them), using your head, you'll probably feel like shooting yourself afterwards. However, if it's over text-only, use your head more when you talk to them. The only time an INFJ will make you want to shoot yourself is when they go on like a crazed homeless person about their insights which they only discerned using their gut or "third eye", but they'll only do this when they feel comfortable enough, like when they're in places such as this forum.

I would also avoid listening to INTJs half the time because that's their trolling to non-trolling ratio. Half the time listening to them is a very educational experience because they will spout off all these random facts. The other half of the time they are like gleeful nerdtrolls in the candy store of life.
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"I hate it when people are like "You can identify an introvert by their love of books and music!" That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. "

*sigh* Well, I'm sorry for having pissed you off. Maybe I should elaborate. Introverts get drained from being around people all the time. We need time to recharge. Recharging activities may include, but are not limited to, books and music. I didn't mean to imply that everyone who likes books and music are introverts or that introverts only like books and music. I meant that since we need to recharge all the time, a lot of us spend a lot of time reading or listening to music. Hence places like book stores are likely to have high proportions of introverts. That's all.

It's not so much the implication that only introverts like books and music; it's more that a love of books and music is not a good indicator of an introvert, since many extraverts enjoy music and books as well.
Also, [MENTION=7889]safireau[/MENTION], don't take offense. [MENTION=5297]Neverwhere[/MENTION] is just crabby. :D
Easy, they have a third nipple.