Dream analyzation


Community Member
I thought I would start a thread devoted to the breakdown and analyzation of dreams, mostly inspired by a very disturbing dream I had last night that has got me baffled.

I know that sometimes dreams are just dreams and don't mean anything but a simple regurgitation of the past day's events, but for some cases I believe that at the very least dreams are an important way of communication between conscious and subconscious mind, or at the most a way of communication from the world beyond what we know.

I'll start the thread out with my dream and see if guys can take a whack at it. I would love to see some of everyone else's strange dreams as well.

In this dream I was working at this daycare that was on these huge grounds that included an elementary school as well and was positioned in the middle of a foresty area. All the rooms had lots of windows, so you could see outside to where the wildlife was and possibly teach the kids about it. One day I was working there and it was very dark outside, though it was still daytime. Suddenly outside I saw a very large lizard sitting outside the window so I called the other teacher to look. She came to look when I noticed there was another one, and then by the nearby stream I saw these two huge alligators, but there was something off about them, like they had characteristics of other animals, but I can't remember what. What I do remember is that the third was an even bigger one, but the front half of it was a white tiger and the back half was alligator. No one else could see it so I kept knocking at the window to get its attention so that the others could see it. I knew I should stop because the last thing I wanted to do was to get it's attention, even though we were behind very thick and safe glass. Yet I kept on doing it, and suddenly it was there at the window, its paw on it. Everyone else seemed to see it, but didn't react. I was the only one frightened. It looked at me and somehow I knew that now that it had seen my face, it would come after me when it could. I was afraid to leave the daycare, so I slept there for a night. The next day I had to go to the other building to get some supplies, but it was sunny out so I figured I would be ok. As I was walking all the children were playing carefree, not even aware that only feet away lay a forest that hid creatures of horrific proportion. While was walking back to the daycare across a feild, a small white tiger appeared next to me, and I knew he was a protective spirit. He warned me that something bad was coming and there wasn't much he could do to stop it. I asked why and I saw an image of him as a human, and I knew it was because he was older and weaker than whatever was coming after me. The only thing he could do would be to warn me and to be there with me. I hugged him and thanked him anyway, and I was about to return to the daycare when a man walked up to me. I can't remember anything about him, his face, his clothes, or any other detail besides the fact that he was a man, but I knew he was the devil, because in this dream he would come to ask me for things periodically. Today he wanted me to get him a black marker. Which doesn't seem bad, but I knew it was a part of a bigger scheme. It had something to do with the fact that there were certain things that he couldn't do or procure as the devil that he needed to get humans to do for him as a sort of loophole. I told him no, and he said that I would regret that, and disappeared. I continued to walk home, and I was along a bridge when I noticed that the water was very choppy, despite the fact that the weather was not bad. (It was at this point in the dream I remembered I lived on a fairly large island in one of the great lakes). There were newscasts going on about the strange waves, which were bigger than they had ever been, and that they were bigger than was actually possible for the lake. It wast then that I knew this had nothing to do with normal happenstance. It started to pour. When I arrived at my house I found I had a husband and children. Our house was on a cliff near the shore, and the waves were beating savagely against the stone. the house was flooding from the rain, and my husband had the children upstairs so they wouldn't worry, but I knew they understood what was happening because I saw them peeking. He was taking buckets and emptying them outside as if he was trying to save a sinking boat and not a house. I walked outside and there was the devil again. He asked me if I had reconsidered, and again I said no. Then, he shook his head and suddenly a huge wave came up and was so massive that it broke mere inches from my house. The threat was obvious. He would harm my family if I didn't do as he asked. Finally, I acquiesced.

I am a Christian but I don't think it plays too much into this dream besides the fact that the devil was in it.

Here's some interesting things that I thought of after the fact:

-That the devil had all this power, the power to make the lakes rage and the sky open up in storms...and yet, he didn't have the power to do something so simple that humans can do very easily.

-The white tiger image being used in a negative and positive context in the same dream
a foresty area.----------the unconsciousness

front half of it was a white tiger and the back half was alligator.---reptilian=archaic, tiger=?

now that it had seen my face,-----=nice imagery,

As I was walking all the children were playing carefree---child or children often represent the "self"

only feet away lay a forest that hid creatures of horrific proportion----= again with the unconsciousness as a formidable and important element in your psyche.

The only thing he could do would be to warn me and to be there with me.= comforting mammalian

here were certain things that he couldn't do or procure as the devil----"Your own, personal," demon,....

I was along a bridge when I noticed that the water was very choppy,------The unconsciousness perturbed.

I had a husband and children.--------Animus and Self, realized (a good thing)

Our house was on a cliff near the shore, and the waves were beating savagely against the stone.------The unconscious material needing to be aired before Animus and Self, realized.
To be honest I really thought there would be more of you out there with interesting dreams to share :(