Dream interpretation


post your dreams for interpretation.

Disclaimer: I like analysis but my interpretations are simply based on conjecture. Please leave feedback for interpretations. If the interpretations seem way off mark, please feel free to debunk them.
Also, please feel free to post your own interpretations of the dreams posted in the thread. Thanks.
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So, I had a weird dream this morning. I was at home, and decided to head downstairs during the day, around the afternoon. Halfway downstairs, I looked over the staircase to see a lioness sitting on a sofa chair upright facing forward, while a lion was resting on the lioness with his paw on her chest. The lion noticed me watching and looked at me without moving for a moment. I looked on admiring them for moment, then seconds later the lion jumped off the sofa edge growling and ran up the stairs to come after me. Scared out of my mind, I ran back upstairs screaming for someone to help/save me. Dream ends.

Edit: Found this:
A lioness in a dream represents ignorance, pride, affectation and perfidy.

http://dreamsdreaming.com/meanings/Lion attack/page/1/
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I dreamed that I woke up and there was an orgy of like 20 people around on the floor. Just all up in piles. It annoyed me, so I woke myself up for real. Checked around to make sure they weren't there and went back to sleep. -.-
I dreamed that I woke up and there was an orgy of like 20 people around on the floor. Just all up in piles. It annoyed me, so I woke myself up for real. Checked around to make sure they weren't there and went back to sleep. -.-

Could mean conquest. You've conquered or achieved the highest accomplishment you can but now you're bored, and wish you had something more or new to entertain or hold your interest or challenge you.
Two nights ago, I dreamt that I was standing in the back yard of an old historic house. As I was staring up at the window to the attic, my mother in law walks up to me. She wants my husband to check the attic to look for something but the only way to get in is to climb onto the roof and through the window. I am annoyed because even though it seemed dangerous, I knew my husband would do it anyway. So I decided to go with him. Since I am smaller than him, we decided that I would go through the window. I still don’t even know what I am looking for but once I get inside, I am amazed at all of the antiques and how nice it was kept up. I walk to the back and find an old woman (dressed Victorian era) sitting at a table having tea. She was very nice and asked me to sit and have a cup with her. I cautiously sat down at the edge of the chair and told her that it was very nice meeting her but that I would have to leave soon…I had people waiting for me. Her mood instantly changed and she told me that I would not be leaving. I look to my side and now there is another woman sitting next to me, a bit younger but also dressed in Victorian era clothing. The older woman gave her a look as if to say, ‘don’t let her escape’ and that was my cue to start scoping the room for a way out. I saw a door and figured that there would be stairs that led down to the main living area, but when I opened it there were elevators. I started to frantically press the buttons. Now the younger woman is behind me spraying something into the air. I assumed it wasn’t anything beneficial, so I held my breath as long as possible as I entered the elevator doors that just opened…she followed right behind me. We were struggling with one another and I finally pinned her to the floor by her neck and ultimately ended up strangling her to death (all while still holding my breath). I was so upset. Not because I killed her (the bitch had it coming) but because I had to go through all of that! My husband knew where I was so he should have come looking for me after being in there for so long. Now I am climbing out of the window and onto the roof (no more elevator) looking for my husband to find out why he wasn’t searching for me. As I climb out, I realize that time stopped while I was in there and to them, I wasn’t even gone for a few seconds…dream over.

Last night, these two women reappeared in my dream. I have never had that happen before. They were again trying to hold me against my will in their living area. I woke up feeling very bothered by the whole thing. Why did I dream about them again? They need to go away. STAT.
Two nights ago, I dreamt that I was standing in the back yard of an old historic house. As I was staring up at the window to the attic, my mother in law walks up to me. She wants my husband to check the attic to look for something but the only way to get in is to climb onto the roof and through the window. I am annoyed because even though it seemed dangerous, I knew my husband would do it anyway. So I decided to go with him. Since I am smaller than him, we decided that I would go through the window. I still don’t even know what I am looking for but once I get inside, I am amazed at all of the antiques and how nice it was kept up. I walk to the back and find an old woman (dressed Victorian era) sitting at a table having tea. She was very nice and asked me to sit and have a cup with her. I cautiously sat down at the edge of the chair and told her that it was very nice meeting her but that I would have to leave soon…I had people waiting for me. Her mood instantly changed and she told me that I would not be leaving. I look to my side and now there is another woman sitting next to me, a bit younger but also dressed in Victorian era clothing. The older woman gave her a look as if to say, ‘don’t let her escape’ and that was my cue to start scoping the room for a way out. I saw a door and figured that there would be stairs that led down to the main living area, but when I opened it there were elevators. I started to frantically press the buttons. Now the younger woman is behind me spraying something into the air. I assumed it wasn’t anything beneficial, so I held my breath as long as possible as I entered the elevator doors that just opened…she followed right behind me. We were struggling with one another and I finally pinned her to the floor by her neck and ultimately ended up strangling her to death (all while still holding my breath). I was so upset. Not because I killed her (the bitch had it coming) but because I had to go through all of that! My husband knew where I was so he should have come looking for me after being in there for so long. Now I am climbing out of the window and onto the roof (no more elevator) looking for my husband to find out why he wasn’t searching for me. As I climb out, I realize that time stopped while I was in there and to them, I wasn’t even gone for a few seconds…dream over.

Last night, these two women reappeared in my dream. I have never had that happen before. They were again trying to hold me against my will in their living area. I woke up feeling very bothered by the whole thing. Why did I dream about them again? They need to go away. STAT.

Victorian culture was considered restrictive and limiting in many ways for women. Keeping up appearances was an important part of society. Maybe your dream could be related to feeling as if you're suppressed or asked to limit or subdue who you are by others, in some cases out of obligation by family perhaps. Maybe you feel as if you're always having to hold back who you are in some sense to please others, especially family. The concern with your husband may reflect some tug of war between his obligations to his mother and his responsibilities to you as a wife. Going into the window first may suggest you feel you are making most of the sacrifices and finding yourself alone inside the house and eventually the garden may suggest not feeling as supported as you would like to be.

Of course, this is all conjecture. Please correct if you think I'm way off track. :)
So, I had a weird dream this morning. I was at home, and decided to head downstairs during the day, around the afternoon. Halfway downstairs, I looked over the staircase to see a lioness sitting on a sofa chair upright facing forward, while a lion was resting on the lioness with his paw on her chest. The lion noticed me watching and looked at me without moving for a moment. I looked on admiring them for moment, then seconds later the lion jumped off the sofa edge growling and ran up the stairs to come after me. Scared out of my mind, I ran back upstairs screaming for someone to help/save me. Dream ends.

Edit: Found this:

[/FONT][/COLOR]‹http://dreamsdreaming.com/meanings/Lion attack/page/1/
Just off the top of my head, I see the lion as a symbol of innate personal power.
Maybe you hesitate to be assertive because you don't want to come off as domineering or scary?
Or maybe there is someone in your life whose confidence you admire but are afraid of or are afraid to emulate?
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Just off the top of my head, I see the lion as a symbol of innate personal power.
Maybe you hesitate to be assertive because you don't want to come off as domineering or scary?

thanks. never thought of it that way. It seems to fit though. But what about the lion coming after me? In my dream I am viewing all this, so how would that fit?
thanks. never thought of it that way. It seems to fit though. But what about the lion coming after me? In my dream I am viewing all this, so how would that fit?

Hm...maybe you are viewing this person from afar. Someone you don't necessarily know, just somebody who's confidence and boldness you admire. Since the lion was in your house, maybe this quality is something that you see in yourself, but not able to express the way you would like. But you would like to once in a while (lion coming after you.)

Just a thought...
Hm...maybe you are viewing this person from afar. Someone you don't necessarily know, just somebody who's confidence and boldness you admire. Since the lion was in your house, maybe this quality is something that you see in yourself, but not able to express the way you would like. But you would like to once in a while (lion coming after you.)

Just a thought...

pretty good interpretation from [MENTION=564]acd[/MENTION] [MENTION=6281]CrazyBeautiful[/MENTION]. Thanks. It makes sense.
pretty good interpretation from [MENTION=564]acd[/MENTION] [MENTION=6281]CrazyBeautiful[/MENTION]. Thanks. It makes sense.

btw, great thread! I was going to start one on this subject a few months back, but decided against it...glad you did! Love this stuff! :)
Last night, these two women reappeared in my dream. I have never had that happen before. They were again trying to hold me against my will in their living area. I woke up feeling very bothered by the whole thing. Why did I dream about them again? They need to go away. STAT.

Awesome! :)
I have been lucid dreaming since I was 8 or so. I got really into it between 15 - 20 or so then kind of let it go. About a year back I had a dream where I stepped into a small room that had nothing in it. I was not completely dark and the walls were the color you might see if awake and seeing light though your eye lids. I stayed in the room for what seemed like a minute and when I stepped out, everything was EXACTLY the same as it had been. Tell me how thats even possible? I have had dreams so completely messed up I have no clue where they come from. Its like my mind literally has a mind of its own far beyond your normal subconscious baggage.

You know its said that the book Dune was written completely from a dream. I have had dreams that could easily have led to books if I had the time and inclination.
I dreamed that I was lost inside an abandoned house with lots of wet filthy alleyways between rooms and floors. I keep going and going, sometimes meeting people and they give me wrong direction to get out. I finally 'get out', but I discover I'm inside a rusting ship..and its size is like the Titanic...I can't even make out the other end of the ship. It looks like the ship is in the middle of the ocean and being dismantled in parts. I see some old ladies chatting and smoking and I approach them and start talking.

Then I woke up.
I dreamt I was living in Europe somewhere, and working as a painter/sculptor- something creative that I enjoyed doing. I was asked to do a bunch of work, and decided to go away to this tiny beautiful inn by the sea. Once there, I was eating alone and a strange man came up to me. I just remember being overwhelmed with excitement and happiness.

I think this is a dream about what I want out of life...I remember feeling really happy and fulfilled in my dream
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So far the dreams mentioned are far less disturbing than the majority of mine.
Just as a note, I originally and unknowingly started my search for the origins of consciousness with dreams. I was amazed at dreams and how they could effect you just like real life events. Before I even knew it I had correlated the idea that if your brain did not know the difference between the waking world and dreams how could you ever really know what the real world was. Anyway very cool thread I hope you all continue to post. There like mini novels.
Just as a note, I originally and unknowingly started my search for the origins of consciousness with dreams. I was amazed at dreams and how they could effect you just like real life events. Before I even knew it I had correlated the idea that if your brain did not know the difference between the waking world and dreams how could you ever really know what the real world was. Anyway very cool thread I hope you all continue to post. There like mini novels.

You can also offer interpretations. Anyone is free to offer their own interpretations of the dreams posted.
So far the dreams mentioned are far less disturbing than the majority of mine.

Well, this thread is pretty new...give it time, Eventhorizon :)
You can also offer interpretations. Anyone is free to offer their own interpretations of the dreams posted.
I dont know anything about interpretation. I can usually work out some of my dreams but cant turn around and do the same for others. I just like the stories.