Could someone help me figure out my type?

The Extroverted Feeler (Fe) needs a direct cue of action to see how a person feels. Hence, in such a case he would look at the person’s eyebrows, lips, body language and other aspects of physiognomy to determine how the person feels. One shall ask, why does the Extroverted Feeler have such ideas concerning determining the other person’s subjective Feelings. This is because he accepts external entities by default.

Your statement is indicative of having empathy when see others emotionally harmed. You recognize how the person being harmed feels and are effected internally by it. I.E. you feel disgusted, annoyed, or apologetic.

You may want to take this test for introversion/extroversion. It's not a Jung or MBTI, but it will tell you. You also may wish to save the results for reference later.

My test results:

Gregariousness 58%
Sociability 50%
Assertiveness 66%
Poise 54%
Leadership 50%
Provocativeness 66%
Self-Disclosure 38%
Talkativeness 70%
Group Attachment 54%
Extroversion 56%
Understanding 66%
Warmth 70%
Morality 46%
Pleasantness 34%
Empathy 62%
Cooperation 50%
Sympathy 66%
Tenderness 46%
Nurturance 34%
Accommodation 52%
Conscientiousness 90%
Efficiency 90%
Dutifulness 66%
Purposefulness 70%
Organization 86%
Cautiousness 70%
Rationality 66%
Perfectionism 90%
Planning 70%
Orderliness 77%
Stability 46%
Happiness 66%
Calmness 34%
Moderation 42%
Toughness 78%
Impulse Control 46%
Imperturbability 46%
Cool-headedness 42%
Tranquility 78%
Emotional Stability 53%
Intellect 66%
Ingenuity 86%
Reflection 86%
Competence 82%
Quickness 66%
Introspection 82%
Creativity 70%
Imagination 82%
Depth 82%
Openmindedness 78%
[MENTION=7029]Gwena[/MENTION], your Big 5 is SCOAI which is correlated to ENFJ. So, based on the Big 5, I would say you are likely one of the following four. ENFJ, ENTJ, INFJ, or INTJ. If I were you I would read these four MBTI profiles and see which one sounds like you. Also, if a profile does no match you 100% that is okay, it may have one or two things which do not apply to you very much or at all.
Hmm I see. How are they like in private?

In private they are very good listeners and display a lot of empathy. (Again these are just the ones I've known). They always know when something is bothering me, even when I'm trying to hide it. When I tell them what it is, I feel like they really listen without judgment and try to understand my individual perspective and then offer multiple new ones as a solution. Also almost all of them have some kind of artistic or musical talent.
[MENTION=7029]Gwena[/MENTION], your Big 5 is SCOAI which is correlated to ENFJ. So, based on the Big 5, I would say you are likely one of the following four. ENFJ, ENTJ, INFJ, or INTJ. If I were you I would read these four MBTI profiles and see which one sounds like you. Also, if a profile does no match you 100% that is okay, it may have one or two things which do not apply to you very much or at all.

Oh okay. Thanks for helping me out!
In private they are very good listeners and display a lot of empathy. (Again these are just the ones I've known). They always know when something is bothering me, even when I'm trying to hide it. When I tell them what it is, I feel like they really listen without judgment and try to understand my individual perspective and then offer multiple new ones as a solution. Also almost all of them have some kind of artistic or musical talent.

I'm not trying to sound conceited but I kind of relate to that. I really love listening to others and I never feel burdened when people share their problems with me. I actually love it because I know I'm good at being helpful and that's what I offer to others. I love learning how others think and/or feel. That's odd because I love to draw, paint, and design clothes.
[MENTION=7029]Gwena[/MENTION], your Big 5 is SCOAI which is correlated to ENFJ. So, based on the Big 5, I would say you are likely one of the following four. ENFJ, ENTJ, INFJ, or INTJ. If I were you I would read these four MBTI profiles and see which one sounds like you. Also, if a profile does no match you 100% that is okay, it may have one or two things which do not apply to you very much or at all.

I relate a lot to both the ENTJ and INTJ profiles. I have really high Fi but I'm such an extravert?
My least favorite thing about me is my sense of empathy. I can help but feel for somebody no matter what they do to me. For example, my mom's abusive and tells me to die and insults me half the time. I still feel so sad for her though knowing she had a bad childhood and doesn't know any better. The worst thing about life is not being able to help everyone.
I think that you're ENFJ, and a pretty strong one at that. You love attention which is not typical at all of an INFJ. I personally think you only scored low on E because you don't like negative attention- the fear of being judged. This is especially true since you have such strong F and is therefore more sensitive to criticism. ENFJ's also have Fe as the dominant.

You also have a very strong N and is an escapist because of this, but don't mix that up with I. You escape because you're tired of superficial people, the reality, and judge them both, not because you're tired of people in general.
Out of curiosity do you think your depression defined who you are or your type in any way? I was in a very similar scenario as you, depressed for 9 years of my 21 in existence. I cannot remember much of who I was before my depression, and I wasn't really much of anyone during it. However I think that the hardship through that is what shaped me into an INFJ. The way I've felt in the past has caused me to have a decent understanding, and profound concern for the feelings of others.

Then again I was probably an INFJ before, but didn't have much of an understanding of it. I was very sensitive in particular as a child / teenager. Onto you, I think your an ENFJ :)
I think that you're ENFJ, and a pretty strong one at that. You love attention which is not typical at all of an INFJ. I personally think you only scored low on E because you don't like negative attention- the fear of being judged. This is especially true since you have such strong F and is therefore more sensitive to criticism. ENFJ's also have Fe as the dominant.

You also have a very strong N and is an escapist because of this, but don't mix that up with I. You escape because you're tired of superficial people, the reality, and judge them both, not because you're tired of people in general.

Thank you for replying! Could you explain why you think that though? Yeah, I think my love of attention probably stems from my extraversion and Se which would be tertiary. Se loves shock value and putting on a performance and that's what I do all the time. Hmm I'm okay with negative attention as long as I believe in what I'm doing. I love nearly any kind of attention haha.

That makes a lot of sense, thanks.
Out of curiosity do you think your depression defined who you are or your type in any way? I was in a very similar scenario as you, depressed for 9 years of my 21 in existence. I cannot remember much of who I was before my depression, and I wasn't really much of anyone during it. However I think that the hardship through that is what shaped me into an INFJ. The way I've felt in the past has caused me to have a decent understanding, and profound concern for the feelings of others.

Then again I was probably an INFJ before, but didn't have much of an understanding of it. I was very sensitive in particular as a child / teenager. Onto you, I think your an ENFJ :)

Not really, my goals and achievements always defined me. My depression was just regarded as some problem that I tried to overcome. Very interesting to hear. How was your past like if you don't mind me asking?

Why? Maybe the reason I don't really relate much to ENFJ profiles is because most of those profiles are based on stereotypes about feelers. But I'm not sure.
I have decided that I am either ENTJ or ENFP. I have very strong Fi and nothing I ever do has to with other people's feelings. I help others because I like being helped, and so on. Thank you for your help!
Have you taken the cognitive functions test on I was feeling confused about my type as well but then I took that and realized I'm just highly developed in all the functions except Te and Se. 70% or higher on all others so that might be the cause of confusion for you as well. The fun part was figuring out which ones were natural to me. It was a little easier that Ni for me is 100% . Either way best of luck in finding your type! I am a little biased though, I hope you are ENFP :p
Have you taken the cognitive functions test on I was feeling confused about my type as well but then I took that and realized I'm just highly developed in all the functions except Te and Se. 70% or higher on all others so that might be the cause of confusion for you as well. The fun part was figuring out which ones were natural to me. It was a little easier that Ni for me is 100% . Either way best of luck in finding your type! I am a little biased though, I hope you are ENFP :p

The tests are usually inaccurate. Reading the descriptions and figuring out which ones resonate with you is the best way to go. I'm not trying to attack you, but I doubt it. Your shadow functions are rarely used and if you do use them, you get highly stressed out. Thanks! It's quite odd because my Fi and Te feel about the same but my Ni is higher than my Ne.
one way to figure out if you prefer Ni or Ne is to go to and click on the navigate arrow at the top left of the page. Scroll down and click on "rate yourself" and go through the exercises for Ni and Ne. you will be able to tell very quickly which is your natural preference.
one way to figure out if you prefer Ni or Ne is to go to and click on the navigate arrow at the top left of the page. Scroll down and click on "rate yourself" and go through the exercises for Ni and Ne. you will be able to tell very quickly which is your natural preference.

Thanks for the useful link! Both seem like me unfortunately. I'll just find some more descriptions.
After you figure out your core personality (that is basically who you were before your experiences screwed you up) look into Adult Attachment Theory ( Remember that there is always a bell curve with everyone who finds their MBTI type. Not all ISFJs are alike, just as not all INFJs on this forum are alike. Many have had to learn to develop other functions out of coping with life (family, job, etc.)