Gift Giving | INFJ Forum

Gift Giving


Resident palindrome
Staff member
Aug 21, 2015
It is gift giving season!
A lot of kind, introverted people I've been speaking with say they like giving gifts and doing nice things for others, but not the forced gift-giving of the holidays.
I'm wondering if you enjoy gift giving and enjoy gift-focused holidays like Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, Epiphany, etc.

Do you find it easy to shop for others? Do you instinctually know what they would like, or can you read people well?

Are you easy to shop for?
I hate shopping. I despise it. But, I really love gifting. I like the unexpected, non-obligatory gifting best. I don't need a holiday to gift, yet, it is a pretty good excuse to do so. My only motive of gift giving is to produce a smile, and hopefully brighten a loved one's day.

What I gift really depends on the person and what mood I'm in. Sometimes it'll be something purely practical, and other times it'll be for pure fun.

I think I gift as much for myself as the person I'm giving the gift to, a purely selfish endeavor on my part, getting off on the warm fuzzies of others; those endorphins are contagious in the best ways. I really really really dislike it when someone feels obligated to give me something in return, which is perhaps why I've been told that I'm terrible to buy for. It's so much more difficult for me to accept a gift rather than give it.
I love random gift giving. My long-distance friends and I send each other gifts at random times of the year and it is so exciting to give and receive them. It doesn't matter what it is (could be something we don't use anymore, our own music or art, a found object, a gift we bought specifically for the person, etc) but it is always something the receiver loves.

I wonder if people get so caught up with understanding, or failure to understand, others on a deep level that they miss how easy it can be to spot the consistencies in another person's life. They miss the obvious things like what people wear, what products they consistently choose, their favorite books and movies, etc, because they're too busy being confused by the person's brain and personality.
I really like buying something for someone when I see something that I know they would love. This doesn't necessarily coincide with the seasonal time to give gifts. I guess it'd help if bought Christmas gifts as - and -when, all year round. I still prefer spontaneous gift giving though.
I really like buying something for someone when I see something that I know they would love. This doesn't necessarily coincide with the seasonal time to give gifts. I guess it'd help if bought Christmas gifts as - and -when, all year round. I still prefer spontaneous gift giving though.

I wish I were more together about this. It is hard to give randomly and also collect all year. LOL!
I love giving the people I care about gifts.
For me its important because I can be rather terrible at expressing myself in words and I'm not particularly artistically inclined either so I find it hard sometimes to just tell someone "I appreciate and admire you" but if you do it too much you can run the risk of simply trying to buy someone's affection.
The worst part is buying around this time of year or at birthdays for people who wont just say what they would like when asked directly, especially when they're already difficult to buy for as it is.
I like random gift giving. Holiday shopping stresses me out. I get overwhelmed trying to find the perfect gift for people and then I just end up doing it all last minute. I am not really big on gifts for myself. I have no idea what I want when people ask me.
i LOVE gift giving. i mostly gift desserts whenever i feel like it. but Christmas is a HUGE thing where i am (September 1 christmas songs are played at malls, all houses have already been decorated, we put down the decors after 3rd week of January), so i try to make sure everyone has something from me around this time. I mostly splurge on Christmas and Birthdays only anyways so i think it's okay.

i am a practical gifter. i make sure that the gift im giving will be used and what they need. i research and subtly ask wayyyyy before hand so they wont get a hint.

for holidays, i usually buy months before the season starts to avoid crowd. i am done with my gift shopping for Christmas last month. :p
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It is gift giving season!
A lot of kind, introverted people I've been speaking with say they like giving gifts and doing nice things for others, but not the forced gift-giving of the holidays.
I'm wondering if you enjoy gift giving and enjoy gift-focused holidays like Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, Epiphany, etc.

Do you find it easy to shop for others? Do you instinctually know what they would like, or can you read people well?

Are you easy to shop for?

I LOVE giving personal gifts, but it gets hard around Christmas because of the sheer number of people. It makes thoughtful gift giving too time consuming to do the way I like, so it can get a bit stressful.

I find it really easy to shop for others. It's staying under budget that gets difficult! When I'm on a budget it can be hard to shop for multiple people and not spend too much. I know that if money wasn't an object it would be a lot easier lol

I don't like getting people things they need. I like getting people things (or experiences) that they wouldn't buy on their own because they would never splurge on it or they really want it but can't afford it. Spa trips, luxury items, electronics, etc.

The most fun person on my list is my Dad. Everyone says he is so hard to shop for but he's not. I can always find the perfect gift for him. :)
I love to give gifts. I like to see the way people light up or see how surprised they are. I especially love seeing how children light up and get excited.

I do not like buying gifts. I get so worked up searching for the perfect gifts. I do not much looking, researching, shopping, searching the Internet and budgeting. All of the things that gives me anxiety. The worse is my mom. She is an ENFJ. She always gives so much. She truly goes overboard. This is something that I loved until I was an adult. I feel like I can never compair to her level of gift giving. She is truely a master lol. It doesn't help that she is picky and buys the things she needs for herself before I can.
I loath the reciprocal gift giving culture here in the US. Almost no gift is without strings. Even the giving of a gift comes with strings many times.

As a minimalist who does not celebrate holidays it is particularly stressful for me.
It is gift giving season!
A lot of kind, introverted people I've been speaking with say they like giving gifts and doing nice things for others, but not the forced gift-giving of the holidays.
I'm wondering if you enjoy gift giving and enjoy gift-focused holidays like Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, Epiphany, etc.

Do you find it easy to shop for others? Do you instinctually know what they would like, or can you read people well?

Are you easy to shop for?

I'm not easy to shop for at all. Folks have figured out that a gift card to the art store is best. I have a stocking that says "No candy, just cash" lol

I give to others profusely! All year but especially this time of year. I make things for local community groups and play the "Sandie Claus" lol. I don't look for recognition doing these things...but in all honesty it's completely selfish on my part as I collect the smiles. I try to give to those that may not necessarily receive a gift otherwise.

This year is especially fun...our Auxiliary will be doing three BINGO parties at three veterans homes in the coming weeks...I am very excited!:)
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Ok 'danger alert' Mr Buzzkill about to strike again.. avert your eyes.

I loved spending time together (pre divorce lol) and seeing the kids enjoy xmas, but the sort of 'homage to possessions' and exploitative commercialism, really is a big downer to me. When the gifts were about sharing love and care for each other ? then I'm all in. Earlier I went through some old family photo's and dvd things. Stuff that was pre online storage and is easily lost. I found a couple of really cool videos of the kids when they were younger, which I've transferred to MP4 that I will share with them all on xmas day, including ex.

I think it's the personal stuff, that really means the most to me, its the time and shared experiences. Not in a sentimental way, but good reminders help us face the future. I think that was the whole basis of Christmas, and the astronomical changes, how the sun stops and lifts a degree ? It was a way to beat the winter blues and survive until spring.

This was of course pre cola santa 'holidays are coming' back when they were building Stonehenge and I was still young.. lol.
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Ok 'danger alert' Mr Buzzkill about to strike again.. avert your eyes.

I loved spending time together (pre divorce lol) and seeing the kids enjoy xmas, but the sort of 'homage to possessions' and exploitative commercialism, really is a big downer to me. When the gifts were about sharing love and care for each other ? then I'm all in. Earlier I went through some old family photo's and dvd things. Stuff that was pre online storage and is easily lost. I found a couple of really cool videos of the kids when they were younger, which I've transferred to MP4 that I will share with them all on xmas day, including ex.

I think it's the personal stuff, that really means the most to me, its the time and shared experiences. Not in a sentimental way, but good reminders help us face the future. I think that was the whole basis of Christmas, and the astronomical changes, how the sun stops and lifts a degree ? It was a way to beat the winter blues and survive until spring.

This was of course pre cola santa 'holidays are coming' back when they were building Stonehenge and I was still young.. lol.
Ok 'danger alert' Mr Buzzkill about to strike again.. avert your eyes. are just a big softie....:m129:
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