Could they make Ghostbusters today? | INFJ Forum

Could they make Ghostbusters today?


Rothchildian Agent
May 9, 2011
I remember the Ghostbusters not just for the film and its sequel but the cartoon, comic book and the line of action figures and other merchandise, it was kind of a phenomenon for a while when I was growing up, it wasnt as big as TMNT (teenage mutant ninja turtles) which was supposedly a kind of paradigm shift and the only thing capable to causing He-Man, She-Ra and Transformers (and the Go Bots clone) to disappear (there was also the Power X-Treme cartoon but I'm not sure if that was the title, it was a bunch of special forces guys who used kind of heavily armed environment suits to battle robots and cyborgs) but it was pretty big.

Anyway, I was discussing this with a friend given that there's a plan to reboot the franchise or do a sequel with an all female cast and we were talking about that and the phenomenon itself. I'm not sure they could do the franchise the way they once did it and my reasoning is that I dont think people would find ghosts, hauntings or the paranormal as entertaining as they once did, I sort of think this is why the guys who produced the Ghostbusters movies produced Evolution, the movie about a space meteorite introducing an alien ecosystem to earth unleashing dinos and all kinds of things and eventually a blob monster (defeated by shampoo).

Its one of the wider consequences of the God Wars and the new atheism, it effects everything, I think adversely and narrows down the permissable or enjoyable material for, well, a lot of things. Its part of the reason that I think Dawkin's rejection of fiction like the Harry Potter books is understandable by his lights. What do you think?
Are ya kidding?

The movie market is full of really nasty supernatural stuff

Expect some dark moments in the new ghostbusters film that will etch in the psyche of the young viewers and haunt their dreams
Im hoping its not a remake and is an extension of some sort.
I saw Ghost busters when I was 8 in the theater and that was probably the perfect age to see it.

I dont think they can make another one unless its aimed at kids as the first one was. As an adult I doulubt ill find any value in the new one.
In theory yes, with the right cast and feel. I will watch it if Melissa McCarthy is in it. :D But I am concerned the film will not have that light hearted blockbuster comedic spirit of the 1980s. It was a different time and the film was meant more to be something fun that was about four friends working together to take care of ghosts. It was fairly innocent. Making it today makes me worry they'll try to imbue too much modern day messages in it that take away from the fact that it was simply meant to be a fun film for the whole family to enjoy. The best thing about the originals were that they were character driven. The characters made fun of themselves, and were fairly easy going. It wasn't meant to be taken too seriously. I think today's audiences are a bit more "sophisticated" and may expect more which the producers and directions will try to give, and end up spoiling the movie for those who loved the original. If they keep the spirit of the original, they'll probably be fine though.