Entropy, degeneration and regeneration | INFJ Forum

Entropy, degeneration and regeneration


Rothchildian Agent
May 9, 2011
What's your view of these ideas? Do they have any validity?

Does it make a difference when they are deployed by the defenders or opponents of privilege or entrenched special interests?
What's your view of these ideas? Do they have any validity?

Does it make a difference when they are deployed by the defenders or opponents of privilege or entrenched special interests?

I guess it probably depends on how they use them. Terms like entropy and degeneration suggest a linear progression. I guess defenders could say that their privilege is the result of others allowing degeneration, while opponents could say that social justice degrades as a result of privilege. Regeneration is different. In my mind, that suggests something cyclical. I'm not sure how it could be used to either defend or oppose privilege since by its nature a cyclical structure will both reach a point opposed to its source, and then return to its source. I think most people making rhetorical arguments need there to be a clear beginning and end, and a circle makes that difficult to explain.

Or am I misunderstanding the question?