Getting Fe and emotions under control

Blind Bandit

Blind Man Being Lead to Nowhere
I've noticed recently that I've been under a lot of deress. This of course has aggravated my already high Fe. I'm curious how do you go about control Fe enough to keep your emotions under control. My emotional control is rather poor as of late and I've noticed its becoming a problem.

So any INFJ's who have had trouble high emotions. I would appraite some help in bringing them undercontrol.
Not an INFJ, but I've got a rough past with my emotions. Lashing out, depression, etc. I call it an emotional hijacking. But there are ways to get your emotions under control.

It takes a lot of focus and discipline to control, but if you work at it it will become second nature. You can teach yourself. You have to understand exactly what you are feeling and why you are feeling it. You have to learn to analyze your emotions. Writing helps to organize your emotions so they are right there for you to analyze.

So when you journal, just write everything that pops into your mind and everything you feel, whether it makes sense to write it or not. It will all lead somewhere. You'll see. A lot from your subconscious should bubble to the surface and reveal yourself to you. After awhile, the analyzing will become second nature and you will be able to do it on the spot in a situation and cut down on snapping or outbursts.
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Not an INFJ, but I've got a rough past with my emotions. Lashing out, depression, etc. I call it an emotional hijacking. But there are ways to get your emotions under control.

It takes a lot of focus and discipline to control, but if you work at it it will become second nature. You can teach yourself. You have to understand exactly what you are feeling and why you are feeling it. You have to learn to analyze your emotions. Writing helps to organize your emotions so they are right there for you to analyze.

So when you journal, just write everything that pops into your mind and everything you feel, whether it makes sense to write it or not. It will all lead somewhere. You'll see. A lot from your subconscious should bubble to the surface and reveal yourself to you. After awhile, the analyzing will become second nature and you will be able to do it on the spot in a situation and cut down on snapping or outbursts.

Thank you! I find this very helpful.
I'm a little different in this respect. I find that Ni is the cause of most of my emotional distress. It can cause severe over-thinking which will then subsequently result in emotional distress because of all the scenarios and idea my Ni creates. I should actually use Fe more to fix this, as when I am upset my first instinct is to clam up and try to work it out in my mind. Were as I would be better off if I tried to use Fe and speak to others to try and work out out with them through speaking out loud, getting feedback, and by getting some kind of connection from someone.
I hope someone has a good answer for this because I could also use some assistance in this area. I'm an emotional freak.
I've done some brainstorming and think that I might have come up with some good suggestions. From my reading here it seems that part of our problem is that we don't really let our emotions "out" that much. So many people here are musicians, artists or other creative types that have found an outlet for their emotions. I think it might be a good idea for those who don't engage in creative activities to give them a try and see if they provide an emotional outlet for them. I'm going to get the guitar out again and start playing around!
I've done some brainstorming and think that I might have come up with a good suggestion. From my reading here it seems that part of our problem is that we don't really let our emotions "out" that much. So many people here are musicians, artists or other creative types that have found an outlet for their emotions. I think it might be a good idea for those who don't engage in creative activities to give them a try and see if they provide an emotional outlet for them. I'm going to get the guitar out again and start playing around!
It's in the name. Fe means extraverted feelings therefore the best way to deal with emotions is letting them out. Start a blog or a diary, create something, talk things out to people (preferably to someone with psychological background). Girls do it all the time and it has the same benefits for guys too. It's a natural thing to do. You cannot pour any more water into a cup that is already full - you have to empty it first.

You can also use Fi techniques: notice and analyze your feelings, sort them out. Meditation and spiritual practice are very beneficial. Exercise physically - it's a great emotional stress reliever. Combine it with mind exercises and it will be even greater: yoga, martial arts. There are some exotic ways too: EFT, NLP, but I would advice some caution with those.