Empathy: a superpower

Mad space coyote scientist:m177:

Anyone uses their empathy to get other people's perspective on things? I do, and it's very enlightening. Like I put myself in a shoes of a man who catcalls someone and they do that because they have the "power" to do so. I like doing this but I don't often do it.


Is that getting their perspective through empathy or is that merely analysing their behaviour? I doubt, if you asked, they would say that they catcall because they 'have the "power" to.' More likely, it would be that they find the woman (presumably) attractive. Maybe it's also a male bonding thing if it were, say, construction workers. It could also represent a fear of rejection in that the rejection can be attributed to the approach rather than the man (presumably) making it.
Is that getting their perspective through empathy or is that merely analysing their behaviour? I doubt, if you asked, they would say that they catcall because they 'have the "power" to.' More likely, it would be that they find the woman (presumably) attractive. Maybe it's also a male bonding thing if it were, say, construction workers. It could also represent a fear of rejection in that the rejection can be attributed to the approach rather than the man (presumably) making it.
Catcalling is very unwelcome to women. I don't like being catcalled at all