Favorite comics


What are your favorite comics? Why?

So, just bought my first comics in a comic book store. Haven't really looked at comics since I was a wee kid in school. Here's what I bought. Quality is kinda poor, but here goes.




Best webcomic ever! http://www.xkcd.com
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Cyanide and Happiness

Never owned a comic in my life but somehow I was always comfortably versed in the DC pre- new 52 Bat Family universe. Nowadays, I'm not really into the super hero scene.
Archie comics.. lol.. and spider man.. :D and Peanuts.
Beano and Viz comics and the old Oz magazine.

Beano because it was one of the first things I got into reading.

Oz, must be one of the best magazines ever produced. There's a lot of craziness and people getting stoned.

Viz I liked because the satire and 'un-p.c.-ness' - the strips; 'fat slags', the one with northerners punching each other to death, the liberal parents with the kid Tarquin...it's well observed parody.
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All things Enki Bilal!!! - The Nikopol Trilogy <3
Tank Girl
Milk and Cheese
Stray Toasters
The Tick!
Anything by Ansis Purins.
Life Is Posers (probably only funny to punks.)
"Double Nickels Forever" - A comic style tribute to the band Minutemen.
Love and Rockets.

For some reason I never read The Sandman ((shrugs))
Archie comics.. lol.. and spider man.. :D and Peanuts.

Yep, Archie was first comics read in school. I remember people would sneak them in to class, and read them. If anyone got caught, the comics would be taken away, and given back at the end of the day. Also, people would draw their own comics in class, and that was cool.
Yep, Archie was first comics read in school. I remember people would sneak them in to class, and read them. If anyone got caught, the comics would be taken away, and given back at the end of the day. Also, people would draw their own comics in class, and that was cool.

yess! i made a comic book with 10 short stories as a project hahaha #nostalgia