Dying Old Friends


Community Member
One of my oldest friends recently discovered that he has a heart condition. Not just any heart condition, but a serious and eventually fatal one. A transplant, which he refuses adamantly, would be his only hope for "survival".

"I'll go with what the universe gave me."

Those were his exact words.

Tonight he showed me some of his solo recordings which he had done in a very dark period in his life. One where I was out of the country for 5 years. One where everyone who came to see him, came for drugs.

Until now, I was one of but a few people who had ever heard any of these recordings.

"I wish you had been here, man," he said, unpacking his equipment.
"You would have told me to stay off this shit, and write more music. I would have listened to you, man."

So, in so many words, he asked me to help sort through the hours of music he has on tape, and to help him conclude and produce a final album. Although we didn't mention anything about Finality, the knowledge of it was there, lurking.

Now this is a project for me. And although it gives me great joy, it is really hard to deal with certain aspects of it, which I'm sure you can imagine. At 32, this is the first time I am dealing with the eventual death of one of my best friends.

I wish I had been there for him, and I suppose this is my way of being there now.

Does anyone here have any experience with this kind of thing?
If you do, could you offer any advice/help/something?
"I'll go with what the universe gave me."

Those were his exact words.

Did you mention to him that the universe gave him generations of doctors and scientists who have worked out how to successfully transplant a heart? The universe gave him the availability of heart transplants as a viable option.

That sounds like a heavy duty situation, and unfortunately I can't offer you any insight based on personal experience. My heart goes out to you though.
Suggest creating excellent lossless recordings of all of his songs, so that even if they're not on the album, they live on in eternity.

Also, what Dylan said.
Yeah, Dylan, Shai, thanks for the feedback.
I did mention that to him, but to no avail. I mean, he says he wouldn't feel right with someone else's parts in him, but mainly that the chances of him surviving the surgery are about 50/50, in addition to the fact that they will have to supress his immune system for 6-12 months, during which time if he gets the slightest cold, he could die.
I think that's what really scares him and makes him think the way he does.
"why try it and die now, when I know I have at least a few years ahead with out it."

Can't say I agree, but I can understand him and his fears.

thanks again for the support, guys. :)
"Suggest creating excellent lossless recordings of all of his songs, so that even if they're not on the album, they live on in eternity." Shai Gar

This, my friend, for sure. :)
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