Girl, 11, with cancer is free to refuse chemotherapy | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Girl, 11, with cancer is free to refuse chemotherapy

I don't know, I think she decided it. She said Jesus came to her in a dream and told her she was cured. I guess we don't know enough of the family dynamics and inner workings of the situation to know how involved the parents were in the decision.

As I mentioned before, I'm very much a supporter of person-centered care, but I just wonder if at that age you understand the consequences. She's not allowed to vote, she's not allowed to drink, she can't rent R-rated movies, can't get a tattoo without her parents consent - yet she can decide her course of treatment?
I did not read the article. Only the headline. Jesus came to her in a dream. .. Well I guess thats that then. Shes cured.
This world is crazy. People freak out about suicide, practically demand that people live and yet, allow people to throw their lives away in the name of religion.
Messed up.
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Wait... what's the term again? Ah... you go girl! The problem is, our governments/medical society doesn't give people an option; it's either chemo or nothing and die. God forbid you actually treat the cause of the cancer and heal the body itself and find a perfectly harmless, painless way to treat the cancer:


Sadly, doctors aren't legally allowed to practice this or any non-pharmaceutical treatment in the US. Got to protect those billion dollar pharmaceutical company profits after all!
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If the kid wants to die a painful death and the parents are cool with it, I'm cool with it too. What can I do?
If the kid wants to die a painful death and the parents are cool with it, I'm cool with it too. What can I do?

You could big up alternatives

For example if marijuana oil really does have the fantastic healing effects that many claim it does don't you want to know about that?

So how do we get the powers that be to allow marijuana oil usage and how do we encourage researchers to research it? We make lots of noise about it.....for example online!

Everything is computer algorithms these days (eg high frequency trading)...if there is lots of noise out there online about marijuana oil it will then generate its own buzz and it will take on a life of its own

You could big up alternatives

For example if marijuana oil really does have the fantastic healing effects that many claim it does don't you want to know about that?

So how do we get the powers that be to allow marijuana oil usage and how do we encourage researchers to research it? We make lots of noise about it.....for example online!

Everything is computer algorithms these days (eg high frequency trading)...if there is lots of noise out there online about marijuana oil it will then generate its own buzz and it will take on a life of its own


I'm all for researching the medicinal uses for THC and cannabinoids. It's just that chemo works right now, some of the time. It's terrible, but so is cancer. It's the best we've got right now. The worst crime here, in my opinion, is that the parents are giving the child the illusion of choice. There's no other medically proven way to rid your body of progressive cancer than aggressive doses of chemo poisoning.
I'm all for researching the medicinal uses for THC and cannabinoids. It's just that chemo works right now, some of the time. It's terrible, but so is cancer. It's the best we've got right now. The worst crime here, in my opinion, is that the parents are giving the child the illusion of choice. There's no other medically proven way to rid your body of progressive cancer than aggressive doses of chemo poisoning.

What if chemo isn't the best we have right now but the best we have now is not being researched and is in fact being made illegal by the powers that be?
There are other options besides Chemotherapy to treat cancer. There's cannabis, changing diet, changing thought patterns, NLP, Energy Healing, etc. One should choose the treatment that they most resonate with because that will be the one most likely to be effective.
There are other options besides Chemotherapy to treat cancer. There's cannabis, changing diet, changing thought patterns, NLP, Energy Healing, etc. One should choose the treatment that they most resonate with because that will be the one most likely to be effective.

From what I know and have heard, those things are excellent at preventing cancer from developing in the body. Do we have numbers for how effective the things you mentioned are at eraticating cancer? If they're as good as chemo, then I take back everything that I've said.
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From what I know and have heard, those things are excellent at preventing cancer from developing in the body. Do we have numbers for how effective the things you mentioned are at eraticating cancer? If they're as good as chemo, then I take back everything that I've said.

They need to do research to get to the figures but to do that they need to decriminalise and they need to do research...but they don't want to do research because they are afraid that people will learn what a wonder drug marijuana is and then it will begin to replace all the synthetic drugs made by big pharma
Incredible documentary looking at alternative therapies for cancer:

Spam aside, there are so many good arguments for and against. I think when I was younger I would have let the child make the decision because their decision can't be much less reliable than their parents'. Now I am not so sure, given how individualism has seeped into every part of our lives. That said, her family and community also seem happy with the outcome. I have no idea how to answer this question.
I just can't get over that I have a problem with this sentence:

Makayla is suffering from a unique form of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, the most common form of childhood cancer.

How can it be unique if it is so common?
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I just can't get over that I have a problem with this sentence:

How can it be unique if it is so common?
The lymphocytes (immune cells effected by lymphoblastic leukemia) can be effected in different ways if I remember correctly. Different stages of the cells development is effected by the cancer, but lymphoblastic leukemia is a cancer of the blood in the lymphocytes. However it can be variations on how they are effected.

I found this:
Pre (precursor) B cell ALL is the most common type in adults, with 7 out of 10 cases
Mature B cell ALL – this type is identified by particular genetic changes
Pre (precursor) T cell ALL is more likely to affect young adults and is more common in men

These are three different types of ALL or acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
An 11 year old will pretty much follow the lead that adults give them. It may be a loving family, but she might die without treatment that will actually work if her cancer comes back. Assuming there are no barriers to paying for treatment, her parents are negligent and are endangering their child.
You could big up alternatives

For example if marijuana oil really does have the fantastic healing effects that many claim it does don't you want to know about that?

So how do we get the powers that be to allow marijuana oil usage and how do we encourage researchers to research it? We make lots of noise about it.....for example online!

Everything is computer algorithms these days (eg high frequency trading)...if there is lots of noise out there online about marijuana oil it will then generate its own buzz and it will take on a life of its own


I just wanted to point out that the evidence listed in this video is based on effects from direct exposure of the tumor cells to the THC in cell cultures. NOT consumption of cannabis oil. This is a very very different thing than happens when compared to human consumption of the cannabis whether in smoke or consumed forms. If processed through the body, then it will be highly diluted compared to direct interaction. Sure, THC when applied directly to tumor cells without any consideration as to the system those cells are operating within kills the cancer. So does subjecting those tumor cells to temperatures above 150 degrees or below 30 degrees.
The only thing I gleaned from that video is it definitely has potential and should be explored further. However I would not put my faith in smoking a joint if I'm dying of cancer as compared to chemotherapy or the focused immune response therapies.

Cancer is probably the worst disease ever in my opinion. All life gets cancer. It is the disease of mutation of cells. It is ugly and terrible the way it turns our bodies against us. There is no easy way to cure such a monstrosity.
Heres the thing about chemo. No one really knows if it works, who it works on and why is still unknown. If it wasn’t, it would be a cure for everyone. The basic premise of killing someone to kill the cancer is what it comes down to and it’s a bit medieval in my mind.
The girl shouldn’t be allowed to choose. However anyone saying that chemo is the best option out of all options just doesn’t know much about it. It’s a sad story all around.
Chemotherapy uses chemicals called cytostatics (yes I had to look that up) which work by attacking cells that reproduce to quickly. They do this by attacking cells that are in the process of replicating (mitosis). Because cancer cells are cells that undergo rapid replication, these chemicals easily find and kill those cells. Problem is they can attack normal cells that also are in the process of mitosis. This is why the nasty side effects.
I should also note there are different ways that cancer cells are effected by chemo. There are many different drugs for chemo that can be used for different purposes.
Sure there's parental neglect and someone, not necessarily the state but possibly some other family member, should intervene.

There's an age of majority for a reason, if a child can enter pleas and make judgements determining their fate in this manner then how can anyone at all argue that children lack the maturity and cognitive development to avoid conscription into armed forces, criminal responsibility and possible conviction or should not be prey to predators such as peadophiles or people traffickers?

I think that they should be consulted and best interests decisions in respect of a child's care do not relieve adults of any responsibility to explain decisions to a child in a manner in which they will understand and appreciate them. Increasingly this has become a process which is, unfortunately I think, a public one, the permissive, neglectful and poorly considered cultural libertarianism has infected just about everyone and everything, so the explaining probably goes as far as friends, family, peers (of both the child and adults), right up until and including random strangers.

It seems really sinister to me that there exist trends which want to treat children and adults as alike in most or all respects, that overturns so much of human history, experience, learning and memory its unbelieveable when you reflect upon it with any degree of awareness but there's A LOT at work which aims to discourage that and instead opt for ideologically correctness.
An 11 year old will pretty much follow the lead that adults give them. It may be a loving family, but she might die without treatment that will actually work if her cancer comes back. Assuming there are no barriers to paying for treatment, her parents are negligent and are endangering their child.

That's how I thought this discussion would develop, its odd how other posters went down the route of discussing cancer and medical treatments instead.
I just wanted to point out that the evidence listed in this video is based on effects from direct exposure of the tumor cells to the THC in cell cultures. NOT consumption of cannabis oil. This is a very very different thing than happens when compared to human consumption of the cannabis whether in smoke or consumed forms. If processed through the body, then it will be highly diluted compared to direct interaction. Sure, THC when applied directly to tumor cells without any consideration as to the system those cells are operating within kills the cancer. So does subjecting those tumor cells to temperatures above 150 degrees or below 30 degrees.
The only thing I gleaned from that video is it definitely has potential and should be explored further. However I would not put my faith in smoking a joint if I'm dying of cancer as compared to chemotherapy or the focused immune response therapies.

Cancer is probably the worst disease ever in my opinion. All life gets cancer. It is the disease of mutation of cells. It is ugly and terrible the way it turns our bodies against us. There is no easy way to cure such a monstrosity.

No one is recommending smoking a joint as a cure for cancer

The video..if you had watched it you would a list of alternatives to cure cancer and it gives testimonials from people who have had cancer to prove tht these methods work

Chemo on the othr hand has a very poor record as discussed in the film