Fi and authenticity | Page 6 | INFJ Forum

Fi and authenticity

In my daily working life I meet a lot of XXFP types. I rarely find any of them genuine. All the people who I think are deeply fake and hypocritical is usually some sort of Fi type, especially XSFPs. Very often they seem to have values that many other people would consider warped/immoral or downright selfish but many Fi types seem to think that these same values make them "real" or something.

Would someone explain to me how Fi in MBTI came to be so closely aligned to genuineness and authenticity? I honestly just don't see or get it.

I guess either way you look at it, it can appear inauthentic. As an infp I get that it has to do with it being personal by experience or who you are as a person and for an infj it’s how others may feel. There’s mishaps on both sides of how it can be carried out which shows our humanity and imperfection and ultimately why I believe in Jesus. At the end of the day they’re both empathetic and feeling types are about being empathetic it’s just carried out differently. It’s like like how a thinker would expect that certain things couldn’t be carried out with thought, certain things couldn’t be carried out with feeling. So each type carries out that empathy differently, just as a thinker can know how to have empathy and love too. It’s all just different for each person personally and imperfectly. :)
INTJ here, with Fi.

I experience introverted feelings as very significant sentiments about my own behaviour, values, and life goals.

Whereas extroverted feeling is very conscious about harmony and conflict between people, introverted feeling is very conscious of internal harmony and conflict.

I would probably be as upset by finding myself in hypocrisy, as an Fe would be in seeing their best friends fighting. It also means that I cannot compromise my values or principles, even if it causes someone else to hate me. I guess INTJs can be seen as cold, because we won't betray our values for friendship's sake, and if someone even tried to get me to betray my values, I'll completely shut them out.
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