Favorite Magazines?

Lune Froide

Community Member
Hey guys and gals,

If you don't read magazines then move right along but for those who do then please share with me your favorites? Even the ones that may be out of print now.

And psst: tell me why you like them so much!

Edit: Ahh, how did I mess this up? Move this to entertainment and media? Thank-you.
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Electronic Gaming Monthly - Because I'm a bit of a nerd. :D Plus I find it has pretty reliable reviews.
Hyper Magazine - Another gaming mag.
Classic Rock - Great music magazine filled with heaps of features covering classic rock.
Modern Drummer - I think it's the best drumming magazine I've found so far.
Foreign Policy : I desire perspective on greater global issues that does not come from a dominantly American perspective. Ideally I'd find something that would take me through these global issues from the various national cultural perspectives, but this is the best I've found so far in not being terribly American-centric.

The Believer
: Eclectic and interesting articles on topics I wouldn't have even thought to be interested in until drawn in by one of their stories.
Hm... well I don't read magazines that often, but when I do, I usually pick up Esquire or GQ. To me, they're still fluffy and mostly about entertainment, with a splash of the "real" world in them, but they aren't almost complete brainless nonsense that is a lot of magazines geared towards women. But it's just every now and then I pick up a magazine.

I especially will enjoy one, while having a cold beer and taking a hot bubble bath. :D
I don't read magazines unless I'm in the waiting room of a doctors' office, but I'd definitely be willing to read The Quibbler if it was published! :D (Non-HP fans will not understand this reference.)
I don't read magazines unless I'm in the waiting room of a doctors' office, but I'd definitely be willing to read The Quibbler if it was published! :D (Non-HP fans will not understand this reference.)

I'd definitely read this too. :D
  • Hardcore Computist
  • Sound on Sound
  • Journal of MAPS
  • Utne Reader
  • Record Collector
  • Sassy

tovlo said:
The Believer: Eclectic and interesting articles on topics I wouldn't have even thought to be interested in until drawn in by one of their stories.

Thank-you so much for the website because I've mulled and I'm hooked! I wonder if this can be found in western Canada? I am on the hunt!

Minerva said:
I don't read magazines unless I'm in the waiting room of a doctors' office, but I'd definitely be willing to read The Quibbler if it was published! :D (Non-HP fans will not understand this reference.)

Haha! Good call, Minerva. Especially since HP has been in the air for me lately and I can't quite figure out why.
Thank-you so much for the website because I've mulled and I'm hooked! I wonder if this can be found in western Canada? I am on the hunt!

I'm glad it appealed. I hope you find it!