Flower Power


Silent within the mind is that one true flower
The birds sing at night, the moon grows dark
and the trees lose their bark
and the thinker becomes the knower

Minds are fully emancipated
And satiated are our true desires
and we all fly to freedom's pure shore
In pureness of love forevermore ...

By that one pure flower ...
Flower-Power! The Jewel, it is said
lies within the Heart of the Flower
When the thinker becomes the knower


I love the poem, very well written and brilliantly figurative. I write poems myself, often refering to the theme flowers as well ^^

Thanks. WE are lucky to live in a world with Flowers. They are really quite magical
you know. Not everybody really gets it. Sometimes too busy with everyday worries
and cares about things of the temporal nature to really fall in love with the wonderness
that surrounds us everywhere. Life is so vivid and sparkling, and so complexly intricated.
Flowers are much like people I think. Rooted in the Earth, nurtured by waters, living
in the air and warmed by sunshine. I don't know if they can think and dream like we can,
but I do know that we can.
:roll:I like it.Please do continue to write more.I think flowers have dreams to bloom.After dying, i think they would like to go back to nature earth and bloom once again.Plants loves dancing.
For ten thousand years I roamed
Just to make this Earth my Home
For a million lifetimes I learned
That whatever we get, we've earned

Now I'm sittin' on the dock of a Bay
That so few else can see
and when I look into the skies
I know that I'm so Free

Just a sittin' on the dock of the Bay
That so Few now can see
Loving Time, Just Loving time
and what it has done for me

Flowers speak to me
They flow. They come and go
and their love is everywhere
for everyone

A Rose doesn't say "I bloom for only you!"
It just blooms, and those whose eyes are set
to see Beauty in everything
just see. :smile:
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You are so bright; You light up my life
If I were a leaf, I would soak up your sunshine
If I were a tree, I would live from your soil
If I were a River I would imbed in your soul

If I were a cloud, I'd provide you shade and rain
and if I were a doctor I would take away your pains
If I were your lover, O! I would love you so!
and if could hold you, I would still let you go

You are my Heart, You are my Love
Because of you I exist - this is something I know
You are a part of me, maybe even all of me
I do hope you know that I really do love you so.
amazing mayflow. Marry me ? *bambi eyes*


Hey, no using Bambi eyes. Especially from you. It's just not fair. I am just a silly male human you know and pretty girls and their Bambi eyes always freakin' work on me. Anayways, I don't understand what this marriage thing is supposed to be about. Can't I be in love with you and Holy Smokes too? - Crap, (I didn't say that out loud, did I?) - wow, love is like a many splendered thing, right, right? - Please say "right?"
Hey, no using Bambi eyes. Especially from you. It's just not fair. I am just a silly male human you know and pretty girls and their Bambi eyes always freakin' work on me. Anayways, I don't understand what this marriage thing is supposed to be about. Can't I be in love with you and Holy Smokes too? - Crap, (I didn't say that out loud, did I?) - wow, love is like a many splendered thing, right, right? - Please say "right?"

Haha riight. I'm pretty sure HolySmokes wouldnt wanna share a catch like yourself =) Love is a battlefield, love of two is one, whereas Marriage is a union between two lovebirds, don't you think? :)

'Love One Another But Make Not A Bond Of Love'

You may be a silly male human but ye' for sure know how to charm a silly little girl :D
*shakes head in beloved wonderment*

"Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of our souls”

Very lovely words.

Kahlil Gibran? Your soul is so poetic and made of beauty and flowers. I'm not blind.
It's not the eyes that see, but the heart.
Haha riight. I'm pretty sure HolySmokes wouldnt wanna share a catch like yourself =) Love is a battlefield, love of two is one, whereas Marriage is a union between two lovebirds, don't you think? :)

Ah PG, competition, no thanks. That's not my thing and I find it a complete waste of time and energy. Besides, I'm happily married with kids. :) I'm not here to make people question or doubt themselves, or to make them feel like they are in some type of petty competition on whatever level...

That said, indeed, Mayflow is a truly magical and intelligent person, supportive friend and lover of life. I respect that tremendously. :)
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*chin drops* you have my admiration Mayflow! Powerful words, seems like you got the sense for using them brilliantly, alltogether naturally. Aah dearest, If I'm poetic then what are you?
Also if I may, what is your real name? (:

Thanks Michelle! My real name is Maynard. :smile:
Thoughts of life an death and of death and resurrection entrance me. Fables like the phoenix, and parables like Jesus dying and coming back, Goddesses becoming human and then becoming Goddesses again, Humans eating animal flesh and that bringing animals into humaness, The wild wolf woman gathering bones bleached dry by the deserts winds and singing over their bones until they live again, such things as these make my dear heart happy and full of incredulous wonder...

So sweet, new death, never tasted before
Why, I never knew nor wondered,
but she came in to meet my heart and stayed,
and no one ever knew but I

And she I knew to be the entirety of all reality,
but again, no one ever knew
but she in the depths of her wondrous heart
though not on the sleeve of intellect alone, and I

It's a secret bond that we once shared,
but I think our secret bond
may be no secret anymore.
I may be in love forevermore!
OHhh beautiful! It must be one hell of a lucky girl to have someone write such poems and put such loving emotion into it. True love indeed. So genuine. I'm so proud of you Mayflow, you are an ideal gentleman from what I can tell.

It was not really written just for one certain girl, although I do think it is a true love, but I also think love can be just love and not even need an oject, but just be love. You say the nicest and sweetest things to me, Michelle. If you are proud of me, I am also very proud of you. :smile:

Supreme Residence:

The Flowing Heart(s) All the rivers
Nothing Apart
Why do so many weep all through all of life's
little superficialities?
The High Light shines but is not always seen, but it
Doesn't matter. It still does not disappear -
Too Sweet to be real?
Don't think about it - just be it -
Too Sweet to not be real
Good choice on avatar 'Somewhere over the rainbow' ^^
I don't mean to come of as a bootlicker, I'm am merely mesmerised and inspired by you. In some way, your poetry and ways of expressing things (that should be ovious) makes me feel like I am in the perfect place, fine just the way I am.