how do you feel about people who sew their hearts onto their sleeves?

Phoenix Down

Permanent Fixture
Is the patch stylish or tacky?

also wearing your intentions on your sleeve... is that any different?
In my opinion, it's tacky. But then again, that could be because I personally find it somewhat difficult to relate to. In some ways, it is kind of nice, I guess, because you always know what they're feeling and (usually) why.

As for intentions...that's a little bit better. Intentions are usually harder to pin-point, but they're generally good to know.
Hmm sometimes I wear it around the few people I'm close to, so I'd say tacky. I see others who I would say are pretty emotional and consider them the types that wear their hearts on their sleeves. Its like a cry for attention and its exhausting watching that roller coaster. So I try not to be a drama queen.

Sometimes people don't realize they wear their intentions on their sleeves, and its sickening when they are out for themselves.
Is the patch stylish or tacky?

also wearing your intentions on your sleeve... is that any different?

Is wearing your intentions on your sleeve any different? Of course it is! Wearing your heart (emotions) on you sleeve as opposed to your intentions (actions) are two totally different things. If you have a different meaning, you need to make it clearer. Otherwise the answer is an obvious "NO"!

As to your first question, you are going to get a lot of different answers but mine is an unequivocal--sometimes. There is nothing wrong with being an emotional and feeling type of person. But if you can't control those emotions, if you let them rule you, then yes that is a problem. The best type of person in my opinion is someone who can be empathic, caring, kind, yet still be in control of their emotions. Yes, that is the pie-in-the-sky ideal, but a perfect blend of F and T is very attractive to most of us. A feeler who can think and control those feelings is very attractive in most instances.

Given a choice though, I'll take the feeler who wears her emotions on her sleeves every time!
Personally, I just say to each their own. I wouldn't exactly call it tacky, but sometimes it does get annoying when a person will tell you their opinion about every single little thing that they observe, and there is a fine line between being genuinely honest and open with your emotions and being obnoxious with expressing everything you feel. In some cases, you definitely shouldn't wear your heart on your sleeve, just for the sake of common courtesy. For instance, if you are at a celebration and there is that one person who can't seem to be happy about anything, so he proceeds to criticize every detail of the party. Nobody likes a party pooper and that kind iof behaviour is just downright irritating. If you aren't in the mood to celebrate, then why are you at the party?
Personally, I just say to each their own. I wouldn't exactly call it tacky, but sometimes it does get annoying when a person will tell you their opinion about every single little thing that they observe, and there is a fine line between being genuinely honest and open with your emotions and being obnoxious with expressing everything you feel. In some cases, you definitely shouldn't wear your heart on your sleeve, just for the sake of common courtesy. For instance, if you are at a celebration and there is that one person who can't seem to be happy about anything, so he proceeds to criticize every detail of the party. Nobody likes a party pooper and that kind iof behaviour is just downright irritating. If you aren't in the mood to celebrate, then why are you at the party?

Personally, I just say to each their own. I wouldn't exactly call it tacky, but sometimes it does get annoying when a person will tell you their opinion about every single little thing that they observe, and there is a fine line between being genuinely honest and open with your emotions and being obnoxious with expressing everything you feel. In some cases, you definitely shouldn't wear your heart on your sleeve, just for the sake of common courtesy. For instance, if you are at a celebration and there is that one person who can't seem to be happy about anything, so he proceeds to criticize every detail of the party. Nobody likes a party pooper and that kind iof behaviour is just downright irritating. If you aren't in the mood to celebrate, then why are you at the party?

true... nobody likes a debbie downer:m058:
Personally, I just say to each their own. I wouldn't exactly call it tacky, but sometimes it does get annoying when a person will tell you their opinion about every single little thing that they observe, and there is a fine line between being genuinely honest and open with your emotions and being obnoxious with expressing everything you feel. In some cases, you definitely shouldn't wear your heart on your sleeve, just for the sake of common courtesy. For instance, if you are at a celebration and there is that one person who can't seem to be happy about anything, so he proceeds to criticize every detail of the party. Nobody likes a party pooper and that kind iof behaviour is just downright irritating. If you aren't in the mood to celebrate, then why are you at the party?
I agreed.... when one don't like something, one doesn't have to express it all the time. I think I'm somewhat this, but it baffles me that I and some people seems to assume (and work on based on) that wearing one's heart on the sleeve equals being obnoxious and whiny?

I think that's kinda wrong. (NOTE, SELF)D: It looks like they're patching their heart-shaped insecurities and hatred instead.
Tacky. Like a sweater vest worn in the middle of July.
Yeah they suck... he says as he reads his poetry from 6 years ago...