F is for feeling...or is it?


Midnight's Garden
When I was new to the mbti, I always understood F to be feeling which, quite assuredly, told me that I was not an F in anyway. The connotation of using feeling is today's english compared to when the mbti theory was created is like comparing a steam to a rapid; kinda similar, but not really. I think that a better description of 'F' would be that 'F' is subjective, caring about what we care bout (usually people) and this would be the opposite of T, being the objective function. Am I mistaken, or does this definition work?
What if you care about people, but in most cases, you are usually objective about it?
What if you care about people, but in most cases, you are usually objective about it?

It would be subjective in a case that you care about people but you 'value' (another way to describe F) objectivity
An F is more likely to consider emotion (either there own or others) in weighing up a decision than a T but won't necessarily express or feel any more emotion than a T (especially Fi).
T = preference for making judgments based on clear-cut, true-false criteria.

F = preference for making judgments based on fuzzy, good-bad criteria.

To put it more simply T and F represents what philosophers call the distinction between fact and value, what is True and what is Good.