Enlightening Wrong Answer Game: Part 2 | Page 17 | INFJ Forum

Enlightening Wrong Answer Game: Part 2

They pop and come back down to earth as garbage that pollutes our oceans and kills our marine life. Not good.

Why does dark matter, matter?
Because its the majority and we are not.

Is the person in the reflection just as real as the person who is not?
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No, left-handed people are fake.

Where do all the missing socks end up?
The same place everything does, the end.

If the answer is 42, what was the question?
They told me there would be no maths.

Is ego inflation linked to cosmic inflation?
If you believe you are the centre of the universe.

What makes a person wise?
a short memory

if your first name was jane what would your last name be?

If you painted your lips red and your nails black, would someone be more likely to buy you a drink or decide to just drink heavily by themselves?
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They'd drink first then ask you to dance, and pass out in the middle of it

What can't be stolen, only given?

How many balls of string would it take to reach the moon ?
I like cheese.

When do children realize they are not a child anymore?
count the dimes as pennies and the nickles as quarters. Unless they're Canadian then count the quarter's as dimes, the pennies as dimes, the nickles as dimes and put the dimes up your nose.

When are puppies not cute?
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When they pee on your carpet.

Where does success come before work?
In the morning right after I have had my coffee.

If we are but illusion, what is real?
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National Enquirer stories.

Why do flamingos lift up one leg ?
So they dont wear the other out.

If you put all the viruses on earth in a line, how far would it stretch?
to the moon and back


how do you make time go faster?
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Fall in love.

Where is here?