Dr. Jill Stein for President | INFJ Forum

Dr. Jill Stein for President


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Jul 22, 2012
Let's put the first female president of the U.S. in office: Dr. Jill Stein

Expanding the Presidential Debate: Jill Stein "Debates" Clinton and Trump


DR. JILL STEIN: This -- this debate, so-called, is really a sad commentary on what our political system has become. This debate is indeed a sham debate. The League of Women Voters called this process established by the Commission on Presidential Debates a fraud being perpetrated on the American voter. What we're hearing, as this debate opens, is the candidates go at it about their personal histories, about Hillary's emails, about Donald's despicable, abusive behavior and language towards women. And yes, this is all, you know, fair terrain, but it's -- it's shameful that this has to be the focus of the discussion here. The American people have very serious issues before us, and we need to get past this debate over whether Hillary or Donald is more corrupt, who has the more offensive history.

Let me, you know, just say, there are critical issues before us. The American people have really had it economically. This recovery has been a recovery at the top, despite some minor -- minor suggestions that income is rising. Indeed, this is only a small amount among lower- and middle-income families, probably due to the living-wage battles that have been led by the working people of America. An entire generation is locked in debt. Black lives are struggling for safety, walking down the street or driving down the street. Millions of immigrants are living in fear of deportation. Donald Trump has shown that the Republicans are the party of hate and fearmongering, but the Democrats are the party of deportation, detentions and night raids.

We have wars for oil that are massively expanding, have no end. The Obama administration is now bombing seven countries. This is bankrupting our budget. Half of our discretionary budget is being spent on these wars, which are not making us more safe, but rather less safe. Almost half of your income taxes are going to this massive Defense Department, which is not really not a Defense Department, it is an offense department.

And the climate is in meltdown. We are seeing superstorms now in the Caribbean, a thousand people tragically killed in the country of Haiti, illustrating again how it is people of color and people in undeveloped nations and poor people who are really on the front lines of climate change; extended drought, continuing fires in the -- in the West of the country. We have a climate crisis here.

And these two are bickering about who is more abusive and who has been more derelict in their responsibilities towards the American people. And I -- personally, I think they're both right, that Donald Trump's behavior is absolutely abusive and inexcusable; Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, though her demeanor is certainly much nicer and her message is easier to hear, it's important to remember that it's not the talk, it's the walk. And while Hillary is talking about, you know, her history defending and promoting women and children and the cause of our families, remember, it was the Clintons who dismantled Aid to Families with Dependent Children -- that is, the major social safety net -- throwing over a million families and children into poverty. The Clintons actually passed -- and I mean Bill signed, but Hillary supported -- NAFTA, which sent millions of jobs overseas, and Wall Street deregulation, leading to the economic meltdown and, in fact, the miserable economic conditions that have led to the rise of Donald Trump.

So, let's be clear, what Hillary is offering is more of this neoliberal centrism, especially now that Republicans are fleeing into her camp. It's one big happy Demo-Republican party. And let's not fool ourselves for a moment that Hillary has the solution. As Bernie Sanders himself said repeatedly, the only real solution to this crisis of right-wing extremism that Donald Trump represents -- and he's certainly not the only one -- the real solution is truly radical, progressive policies that are represented by the Green Party. Whether Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump gets into the White House -- and let's hope neither of them do -- but there needs to be a strong movement and a strong political voice to that movement to continue fighting against this rule by the economic and political elite that both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump represent.
As much as I'd like to see anyone else running, I don't think this could change from the top down as far as the presidency. Whether green, libertarian, or whatever alternate party, there need to be supporting seats won in the house and senate in order to give that party platform any clout.
A first step has to be taken somewhere. I don't want to be complicit in voting in another 4 years of bombing people in other countries who don't support western-backed bankers.
I follow her activity, and she is what we need. A peacekeeper, an authentic, moral individual. She is gaining momentum and I think that will continue.
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Here are some items from her platform:

-End the US’ role as the world’s arm supplier.

-End use of assassination as an instrument of U.S. foreign policy, including collaborative assassination through intermediaries.

-End the destructive US economic and military intervention into the affairs of sovereign nations. Such intervention serve the interests of multinational corporations and global capitalism over the interests of the vast majority of the citizens of those nations.

-Ban use of drone aircraft for assassination, bombing, and other offensive purposes. (Something Obama never did and HC won't do either).

Here is a link to the full platform list:
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A first step has to be taken somewhere. I don't want to be complicit in voting in another 4 years of bombing people in other countries who don't support western-backed bankers.
I'm not trying to discourage anybody, but rather to highlight that palpable change will require more than a president.

-edit- And for the record, I am likely voting 3rd party despite the warnings/ridicule of democrats and republicans alike.
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