

The Romantic Scientist
As I watched much older threads in this forum I've noticed of how people(I don't know if this is an INFJ thing) tend to forget the past so easily. Those threads are really interesting to say the least but it's just funny of how people no longer take them too seriously and may want to be more updated on the present or what to post in the future. I can compare this to real life and friends. In my case I no longer talk to past friends that much not because I'm an asshole but just because I tend to look more into the future and await more exciting adventures or "greener pastures". Today on the other hand was the first time I actually took the time to read most of this threads and I was amazed from the number of members who had disappeared and no longer post but yet contributed alot to the foundation of this forum. We(I include myself) are the new generation of posters in this place and I wonder if we too are going to be forgotten (as these people) once we stop posting.
There were a lot of other members that I noticed kind of drifted away (like Entyqua, for instance)...and a lot of new members since I've been on, too.
Well in my short few weeks of being here, I really haven't had the chance to notice this. But on AW, another vBulliten forum, that's a common trend. Major contributors will just drift away and the noobs will take over. That's not a bad thing, usually, but it's kind of tragic and kind of makes you wonder what happened to them....

XD but we shouldn't dwell on those gone. We should worry... I mean celebrate the ones who are still here (no offense, people, I'm just being dumb).
It's not about forgetting posters who are no longer here, other posters who were around when they were posting will remember them and even miss the presence of some but t'is the nature of forums to be changing as people leave and others create new groups of members who get to know each other at the same time.

Also, INFJs have shitty Si.
that's what i've been thinking about since my first few months in this forum.. like where are those :m130:other INFJs who have been posting before.. now they're gone.. that's sad.. I wish no one had to :m167: disappear.. then we could all share our opinions and ideas, and i also noticed that the things posted before are somewhat kind of deeper

Just because we are new faces doesn't mean we are noobs.

Aha... sorry about that. Maybe it's the choice of a new generation? I just meant new members would take over, don't eat me :m169:
I just meant new members would take over, don't eat me :m169:

Don't worry, I just ate. :)

I just get a bit peeved when there is the whole clique vibe on forums. It reminds me of high school. I have been completely ignored on some forums simply because I was new, and it's not a good feeling. I know is sucks when some of the members who have been on a forum for a long time and made it what it is fade away, but we can't help it. We just want to make some friends and learn about ourselves.
Don't worry, I just ate. :)

I just get a bit peeved when there is the whole clique vibe on forums. It reminds me of high school. I have been completely ignored on some forums simply because I was new, and it's not a good feeling. I know is sucks when some of the members who have been on a forum for a long time and made it what it is fade away, but we can't help it. We just want to make some friends and learn about ourselves.

I know your feeling Jasmine, I felt that way(coughing)***points fingers to INFP forum*** and some of it's members were nice to me but I didn't get that warmth I got here. I still consider myself a newb here because I still don't think I have made a significance on this forum yet but I no longer feel afraid of expressing of what I think and actually I'm getting really fond of everyone here.

So, what do you say you and I start a new revolution and become the supreme rulers of infj forum?(of course, next to the beloved adm and mods lol)
You kids have another thing comin' if you think you're going to take over this forum around me!

Also, INFJs have shitty Si.

BINGO. I am pretty decent in almost all my functions except for Si (and possibly Te), which really basically SUCKS. I can't remember names, dates, or any of that shit. On a good day, I can deduce my mom's birthday.
I've shied away from forums in the past just for this reason. It would depress me. :m142:

But it's never actually been a problem because I've never felt like part of the "in crowd" of a forum in the first place. Even the non-cliquish forums like this one. I feel like I fit in with online INFJs more than anyone else, but I still get that "on the outside looking in" feeling. Just part of my personality, I guess.

Same with me, except I am overly sensitive so it affects me a great deal.
Maybe they've been lurking everyday like me for the past months. =)
You're all newbs compared to me :m171:
^^ Nuh-uh, Wyote! In five days, I'll have been on here for a year!