Do You Dislike Being Challenged?

Do You Welcome Your Statements Being Challenged?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 42.9%
  • No

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • This Question is not Challenging Enough.

    Votes: 11 39.3%

  • Total voters
I am curious to know the thoughts of the members of this board. Do you dislike being challenged by other people?

Depends on the situation. If the person is just trying to get under my skin for no reason other than getting under my skin, I consider that a waste of time and don't bother. If the point itself will take too long to argue and the person clearly fell off the moron tree, whether I indulge him or not depends on how personally invested I am in defending my view point. Otherwise, I don't really mind being challenged.

I love long-term challenges, though, where I have a chance to gather my resources and pit myself against another opponent. Bets, in other words. Those give me a secret thrill.

Are you more willing to be challenged by someone that has no intent other than to understand?

Depends on the situation, really. If I'm in a mood, sometimes I don't care what the person's intentions are.

How often do you respond defensively to an unbiased challenge?

Sometimes, I suppose. I usually try to keep a cool head. If I'm responding defensively, chances are, I probably had several buttons pushed somehow.

How often do you respond defensively to a seemingly biased challenge?

Depends on the situation. See above.
I do not like being challenged when I feel like people are expecting me to prove something to them. I am so prideful that when I fail at things the embarrassment is almost unbearable. I am much more critical of myself than I am of others, and I guess my initial reaction is to assume that everyone judges me as critically as I judge myself.

On the other hand, I cannot say no to a personal challenge. If I fail at something, I simply cannot give up on it. I will start at the very beginning and do something over and over again until I do it perfectly, and then I feel very accomplished.

I am not a competitive person at all. I like setting my own goals, achieving them, and then setting higher ones.
You've got to define what you mean by "challenge". If you mean an intellectual discussion with the aim of furthering the knowledge of both parties, then no, I don't dislike them, and rather welcome them as an opportunity to learn. But if you just mean an outright argument, the sole aim being for one side to dominate the other, then yes I do dislike them. Such an argument is rarely constructive, because one sides' beliefs and opinions are being belittled rather than heard, and I'd rather not waste my time on them.