D&D 4E Adventure

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shai Gar
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This is horrible... I was imediately attracted to the errr word type thing D&D and impulsively clicked on it.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm kinda done with ENTP gamemasters for the time being.

I prefer my gaming experiences to align more with a simulation of reality than an unbridled expression of imagination and creativity.

The ludicrous impossibilities and deus ex machina the ENTP gamemasters I've played with like to throw into their games can be terribly annoying, most importantly because these jumps seem entirely based on 'I got this cool idea all of a sudden... that makes me as the GM feel powerful... so it happens' without any forethought as to whether or not the idea is viable based on circumstances or character motivations, or even the restraints of reality as defined by the game mechanics... or most importantly without any consideration as to the consequences these brainstorms will have on the story.

I'm not saying that ENTPs are constantly doing this sort of thing, but it is an inevitability in any game run by an ENTP gamemaster that I've played under, and it's always something that just ruins suspension of disbelief (which kills the point to gaming for me, which is immersion)... and all of a sudden I'm painfully aware of how much time, energy, and immersion I've invested into something that is suddenly no longer valid.

Also, as GMs, the ENTPs I've gamed with have a habit of power gaming to an extreme degree and pitting their players against insurmountable odds because it seems as if there is a need for their egos to feel ridiculously more powerful than their players... the kind that are so unbalanced there is no point to players rolling dice... at which point the players are simply being told a story rather than interacting with it, and worst of all, it's a story in which players have no chance of contending with the will of the GM.

ENTPs are great people to have a lot of fun with otherwise, and you guys make great players.
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I was rather hoping someone else could DM it as I wanted to play.

You're more than welcome to DM it.
Also, as GMs, you guys have a habit of power gaming to an extreme degree and pitting your players against insurmountable odds because it seems as if there is a need for your egos to feel ridiculously more powerful than your players... the kind that are so unbalanced there is no point to rolling dice... at which point the players are simply being told a story rather than interacting with it, and worst of all, it's a story in which players have no chance of contending with your will.
Not true.

I ran a game in which I had an entire mapped out area set for the simplistic dungeon run, and they decided to go off map in order to seek out a village of defenseless humans body swapped into goblin bodies, who were then raped and murdered whilst slamming the babies with giant warhammers, all the while I'm trying to send messages to these guys to go back to the castle, and they decided instead to make their own kingdom. I kept sending messages to them through ingame channels, but narrated the story how they wanted it to go.
Not true.

I ran a game in which I had an entire mapped out area set for the simplistic dungeon run, and they decided to go off map in order to seek out a village of defenseless humans body swapped into goblin bodies, who were then raped and murdered whilst slamming the babies with giant warhammers, all the while I'm trying to send messages to these guys to go back to the castle, and they decided instead to make their own kingdom. I kept sending messages to them through ingame channels, but narrated the story how they wanted it to go.

I don't even know how to respond to this... you have some messed up players sir... but it sounds like you handled it properly.

Again, I'm not saying all ENTPs do what I was describing. I'm just saying all the ENTPs I've had as GMs have at one point in every game I've played with them done something like that, which utterly ruined the point for me playing with them.

I honestly don't have the time to invest in a text based online rpg. I'm tempted though, and one of these days you might talk me into it.
It was their revenge on me for "occasionally" committing a very public murder as a changeling, going around the corner and changing the inside out cloak around, and my face from male halforc to female elf. I don't completely understand their objection, as my insane sorcerer friend (infp) would always come along (in broad daylight) and melt the body using an acid orb to "get rid of the evidence".
I honestly don't have the time to invest in a text based online rpg. I'm tempted though, and one of these days you might talk me into it.
How about this as temptation? I promise that if you GM one that starts this month, I'll play a LG character and never sway into the dark side.
May I ask a very noobish question - are the players sitting together in the same room around a table with figures and books, describing in turns what happens? Or is it in written form? Sorry again, I have almost no experience with RPG / D&D. Good that I know what GM is, otherwise might have thought it could be in a screened virtual world.
May I ask a very noobish question - are the players sitting together in the same room around a table with figures and books, describing in turns what happens? Or is it in written form? Sorry again, I have almost no experience with RPG / D&D. Good that I know what GM is, otherwise might have thought it could be in a screened virtual world.

The traditional way in which D&D is played is around a table with dice and sometimes figures if the players prefer.

However, what is being discussed here is a text based version of this process where players post their actions.
Razzle dazzle!

I'm in. I am going to assume that my ridiculous characters will be acceptable.
I was rather hoping someone else could DM it as I wanted to play.

You're more than welcome to DM it.

This sounds like almost every conversation about beginning a new D&D game I've ever had.
There's always one person who will DM, and you have mild hate for them, but if they disappear everyone is screwed - no one else will want to DM.
I'd like to DM at some point, however I also have no bloody idea what I'm doing. so it would be a pretty disjointed game.. but there would be bunnies.
When I DM games, good and evil don't matter, only law and chaos, religious, irreligious and devil worshippers, and factions on factions.