[INFJ] have you ever been wrong?


they say INFJs intuitions are usually accurate.. has there ever been a time where you read/thought/analyzed something or someone too much, that you've mistaken your paranoia( i don't know which term would be fitting without offending anyone) as intuitions? how did it go? has anyone tried to deny or proved that your instincts are wrong? how did you feel about it?

how can you relate to this quote?
"i over analyze situations, because i'm terrified of what could happen if i'm not prepared for it."
Yes just recently actually. I believed Clinton would be indicted and turned out to be wrong. Turns out corruption goes much deeper than I thought. America is on its last legs. Brought down by sickness thats been rotting it from the inside out. Aka the Democrat movement.
they say INFJs intuitions are usually accurate.. has there ever been a time where you read/thought/analyzed something or someone too much, that you've mistaken your paranoia( i don't know which term would be fitting without offending anyone) as intuitions? how did it go? has anyone tried to deny or proved that your instincts are wrong? how did you feel about it?

how can you relate to this quote?
"i over analyze situations, because i'm terrified of what could happen if i'm not prepared for it."

It's really hard to say. No, I don't think I have been wrong. But I have learned that humans are all flawed, me no less than anyone else, and I have learned to go much more easy on people's flaws, and to reserve judgment for things that really and truly matter to me. Something that really matters to me is people who are always bossing other people around and just won't listen to what others have to say at all... that really bothers me a lot.

I also realise that I could potentially be wrong at any time. I also realise that if I have been wrong, I will not necessarily ever discover that I was wrong. So I really try to suspend my ideas that I am wrong or right, and just try to use those sorts of things as maybe kind of like "guidance" or something. I think that in many ways, I reject the stability of concepts like "wrong" and "right", so I think that helps.
Yes just recently actually. I believed Clinton would be indicted and turned out to be wrong. Turns out corruption goes much deeper than I thought. America is on its last legs. Brought down by sickness thats been rotting it from the inside out. Aka the Democrat movement.

i'm not from america. but i do agree with you, it is VERY much saddening to see how things went over there... :(
It's really hard to say. No, I don't think I have been wrong. But I have learned that humans are all flawed, me no less than anyone else, and I have learned to go much more easy on people's flaws, and to reserve judgment for things that really and truly matter to me. Something that really matters to me is people who are always bossing other people around and just won't listen to what others have to say at all... that really bothers me a lot.

that bothers me too. seeing someone put down. :(

I also realise that I could potentially be wrong at any time. I also realise that if I have been wrong, I will not necessarily ever discover that I was wrong. So I really try to suspend my ideas that I am wrong or right, and just try to use those sorts of things as maybe kind of like "guidance" or something. I think that in many ways, I reject the stability of concepts like "wrong" and "right", so I think that helps.

but suspending ideas is hard..how do you do that???
but suspending ideas is hard..how do you do that???

By providing myself with alternative explanations for those ideas. Like the most simplest example I can think of for this is "Maybe he's having a bad day" instead of "Maybe he's a bad person". Or else "These are just my ideas, but he may have a different reason for what he is doing."

But I agree with you. It is really really difficult and I don't think it will ever be something that I will get right. I will just have to keep practicing it.
Nobody will get those things right. That's the hard thing about being able to feel. It's wrong to others but right for us because we understand and we look beyond what we see externally.
I have never been proven wrong after following my intuition. I never know the reason why at the time I feel a certain way about a person but I usually find out later that there was something substantial to my intuitive assessment. I often doubt myself, especially if someone exhibits a positive emotion that I can feel, like a crush. If I come forward and ask the person and he denies it, I definitely doubt my intuition and feel foolish. It's the negative or dangerous emotions or intentions that I read very well and have never, not once, been wrong.
I have never been proven wrong after following my intuition. I never know the reason why at the time I feel a certain way about a person but I usually find out later that there was something substantial to my intuitive assessment. I often doubt myself, especially if someone exhibits a positive emotion that I can feel, like a crush. If I come forward and ask the person and he denies it, I definitely doubt my intuition and feel foolish. It's the negative or dangerous emotions or intentions that I read very well and have never, not once, been wrong.

So you always follow your gut feeling?
I dont believe my gut as ever really been wrong. What happens to me is yes I may over think something get in the Ni Ti loop. which causes the Ti to act up and second guess the Ni, rationalizations are simply Lies we tell ourselves. this is bad, what also happens alot to me is that what I WANT to happen clouds my Ni. My Ni will be right as always but i may dream a little too much and because of that I get false hope which causes me to end up wrong. Of course being wrong shakes my core, I feel stupid, blind, and I should have known better. This actually just happend to me in the past months. I should have seen all the signs, but I was blind by love. and I lost. I was wrong. in retrospect my Ni was right the whole time, it knew the whole time, I simply didnt listen or want to listen.
On the opposite end...I think it's almost a guarantee that you'll be wrong, even when following your intuition. Why? Because people change. Circumstances changes. And we're not omnipotent; we can't see everything. One word of advice: Don't let it completely destroy you when it happens. When it does happen, remember the law of averages: it's bound to happen.

Otherwise, you'll start questioning your sanity, and/or your intuition and get paranoid, and a whole host of bad times.
I dont believe my gut as ever really been wrong. What happens to me is yes I may over think something get in the Ni Ti loop. which causes the Ti to act up and second guess the Ni, rationalizations are simply Lies we tell ourselves. this is bad, what also happens alot to me is that what I WANT to happen clouds my Ni. My Ni will be right as always but i may dream a little too much and because of that I get false hope which causes me to end up wrong. Of course being wrong shakes my core, I feel stupid, blind, and I should have known better. This actually just happend to me in the past months. I should have seen all the signs, but I was blind by love. and I lost. I was wrong. in retrospect my Ni was right the whole time, it knew the whole time, I simply didnt listen or want to listen.

Oh my god. :( that is exactly what im feeling right now....
On the opposite end...I think it's almost a guarantee that you'll be wrong, even when following your intuition. Why? Because people change. Circumstances changes. And we're not omnipotent; we can't see everything. One word of advice: Don't let it completely destroy you when it happens. When it does happen, remember the law of averages: it's bound to happen.

Otherwise, you'll start questioning your sanity, and/or your intuition and get paranoid, and a whole host of bad times.

I wish it is that simple. But it does makes sense...
I wish it is that simple. But it does makes sense...

I wish it were that simple, too. I still relive things that I missed, but I've had to learn how to not let those moments define me. Do they change me? Yes. Do those moments make me less sure of my intuition? Yes. But have I become smarter and wiser in how I respond to situations? Yes. Definitely. It's a humbling experience, but you also learn how to navigate conversations in new ways as well.
I wish it is that simple. But it does makes sense...

Based on what I have read the second function is the way out of the Ni Ti loop. So we all have to Express our selves. its a hard thing to do cause INFJs always want to tend to others feelings, but we suffer on that regard, bending knees for others...and resenting that later on...to the point of the door slam. I would say if you had that experience, Take control! express yourself embrace that INFJ darkside for a few moments and take care of yourself. its super hard. IT was for me. But I will say today I feel like I can do it too anyone. Its time for me to take care of me, no one else will.... as much as I want and pray and wish for them too....no one is coming to save me. So save yourself. I am getting too old to be silent
Yes. Very much so. And type has nothing to do with it. People change. We change. We aren't infallible - far from it. Even if we think we know, if we think we've gathered all the information, we can be wrong. One of the things that damages us more than this, is being able to admit that we were wrong.

I'm not sure you can be human, and to simultaneously have never been wrong. I can't imagine anyone responding with an honest "no" to this thread, if they've ever truly lived.
Intuition can only go as far as the vessel it is being filtered through. The interpretation of Intuition is subjective and based on too many variables to be correct all the time. A gut instinct can be a valuable tool but it can be swayed by personal experience and bias. Unfortunately bias can be pretty strong (and is made up of all kinds of things big and small over time) so even if aspects of your intuition are correct you often do not get a full picture. It's not WRONG necessarily, but it can certainly be incomplete.

How many bad decisions have been made due to incomplete information? It's not really an issue with intuition. It's just using it to move forward with an idea or belief without collecting the necessary information to make a better choice or judgement.
Intuition can only go as far as the vessel it is being filtered through. The interpretation of Intuition is subjective and based on too many variables to be correct all the time. A gut instinct can be a valuable tool but it can be swayed by personal experience and bias. Unfortunately bias can be pretty strong (and is made up of all kinds of things big and small over time) so even if aspects of your intuition are correct you often do not get a full picture. It's not WRONG necessarily, but it can certainly be incomplete.

How many bad decisions have been made due to incomplete information? It's not really an issue with intuition. It's just using it to move forward with an idea or belief without collecting the necessary information to make a better choice or judgement.

Big agree here and very well articulated. It may never be WRONG exactly... that doesn't mean it isn't limited or blown out of proportion to the point of uselessness. There is always another perspective, and when we are saying that we are "right", I think we sometimes forget that we are necessarily choosing a perspective.