ENFP or INFP Under Grip Stress?


Community Member
What's up, guys?

I've recently been undergoing a lot of stress. I've dropped out of Uni, moved back home, feel unsafe at home, verbally violent outbursts, etc. etc. And it's during these times where in classic Ne fashion, I'm questioning my MBTI type. I thought maybe if I understood what function grips me, I'm able to better understand why this is and how I can remedy this. Cue the classic 'am I (insert type here) or (insert type here?)'.

I'm torn between whether I'm in a Te grip or an Si grip. I know when I'm under stress, I tend to have very black and white thinking; "How dare the motherfucker say ___, I'm gonna kill him." This also leads to me just going ape hit and not even processing people's words, just shouting at them. I also get really caught up in small details such as hearing people not wash their hands after flushing the toilet. I tend to get very nihilistic and cynical about what's ahead, thinking God has abandoned me or has personally punished me for my sins. I just feel constantly on edge and prepare myself to attack literally anything that threatens me.

What do you guys think? I can give more information if you need it. I'm about to head to bed, so that's why this is quite rushed, but anyway.
That's not a proper way of coping with stress, irrespective from mbti. Any plans on going forward on the route? Job/life wise.
And dropping out of uni is not the end of the world.
I'm honestly fine with dropping out of Uni for the most part, it's just living with my family that's been hard.

I'm trying to find a job in the disability sector or at a local produce store. There's a place close by them that I have my eye on.

But please answer the question so I have at least something to go off of.
I want to give you a big cup of tea, and a hug right now. It is good news that you know you're in the grip, and that you know you're not handling things well. A lot of people don't recognize these behaviors in themselves until they've started to recover. I can't tell you which inferior function is flaring up because losing your temper and yelling are fairly common way for people in the grip to act, regardless of type, and I don't know much about others ways you are behaving. (I can't observe you). When people are in the grip or shadowy they may exhibit "calmer" traits that aren't in line with their regular personalities, too.

It's important that you try to find a positive and healthy way of coping with your stresses, and destressing. Coping = facing stress constructively. Destressing = taking time out to relax and be good to yourself.
What's up, guys?

I've recently been undergoing a lot of stress. I've dropped out of Uni, moved back home, feel unsafe at home, verbally violent outbursts, etc. etc. And it's during these times where in classic Ne fashion, I'm questioning my MBTI type. I thought maybe if I understood what function grips me, I'm able to better understand why this is and how I can remedy this. Cue the classic 'am I (insert type here) or (insert type here?)'.

I'm torn between whether I'm in a Te grip or an Si grip. I know when I'm under stress, I tend to have very black and white thinking; "How dare the motherfucker say ___, I'm gonna kill him." This also leads to me just going ape hit and not even processing people's words, just shouting at them. I also get really caught up in small details such as hearing people not wash their hands after flushing the toilet. I tend to get very nihilistic and cynical about what's ahead, thinking God has abandoned me or has personally punished me for my sins. I just feel constantly on edge and prepare myself to attack literally anything that threatens me.

What do you guys think? I can give more information if you need it. I'm about to head to bed, so that's why this is quite rushed, but anyway.
Si grip is more about defaulting to routines and 'discipline'; narrow thinking and conventionality. A high level of self-parenting in the guise of self-care.

For example, a person in Si grip might clean obsessively, conform to a rigorous diet or exercise routine, and have a mode of thinking defined by what's 'normal'. It's Ne in self-attack mode, and very self-chastising. ENFPs try to become a person they simply aren't (an ISTJ shadow, you might say).
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As a fellow xNFPer I think the best thing you can do for yourself is not to get caught up in whether you're in one specific mode of thinking or another. What's important is that you find what you need to move forward and onward. It's a bit of a running joke between me and my MBTI friends over what MBTI type I am as I constantly question it and I'm never really happy with the answer I give for myself. MBTI is an interesting way to learn about oneself but I wouldn't focus on it too specifically. Technically we all use all of the functions, and I think it's really difficult (and frankly not that useful) to attribute specific behaviors to being specific functions. I hope this helps and I wish you well.
Your tendencies while looping may also reveal the answer. INFPs look at the world in a more reductive way when they're looping, so the Ne drops out and their usually inspired and open-minded ways are not present.

Ne Dom looping would probably be more paranoid, "searching" for answers in the wrong places, potentially... I don't have enough personal experience with these extroverted types, but this is my assumption.
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I want to give you a big cup of tea, and a hug right now. It is good news that you know you're in the grip, and that you know you're not handling things well. A lot of people don't recognize these behaviors in themselves until they've started to recover. I can't tell you which inferior function is flaring up because losing your temper and yelling are fairly common way for people in the grip to act, regardless of type, and I don't know much about others ways you are behaving. (I can't observe you). When people are in the grip or shadowy they may exhibit "calmer" traits that aren't in line with their regular personalities, too.

It's important that you try to find a positive and healthy way of coping with your stresses, and destressing. Coping = facing stress constructively. Destressing = taking time out to relax and be good to yourself.
I appreciate the kind words :)

I find that I have to leave the house or otherwise I get paranoid regardless of if anyone's in there. It's not a physically violent place but it's still toxic.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm INFP, since a lot of my past actions were more heavily filtered through an Fi-lense.

Si grip is more about defaulting to routines and 'discipline'; narrow thinking and conventionality. A high level of self-parenting in the guise of self-care.

For example, a person in Si grip might clean obsessively, conform to a rigorous diet or exercise routine, and have a mode of thinking defined by what's 'normal'. It's Ne in self-attack mode, and very self-chastising. ENFPs try to become a person they simply aren't (an ISTJ shadow, you might say).

Yeah I don't think that's me, though I do relate to some of it.

As a fellow xNFPer I think the best thing you can do for yourself is not to get caught up in whether you're in one specific mode of thinking or another. What's important is that you find what you need to move forward and onward. It's a bit of a running joke between me and my MBTI friends over what MBTI type I am as I constantly question it and I'm never really happy with the answer I give for myself. MBTI is an interesting way to learn about oneself but I wouldn't focus on it too specifically. Technically we all use all of the functions, and I think it's really difficult (and frankly not that useful) to attribute specific behaviors to being specific functions. I hope this helps and I wish you well.

I'm just trying to figure out how I personally react to stress and finding a means to counter it. Of course it can't explain everything, but using it as a tool to understand myself will help me go a long way.

Also, thanks for the best wishes :)

Your tendencies while looping may also reveal the answer. INFPs look at the world in a more reductive way when they're looping, so the Ne drops out and their usually inspired and open-minded ways are not present.

Ne Dom looping would probably be more paranoid, "searching" for answers in the wrong places, potentially... I don't have enough personal experience with these extroverted types, but this is my assumption.
Yeah the loop makes heaps of sense now that I think of it.