Yeah, a few years ago I felt the need to just GO OUT THERE and help other people, I analysed the world and figured that the place people most needed my help was in western africa, so in order to save money I made myself a balloon out of satin and gave it horizontal wings and flew over there. My fiance of 3 months thought it was a good idea and that it would strengthen our relationship.
I spent 4 months there helping out in TB clinics, and tracking down families of people who had been kidnapped by the slave traders around diamond mines, it cost me the sporadic use of my left hand, and I have a scar up my right side. Emma was scared for me and thought that I ought to come home... No. I'd decided that the best I could ever do in my life would be to eradicate the diamond trade at its genocidal source. I spent my life savings hiring a band of mercenaries and slaughtering the guards at a few of the major camps, and reunited the families. Emmers thought that crossing the line into murder was as far as she could take, and even though we were perfect for each other she left me.
I don't think I can love anyone ever again, she was perfect and on some nights when I'm all alone staring at the moons reflection over the ocean I think of her and her beauty. My soul has shrivelled inside, but I still think I was doing what was best. :'(