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Holy Relics


Rothchildian Agent
May 9, 2011
I loved the video game Wolfenstein, the original at least was all about the power of The Spear of Longenous (spelling) which was a popular theme in loads of novels and bad movies about the Nazis and supposed occult science, all the Indy movies before the crystal skull relate to Judeo-Christian relics, anyway, what's your view of relics? Is it a bunch of superstitious mumbo jumbo or do you think anything could possibly have survived from the days of bible and would they have anything other than symbolic properties even if they had?
Fairly certain the ark of the covenant is real and that I saw it at about age 8.
what else did you see as a child?

In 597 BC, the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple. There is no record of what became of the Ark in the Books of Kings and Chronicles. But the Greek 3rd Book of Ezra (1 Esdras) suggests that Babylonians took away the vessels of the ark of God (but does not mention taking away The Ark itself):

And they took all the holy vessels of the Lord, both great and small, with the vessels of the ark of God, and the king's treasures, and carried them away into Babylon.

–1 Esdras 1:54
In Rabbinic Literature, the final disposition of the Ark is disputed. Some rabbis hold that it must have been carried off to Babylon, while others hold that it must have been hidden lest it be carried off into Babylon and never brought back.[15] A late 2nd century rabbinic work known as the Tosefta brings down the opinions of these rabbis as to the Ark's whereabouts. There, it states anonymously that during the reign of Josiah the king of Judah he stored away the Ark, along with the jar of manna, and a jar containing the holy anointing oil, the rod of Aaron which budded and a chest given to Israel by the Philistines.[16] This was said to have been done in order to prevent their being carried off into Babylon as had already happened to the other vessels. Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Shimon, in the same rabbinic work, purport that the Ark was, in fact, taken into Babylon. Rabbi Yehudah, dissenting, says that the Ark was stored away in its own place, meaning, somewhere on the Temple Mount.
Fairly certain the ark of the covenant is real and that I saw it at about age 8.

Was it in Raiders of the Lost Ark? Its just make believe, its a movie.
Fairly certain the ark of the covenant is real and that I saw it at about age 8.

A theory has the ark of the covenant being hidden beneath temple mount

The priests of the temple were dispersed when the temple was destroyed by the romans and fled to jewish trading colonies around the meditterenean sea

One theory has them going to marseilles.

From the south of france emerged the cathar 'heresy' andthe knights templar

The knights of the temple of solomon went to the holy land and dug under temple mount....this part is not theory as the tunnels have been excavated by engineers from the british army who found templar artifacts down in the tunnels

These artifacts are now held by a historian on the templars in Scotland

The theory says the ark was then taken by the templars to France and from there to scotland when the templars were persecuted by the french king; we have a letter from the regent and french catholic Mary of Guise to the sinclair family thanking them for showing her what they have stored at Rosslyn Chapel and promising to keep the secret she swore to keep regarding what she was shown

The sinclair family had strong templar links and legend has it that one earl travelled across to north america before christopher columbu. This is not so far fetched when you consider that the earl was the earl of orkney which had viking roots and that the vikings are known to have voyaged to north america via greenland and that they passed down their achievements in sagas and songs

A shaft was found hundreds of years later on Oak island in north america which was created with a booby trap of water shafts that flooded the shaft drowning some of the excavators

Oak trees are not native to the island and were possibly planted to mark the island to the initiated. Oaks are seen as symbolically masculine and the mistletoe as being symbolically the semen; the templar cross symbol is a male penis symbol

Coconut husk has been found on the island that was used in the booby trap tunnels and this has been dated to the 1400's

Its possible the templars (who were also seamen and navigators) moved the ark to the US where it is conceivable that Eventhorizen saw it
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Remeber watching a discovery documentary about this. The timbers in the hole were found to be indigenous to the island and thought to simply be trees that were blown over periodically on the island at different times through its life. Many of the other items supposedly found could never be verified and thought to have been planted to keep the money from donors coming. A con job in other words.
What about the things in the world people have forgotten all about?