Do you have any ESTP friends?


Well, do you? Are you getting along with them good? And what is their flaws and pros in your opinion? I myself just knows a very few ESTP's but I've never been close friend with anyone. I admire them, and I tend to idealize them alot. I really have an easier time talking to them then ISTJ's because we seem to have the same attitude when speaking to eachother, ok maybe I'm not as direct but they often make me focus on what makes sence, and not in that sort of intrusive way of ISTJ's. And when I've verbalized effectively I know I've been understood by them (you, if you are ESTP), making missunderstanding hard between us. Yes I have to force myself to be more direct (and realistic) but I know It would be worth it in the end.
If I do I dont know...I dont type people very well and have very few people close enough to type them I have my BFF who is ENFJ and a really good friend who is INFJ sorry cant be of any help to you on this one...
One of my best mates is an ESTP, I love watching him work the ladies. He goes through them like an experienced dairy farmer milking cows. He's very amusing although he does have the unfortunate tendancy to believe the news. When America invaded Iraq I told him they'd never find WoMD, but he was adamant they would because why else invade... Now after the news told him otherwise he believes me. He's got a great loyalty towards the bro's as well.
I have a close ESFP friend, but no ESTP I think. And we do understand each other pretty well, surprinsigly enough, though we don't live in the same way. For some reason I am very attached to her and her childishness, just like she likes my melodramatic side :D
She lives in Mexico now but we keep in touch regularly. We used to be roommates and it worked great. I'm a very messy INFJ, otherwise I don't know how well things would have turned out :mrgreen: but she was always very relaxed and laid back and I think it appeased me.
She gives me energy and helps me relativize things, I help her sorting out her crazy love problems and keeping her motivation up for important things.
i was pretty good friends with an ESTP once, but then he kinda deserted me. he also likes to push his ideas onto people, which is kinda funny because he pushes his ideas on me even though I agree with him! :roll:
entyqua said:
If I do I dont know...I dont type people very well and have very few people close enough to type them I have my BFF who is ENFJ and a really good friend who is INFJ sorry cant be of any help to you on this one...
Where do the enfj hang out?
Yes, I do have two female friends which are ESTPs. They are both fun-loving, quite intelligent and loyal to their partners. We do meet up occasionally with a group of friends but I don't seem to be able to connect with them personally.
chegra said:
entyqua said:
If I do I dont know...I dont type people very well and have very few people close enough to type them I have my BFF who is ENFJ and a really good friend who is INFJ sorry cant be of any help to you on this one...
Where do the enfj hang out?

Some seminars where they can learn and network?
cheta said:
chegra said:
entyqua said:
If I do I dont know...I dont type people very well and have very few people close enough to type them I have my BFF who is ENFJ and a really good friend who is INFJ sorry cant be of any help to you on this one...
Where do the enfj hang out?

Some seminars where they can learn and network?

Not sure what your asking here...As in online? She is not a big fan of the internet for networking or socializing..shes much more interested in being up close and personal with as many people as she can muster!
entyqua said:
Not sure what your asking here...As in online? She is not a big fan of the internet for networking or socializing..shes much more interested in being up close and personal with as many people as she can muster!
my enfj friend thinks spending a lot of time on the internet is a bit immature. He's not very good with it either :mrgreen:
Shaz- said:
my enfj friend thinks spending a lot of time on the internet is a bit immature. He's not very good with it either :mrgreen:

My sister is ENFJ and she never did get into any of the typology stuff. She doesn't say it, but I think she has the exact same attitude :B
I found out today that my best friend ever is actually ESTP. Pretty interesting development, I'd have to say.
He's pushy, self-absorbed, blunt, and rather dramatic. But there's no awkward silences, and I never have to worry about whether or not I'm entertaining him, or if I'm boring, or if I'm doing something wrong. He forgives me always, and he never let me go even when I pursued my own dreams. He's just so loyal to the point of being persistent, but he's the only one who really did that for me.
So yeah; I like my ESTP~
Yes I do, they're actually good to hang out with for an hour. Any longer then that however...
I was just thinking back on the ESTPs I knew, and I always remember I had to keep them entertained, cause If I didn't they were going to make there own entertainment, and I would lose them for the rest of the day. It's really not fun when you want to hang out with someone, but you sort of bore them.

I was just thinking back on the ESTPs I knew, and I always remember I had to keep them entertained, cause If I didn't they were going to make there own entertainment, and I would lose them for the rest of the day. It's really not fun when you want to hang out with someone, but you sort of bore them.

That's one good thing about getting to know an ESTP, though; once they get to know you enough, they'll include you~ Especially because if my friend gets bored, he doesn't mind indulging in my childish ideas. He's always losing interest in things, so we always come up with stupid games. We pretend to be pirates and build blanket forts and make outrageous plans for the future, and it's a lot of fun :)
I'd say just don't be afraid to throw ideas out there; it's alright to have an imagination
my best friend is an I/ESTP, and I just love the guy, its impossible not to
i love it when we play some card games and he loses 4-5 matches in a row, and then he starts creating the best drama I have ever seen, i seriously can't stop laughing
we live in the same apartment block ever since we we're born and we are both the same age, over the years we took words from dozens of languages (portugese,spanish,german,english..) and mutilated them and use them in conversations
most people are like "wtf? what language are u guys using" :pound:
ESTP rox :)
There's a troubled ESTP I know very well.

She's was just into marijauna when I first started speaking to her, but she kept diving deeper into harder drugs (X, acid etc etc) and alcohol, before she graduated (thank god she did) she ran away from home, and stayed with a teacher, she then was booted out of the teachers home for lying about running away. She is very promiscuous, and is a very troubled girl.

I worry about her well being. I don't bother talking to her, she never listened before, and won't change for me.
My last girlfriend is an ESTP, and she was a good friend of mine for years before we started dating. We don't talk as much now, since I'm in college and she's usually not online.

We definitely did not work out as partners, but as friends I feed off of her energy and we just goof off. She's one of my favorite people to be around.

There's a troubled ESTP I know very well.

She's was just into marijauna when I first started speaking to her, but she kept diving deeper into harder drugs (X, acid etc etc) and alcohol, before she graduated (thank god she did) she ran away from home, and stayed with a teacher, she then was booted out of the teachers home for lying about running away. She is very promiscuous, and is a very troubled girl.

I worry about her well being. I don't bother talking to her, she never listened before, and won't change for me.

Are you implying that she's troubled because she was getting into drugs, or that she was troubled AND getting into drugs? I can handle my substances just fine, although I can see how it could be a huge problem for an ESTP.