Favorite Anime?


Since I see no other thread like this currently, I decided to make one up.

What's your favorite anime? Do you have several favorite anime's?

Do you even watch anime? Etc etc.....

Personally, my favorites are Berserk, (old as hell, still badass,) Hellsing, and Fooly Cooly.

Berserk and hellsing for the plot and the sheer amount of badass-ness in it, and fooly cooly for random, constant humor.

So. What are your favorites?
Cowboy Bebop. (But I started watching it with the Japanese voice/English subtitles, so I can't stand the dubbed version--people just sound weird.)
I've never seen any animes, they don't really interest me because I don't like the visual style, and visual style weighs heavily in my decision making process.
Cowboy Bebop. (But I started watching it with the Japanese voice/English subtitles, so I can't stand the dubbed version--people just sound weird.)

Ahhhhh, I can't stand watching in subbed. I prefer dubbed. If it's subbed, it takes my eyes away from the middle of the screen, and I feel like I'm missing out on something important, which causes me to try to read as fast as possible. :m106: