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How can we take it back?

So I was in conversation on facebook with the military man who was recently granted medical treatment assistance after he was exposed to radiation during an ET event that happened in the 1980's in a forest in Germany. This is the one who finally got the government to open those classified records because he incurred health issues and he needed them recognized so he could get help. I guess like all those poor soldiers who were exposed to agent orange and the government finally had to come forward and help them with their medical needs.

This soldier is particularly amazing in that he's been fighting for his rights ever since the 80's and hadn't given up. Ironically - it is leading to disclosure of ET presence being here on Earth and the government knows it...and has been withholding the news from the American people. They keep saying "we can't handle it". Bah!

Anyway - I think it was last year a Senator on a committee admitted the incident took place and the soldier was somehow exposed to radiation. The Senator didn't know what happened and wasn't going to speculate...but admitted something happened etc etc. So you see...there is evidence of ET's out there....if you look. The Disclosure people are in the process of a huge campaign right now demanding our US government come forth and just tell the people what they know.

We were talking about Greece...and he said the IMF wanted Greece to put up their Ancient Sites as asset collateral for their loan. Can you imagine one of those top top bank bastards owning the Parthenon or Delphi's Tomb? Those are powerful energy sites and remnants of ancient ancestral civilizations. [shakes head no]

Here's hoping the Greek people choose to tell the IMF to go to hell. I lend them what courage I have within me. Then when it's the US's turn...hopefully the people of Greece will lend us some of theirs.

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This is pathetic.

Missouri Republicans Just Voted to Lower Flags To ‘Mourn’ Gay Marriage For A Year

Where are all the crybabies shouting about separation of church and state?
You know, the same folks that protested Mosques being built in their counties.

EDIT: Apparently, they have now changed their minds hahahaha.
Sorry that your bigotry is no longer tolerated.​

This is entirely badass​
So I was in conversation on facebook with the military man who was recently granted medical treatment assistance after he was exposed to radiation during an ET event that happened in the 1980's in a forest in Germany. This is the one who finally got the government to open those classified records because he incurred health issues and he needed them recognized so he could get help. I guess like all those poor soldiers who were exposed to agent orange and the government finally had to come forward and help them with their medical needs.

This soldier is particularly amazing in that he's been fighting for his rights ever since the 80's and hadn't given up. Ironically - it is leading to disclosure of ET presence being here on Earth and the government knows it...and has been withholding the news from the American people. They keep saying "we can't handle it". Bah!

Anyway - I think it was last year a Senator on a committee admitted the incident took place and the soldier was somehow exposed to radiation. The Senator didn't know what happened and wasn't going to speculate...but admitted something happened etc etc. So you see...there is evidence of ET's out there....if you look. The Disclosure people are in the process of a huge campaign right now demanding our US government come forth and just tell the people what they know.

We were talking about Greece...and he said the IMF wanted Greece to put up their Ancient Sites as asset collateral for their loan. Can you imagine one of those top top bank bastards owning the Parthenon or Delphi's Tomb? Those are powerful energy sites and remnants of ancient ancestral civilizations. [shakes head no]

Here's hoping the Greek people choose to tell the IMF to go to hell. I lend them what courage I have within me. Then when it's the US's turn...hopefully the people of Greece will lend us some of theirs.


The ET's are actually here and helping as much as they can within the free will design of the game. To keep chaos from imploding the civilization on the planet they are monitoring events and neutralizing any attempts at WWIII.
They can't come in and co-opt everyone's minds and declare one world order. That would defeat the purpose of all of us being here as we work out our last karmic issues.

If Greece makes the right decision - it will shift the timelines so as to effect outcomes more quickly than probabilities show currently.
Sound familiar?
To show how truly corrupt the worldwide banking system is you can read Robert Reich. He's been around for a long long time. See what he says today:

The Greek bailouts so far have really only bailed out Greece’s creditors.
None of the money stays in Greece to help it rebuild its economy and alleviate the suffering of the Greek people.
But European Central Bank President Mario Draghi has the power to pump money into Greece by creating more euros and buying up Greek government debt.

Will Draghi use monetary policy to save Greece?

An interesting historic fact: I mentioned a few days ago that in the early 2000s Goldman Sachs helped Greece hide its mounting debt off-the-books, and in the process doubled that debt.
Who was then Goldman’s Vice Chairman and the Managing Director of its International Division?
Mario Draghi..........Robert Reich

Signs the global elite are losing ground....

1. 57 Nations approved as founding members of the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Notable countries who signed on June 29th, 2015 include Russia, India, Iran, Switzerland, Germany, France, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Indonesia, the UK, Italy and Austria. Notables who did not join are the U.S. and Japan.

2. May 12th, 2015: Russia asks Greece to join the BRICS Alliance. Notice the BRICS trend in the stories to follow.

3. May 24th, 2015: The Pentagon released documents to Judicial Watch, a government watchdog law firm,
proving that the US Government played a central role in creating ISIL. Interestingly, the mainstream media failed to cover this story. A few weeks later, ex US Intelligence officials confirm the report.

4. May 31st, 2015: Greece’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras writes an open letter, warns European leaders they are “making a grave mistake,” and suggests they re-read Hemingways’s “For Whom The Bell Tolls.”

5. June 2nd, 2015: The U.S. Federal Government was hacked as the personal data of 4 million current, former and prospective employees believed to have been breached. 3 weeks later FBI Director James Comey told US Senators the actual number could be 18 million. Some believe the hack was coordinated to gather further evidence
of crimes by certain government officials. More on that further down.

....and more....

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Bah, this is all so depressing and I haven't even read all of it.

Money is a pretty poor indicator of many of the things we assume it indicates... someone is hard working, provides for society, does work that is appreciated by all... there seems to be a lingering association with a good person and money... which doesn't really work when you pay attention.

If I'm a good business person and can rip off people and make money doing underhanded things... then give money back to the same needy people that I ripped off I'd be viewed as a saint.

I'd actually be okay with this mess if certain things could be guaranteed like health care, affordable food, housing and basic utilities. I'd let the elites have their multiple billions, if everyone else can be guaranteed a Basic Income. That won't solve environmental issues or anything... but it could be a good idea if jobs start to become even more scarce.

Another problem with money systems is inherently mathematical... use of money and need for things is basically a linear thing... you need a certain amount based on your standard of living and most people earn money and use money in a relatively linear fashion. But investments and the big growth in pay is happening exponentially... which eclipses linear growth over time. So a progressive tax is perfectly reasonable to keep the exponential growth of money more in line with what people actually use to live. Especially with the money being power... as the has been well argued for in this thread. Exponential power growth will be better than linear power growth over time...
Bah, this is all so depressing and I haven't even read all of it.

Money is a pretty poor indicator of many of the things we assume it indicates... someone is hard working, provides for society, does work that is appreciated by all... there seems to be a lingering association with a good person and money... which doesn't really work when you pay attention.

If I'm a good business person and can rip off people and make money doing underhanded things... then give money back to the same needy people that I ripped off I'd be viewed as a saint.

I'd actually be okay with this mess if certain things could be guaranteed like health care, affordable food, housing and basic utilities. I'd let the elites have their multiple billions, if everyone else can be guaranteed a Basic Income. That won't solve environmental issues or anything... but it could be a good idea if jobs start to become even more scarce.

Another problem with money systems is inherently mathematical... use of money and need for things is basically a linear thing... you need a certain amount based on your standard of living and most people earn money and use money in a relatively linear fashion. But investments and the big growth in pay is happening exponentially... which eclipses linear growth over time. So a progressive tax is perfectly reasonable to keep the exponential growth of money more in line with what people actually use to live. Especially with the money being power... as the has been well argued for in this thread. Exponential power growth will be better than linear power growth over time...
Sorry to depress you!
I know right...

But it’s going to have to be our fight…by “our” I mean those from about 45 on down to kids in preschool.
It’s amazing what people will stand for when some talking head tells them it’s the “Liberaterian” thing to do….or the Tea Party was a spontaneous organization that was in no way connected to the Koch brothers…hehe.
Groups like this have systematically funneled money in just about every way conceivable from the average working Joe and into their pockets.
People once fought and died in riots for the right to form Unions, to have a 40 hour living wage job, affordable health care, hell even SS was solvent and still would be in fucking Reagan hadn’t tapped it. That was never the government’s money to tap.
Now we have nit-wits in Congress who actually still push the idea of privatizing SS even after the money-grab/bank bailout.
It’s amazing…I mean, one could just about go on forever.
IMO though, I really think that people are starting to wake up…they realize they are getting fucked over and it’s only a matter of time before the shit hits the fan and the pitchforks and torches are grabbed.
35 Mind-Blowing Facts About Inequality

Bernie Sanders realizes that runaway inequality is a critical issue.
How come the other candidates don't?


While Hillary Clinton occasionally gives some lip service to the problem of extreme inequality, Bernie Sanders is the only candidate really hammering away at it.
He has even blasted the orthodoxy of economic growth for its own sake, saying according to Monday’s Washington Post that unless economic spoils can be redistributed to make more Americans’ lives better, all the growth will go to the top 1% anyway, so who needs it?

Sanders might know his history, but the rest of the candidates could use a little primer.
The United States was not always the most powerful nation on Earth.

It was only with the end of World War II, with the rest of the developed world in smoldering ruins, that America emerged as the free world’s leader.
This coincided with the expansion of the U.S. middle class.

With the other war combatants trying to recover from the destruction of the war, America became the supermarket, hardware store and auto dealership to the world.
Markets for American products abounded and opportunity was everywhere for American workers of all economic means to get ahead.

America had a virtual monopoly on rebuilding the world.
Combined with the G.I. Bill of 1944, which provided money for returning veterans to go to college, and government loans to buy houses and start businesses, the middle class in America boomed, as did American power, wealth and prestige.

Between 1946 and 1973, productivity in America grew by 104 percent.
Unions led the way in assuring wages for workers grew by an equal amount.

The 1970s, however, brought a screeching halt to the expansion of the American middle class.
The Arab oil embargo in 1973 marked the end of cheap oil and the beginning of the middle-class decline.

The Iranian Revolution in 1979, with more resultant oil instability, combined with the rise of Ronald Reagan’s conservative revolution at home, accelerated the long and painful contraction of the middle class.

Cuts in corporate taxes, stagnant worker wage growth, the right-wing war on unions, and corporate outsourcing of work overseas greased the wheels of the middle-class decline and the upper-class elevation.

Cuts in taxes on the wealthy, under the guise of trickle-down economics, have resulted in lower government revenue and cuts to all kinds of services.
All of which has led to today, an era of national and international inequality unparalleled since the days of the Roaring '20s.

Here are 35 astounding facts about inequality that will fry your brain.

1. In 81 percent of American counties, the median income, about $52,000, is less than it was 15 years ago.
This is despite the fact that the economy has grown 83 percent in the past quarter-century and corporate profits have doubled.
American workers produce twice the amount of goods and services as 25 years ago, but get less of the pie.

2. The amount of money that was given out in bonuses on Wall Street last year is twice the amount all minimum-wage workers earned in the country combined.

3. The wealthiest 85 people on the planet have more money that the poorest 3.5 billion people combined.

4. The average wealth of an American adult is in the range of $250,000-$300,000.
But that average number includes incomprehensibly wealthy people like Bill Gates.
Imagine 10 people in a bar.
When Bill Gates walks in, the average wealth in the bar increases unbelievably, but that number doesn’t make the other 10 people in the bar richer.
The median per adult number is only about $39,000, placing the U.S. about 27th among the world’s nations, behind Australia, most of Europe and even small countries like New Zealand, Ireland and Kuwait.

5. Italians, Belgians and Japanese citizens are wealthier than Americans.

6. The poorest half of the Earth’s population owns 1% of the Earth’s wealth.
The richest 1% of the Earth’s population owns 46% of the Earth’s wealth.

7. More locally, the poorest half of the US owns 2.5% of the country’s wealth.
The top 1% owns 35% of it.

8. Inequality is a worldwide problem.
In the UK, doctors no longer occupy a place in the top 1% of income earners, London plays host to the largest congregation of Russian millionaires outside of Moscow, and also houses more ultra-rich people (defined as owning more than $30 million in assets outside of their home) than anywhere else on Earth.

9. The slice of the national income pie going to the wealthiest 1% of Americans has doubled since 1979.

10. The 1% also takes home 20% of the income.
This figure is the most since the 1920s era of laissez faire government (under Republicans Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover).

11. The super rich .01% of America, such as Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan, take home a whopping 6% of the national income, earning around $23 million a year.
Compare that to the average $30,000 a year earned by the bottom 90 percent of America.

12. The top 1% of America owns 50% of investment assets (stocks, bonds, mutual funds).
The poorest half of America owns just .5% of the investments.

13. The poorest Americans do come out ahead in one statistic: the bottom 90% of America owns 73% of the debt.

14. Tax rates for the middle class have remained essentially unchanged since 1960.
Tax rates on the highest earning Americans have plunged from an almost 70% tax rate in 1945 down to around 35% today.
Corporate tax rates have dropped from 30 percent in the 1950s to under 10 percent today.

15. Since 1990, CEO compensation has increased by 300%.
Corporate profits have doubled.
The average worker's salary has increased 4%.
Adjusted for inflation, the minimum wage has actually decreased.

16. CEOs in 1965 earned about 24 times the amount of the average worker.
In 1980 they earned 42 times as much.
Today, CEOs earn 325 times the average worker.

17. Wages, as a percent of the overall economy, have dropped to an historic low.

18. In a study of 34 developed countries, the United States had the second highest level of income inequality, after Chile.

19. Young people in the U.S. are getting poorer.
The median wealth of people under 35 has dropped 68% since 1984.
The median wealth of older Americans has increased 42%.

20. The average white American’s median wealth is 20 times higher($113,000) than the average African American ($5,600) and 18 times the Hispanic American ($6,300).
(That fucking irritates me - S)

21. America’s highest income inequality is located in the states surrounding Wall Street (New York City) and the oil-rich states.

22. Since 1979, high school dropouts have seen median weekly income drop by 22 percent.
Ethnically, the highest dropout rates are among Hispanic and African American children.

23. In 1970, a woman earned about 60% of the amount a man earned.
In 2005 a woman earned about 80% of what a man earned.
Since 2005, there has been no change in that figure.
African-American women earn just 64% of what a white male earns, and Hispanic women just 56%.

24. Over 20 percent of all American children live below the poverty line.
This rate is higher than almost all other developed countries.

25. Union membership in the US is at an all-time low, about 11% of the workforce.
In 1978, 40 percent of blue-collar workers were unionized.
With that declining influence has come a concurrent decline in the real value of the minimum wage.

26. Four hundred Americans have more wealth, $2 trillion, than half of all Americans combined.
That is approximately the GDP of Russia.

27. In 1946, a child born into poverty had about a 50 percent chance of scaling the income ladder into the middle class.
In 1980, the chances were 40 percent.
A child born today has about a 33 percent chance.

28. Despite massive tax cuts, corporations have not created new jobs in America.
The job creators have been small new businesses that have not enjoyed the same huge tax breaks.

29. More than half of the members of the United States Congress, where laws are passed deciding how millionaires are taxed, are millionaires.

30. Twenty five of the largest corporations in America in 2010 paid their CEOs more money than they paid in taxes that year.

31. In the first decade of the 21st century, the U.S. borrowed $1 trillion in order to give tax cuts to households earning over $250,000.

32. In 1970, there were five registered lobbyists working on behalf of wealthy corporations for every one of the 535 members of Congress.
Today there are 22 lobbyists per congressperson.

33. In 1962, the 1% household median wealth was 125 times the average median wealth.
In 2010 the divide was 288 times.

34. During the Great Recession, the average wealth of the 1% dropped about 16 percent.
Meanwhile the wealth of the 99% dropped 47 percent.

35. Between 1979 and 2007, the wages of the top 1% rose 10 times more than the bottom 90 percent.

Larry Schwartz
is a Brooklyn-based freelance writer with a focus on health, science and American history.

Entrepreneurs don’t have a special gene for risk–they come from families with money


We’re in an era of the cult of the entrepreneur.
We analyze the Tory Burches and Evan Spiegels of the world looking for a magic formula or set of personality traits that lead to success.

Entrepreneurship is on the rise
, and more students coming out of business schools are choosing startup life over Wall Street.

But what often gets lost in these conversations is that the most common shared trait among entrepreneurs is access to financial capital–family money, an inheritance, or a pedigree and connections that allow for access to financial stability.

While it seems that entrepreneurs tend to have an admirable penchant for risk, it’s usually that access to money which allows them to take risks.

And this is a key advantage: When basic needs are met, it’s easier to be creative; when you know you have a safety net, you are more willing to take risks.

“Many other researchers have replicated the finding that entrepreneurship is more about cash than dash,” University of Warwick professor Andrew Oswald tells Quartz.
“Genes probably matter, as in most things in life, but not much.”

University of California, Berkeley economists Ross Levine and Rona Rubenstein analyzed the shared traits of entrepreneurs in a 2013 paper, and found that most were white, male, and highly educated.

“If one does not have money in the form of a family with money, the chances of becoming an entrepreneur drop quite a bit,” Levine tells Quartz.

New research out this week from the National Bureau of Economic Research (paywall) looked at risk-taking in the stock market and found that environmental factors (not genetic) most influenced behavior, pointing to the fact that risk tolerance is conditioned over time (dispelling the myth of an elusive “entrepreneurship gene“).

Resilience is undoubtably a necessary trait for success; many notable entrepreneurs experienced success only after leading failed ventures.
But the barrier to entry is very high.

For creative professions, starting a new venture is the ultimate privilege.
Many startup founders do not take a salary for some time.

The average cost to launch a startup is around $30,000, according to the Kauffman Foundation.
Data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor show that more than 80% of funding for new businesses comes from personal savings and friends and family.

“Following your dreams is dangerous,” a 31-year-old woman who runs in social entrepreneurship circles in New York, and asked not to be named, told Quartz.
“This whole bulk of the population is being seduced into thinking that they can just go out and pursue their dream anytime, but it’s not true.”

So while yes, there’s certainly a lot of hard work that goes into building something, there’s also a lot of privilege involved–a factor that is often underestimated.

What a colossal waste of tax money.

Arizona’s Welfare Drug Testing Screened 140,000- And Found 3 Positive Cases

An essential part of the Republican Party’s war against America’s poor has been to drug-test welfare recipients, as part of their relentless campaign to paint the poor as lazy, as moochers, as drug-addicts with no incentive to seek real employment.

It’s very far from the truth; the American poor are victims of Wall Street-engineered income inequality and the plots of wealthy oligarchs to keep the poor repressed and maintain a permanent underclass of exploitable labor.

New data shows just how wasteful and insulting the welfare drug testing program is.
USA Today reports that the state of Arizona screened 142,000 welfare recipients- and found only THREE failed tests over a five year program.

This saved the state around $3500 from going into the hands of “drug addicts” – out of $45 million distributed through the Temporary Assistance For Needy Families program.

Collectively, seven states have spent a $1 million on drug testing their welfare recipients- and together have netted under 500 positive cases.
Virginia just abandoned plans to test their citizens after realizing it would cost $1.5 million and save only $229,000.

It’s a disgraceful waste of taxpayer dollars in an insulting and presumptuous program that the date shows only serves to give credibility to the anti-poor narrative that FOX News pundits love to talk up so much.
This is a really cool interactive site that lets you see which politicians in your neighborhood have been taking money from dirty energy contributors.
Doctors Protest Big Pharma's Out-of Control-Greed Which Is Bankrupting Ill Patients

The Mayo Clinic leads a protest against drug company greed.

Americans diagnosed with cancer are at risk of losing their life savings because cancer drug costs are escalating almost as fast as the worst forms of the disease, according to a Mayo Clinic medical journal article decrying these costs signed by scores of nationally known oncologists.

Full Article here -


They are correct....she was murdered.

EDIT: I am soooo damn excited they are going for the juglar - aka - Texas! Holee fukin shyte!
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30 Reasons Why Saying 'Don’t Want to Get Hurt by Cops?
Don’t Break the Law' Is Totally Wrong

This common meme is ridiculous for all kinds of reasons.


"Don’t want to get hurt by police? Don’t break the law."

It's common phrase among those who unquestioningly support law enforcement regardless of documented incidents of corruption and misconduct.
The badge and uniform are infallible in the eyes of those who are too afraid to question authority.

Police kill, we are told, because they have to make it home to their families at night.
Police only harm those guilty of a crime, and if you don’t want to get shot by police, don’t break the law, they say.

In an attempt to break through to the apologist crowd, we have gathered 30 stories from our archives of examples in which police have hurt innocent people, who have not broken the law.

Tragically, some of those hurt or killed were children; others were disabled and mentally ill.

Jonathan Sanders had broken no law before he was chased down by a Mississippi cop who threw him to the ground and strangled him to death in front of family members.

Esmeralda Rossi
was getting into the shower when two Arizona cops illegally entered her home, pulled her towel off, assaulted and arrested her as she screamed in horror.
Rossi had broken no law.

Eric Wilson
was on his way home from his job at Lighthouse for the Blind when he was stopped by two Little Rock Police officers alleging he fit the description of a suspect.
The fact that Wilson is legally blind did not stop the officers from assaulting a man who could not even see them.

Dillon Taylor
had just walked out of a convenience store after purchasing a drink when police mistook him for a suspect. Taylor, who had in headphones at the time, did not hear the officer’s commands clearly.
Officer Bron Cruz shot in broad daylight, despite Dillon Taylor not having committed a crime.

Daniel Chong
was kidnapped by police and held in a dark cell for five days without food or water.
He had broken no law and the officers who nearly killed him said that he had been at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Floyd Dent,
a retired grandfather, was pulled over by cops who alleged he was a drug dealer.
He was pulled from his vehicle and severely beaten on the side of the road by multiple cops.
Video evidence later showed him to be innocent, and implicated an officer for planting drugs on his vehicle.

Antonio Martinez
was 22 years old when he was brutally attacked, pepper sprayed and arrested by officer Jeffrey Guy. Martinez, who has Down syndrome and the mental capacity of a 7-year-old, had committed no crime.
After realizing their idiocy, the Sheriff offered his family a frozen turkey as compensation.

Sureshbhai Patel
, 57, was left paralyzed after officer Eric Parker brutalized him.
He had committed no crime.
Days after the attack, apologists set up a fundraiser for Parker.

Parker Mansell Jr.
is in a wheelchair due to health complications.
When police came to his house to serve a warrant to his son, they deployed a taser into the stomach of this immobile senior citizen.

Dustin Theoharis
was asleep in his bed when two cops busted into his bedroom and began to unload their pistols on the unarmed man.
It is estimated that the two officers fired over 20 rounds, of which 16 landed in Theoharis.
Theoharis was not the man police were looking for and had committed no crime.

Sharod Kindell was on his way home when he pulled over to answer a cell phone call.
He was not committing any crime.
When police saw this “suspicious activity,” they pulled Kindell out of his vehicle before he could put it in gear.
Instead of telling Kindell to put the vehicle back to park, an officer opened fire.
Kindell received inadequate treatment for his gunshots and was held in torturous conditions for weeks.

Roger Carlos
was photographing a building of what was soon to be home to his wife’s medical practice when he was ransacked by an undercover drug task force officer and two SAPD SWAT members.
He was beaten to the point of hospitalization after cops mistook him for another suspect, who happened to already be in police custody.

Chad Chadwick was innocent when he was shot, tasered, brutally beaten, and had stun grenades thrown at him by SWAT officers.
Those same officers tried to cover up their mistake by charging him with six criminal offenses including felony assault on a police officer.

David Hooks
was killed by police as he lay face down in his own home.
Police mistakenly raided the home based on a bogus tip from a car thief about methamphetamine.

Akai Gurley
was walking to his apartment with his girlfriend when he startled a pair of rookie cops.
Instead of saying, “hello” or “hi,” NYPD officer Peter Liang shot him.

Maria Fernada Godinez
was having a night out at an Orlando club when a cop fired his weapon at someone outside the club, instantly killing Godinez.
The police charged the man, who had not fired a shot, with her murder.

Henry Davis was mistaken by police for another man.
He was then brutally beaten by Ferguson cops.
Despite being innocent, the Ferguson PD charged him with property damage for getting his blood on their uniforms.

Jody Kozma
is a 25-year-old woman who is mentally impaired.
Police accused her of shoplifting before assaulting her and throwing her to the ground.
After they had reviewed the tapes, they discovered Kozma hadn’t stolen anything.

Jerry Waller
was asleep in his bed when police mistakenly burst into his home.
Thinking he was being robbed, Waller went for his gun.
The senior citizen was gunned down in his own bed and the officers responsible for his death were never disciplined.

Juan Ortiz
, a 4′ 11″ Hispanic teen with Down syndrome, was mistaken by two veteran cops for a 5′ 8″ white man.
Police violently assaulted the young man in his front yard, in front of his parents.

Najee Rivera was run over by two officers after they pulled him over, leaving him severely injured.
Police said Rivera attempted to run away from them and that he “went for their batons.”
However, months later, a surveillance tape from a nearby store showed that everything the officers said was a lie.

Robert Saylor
was a young man with Down syndrome who threw a tantrum after watching a movie and refused to leave the theater.
Three off-duty cops, moonlighting as security, killed him.
Saylor had not committed a crime, and the officers were never charged with one.

Gilberto Powell
is another Down syndrome man who was beaten after cops saw a “bulge in his pants.”
Cops mistook his colostomy bag for an erection and severely beat him.

Kelly Thomas
was a schizophrenic homeless man who was detained by several officers who then beat him to death, on camera.
Thomas had not committed a crime.

Luis Rodriguez
was an innocent man who was killed by multiple officers after leaving a movie theater with his wife and daughter.
The murder was captured on video.

Douglas Zerby
was watering his lawn when neighbors called the cops because they saw Zerby holding what they thought was a gun.
It was actually a water hose nozzle.
Officers approached Zerby, and without any warning, fired, fatally wounding Zerby with 12 rounds that entered his chest, arms and lower legs.

Tamir Rice
was playing with a BB gun at a park when officer Timothy Loehmann pulled up and shot the boy, without ever giving him a chance.

John Crawford
was looking to purchase a BB gun at an Ohio Walmart when multiple officers rushed in and shot him on sight.
He had committed no crime and harmed no one.

Last is Baby Bou, whose face was blown apart after officers threw a stun grenade into his crib as he slept.

The next time you see the Gene Wilder meme asserting that only criminals are harmed by the police, do humanity a favor and share this article in hopes of waking them up.