Computer related question


life is good
I am wondering if someone might be able to help. I would really appreciate it. I have an audio file (one continuous file) that I'd like to burn to a CD, but it is too large for a standard CD. What might be the easiest way to burn this file? Burn it to a DVD? Or are there CDs that have larger storage capacities than the standard 74 minutes, or would it even be possible to split the file into 2 files or to make the size of the file smaller without compromising the quality and length of the audio?

Edit: I suspect recording it to a DVD might be easiest, but I'd rather have a CD recording if possible. That's why I'm wondering if alternative options are feasible.

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The average CD can hold 700 MB. How big is the file in question? If it's in MP3 format it should fit if you burn it as a data file, not as a music file. (so the length in time shouldn't be a problem). I assume you were trying to burn it as a WMA? (Windows Media Audio).

If it's not a MP3 try converting it, and if the file size is the issue, compression?
what is the file extension? generally i have found compressing the file or changing file types does not degrade the audio quality, though it is a risk. and you could use a program such as Audacity to split the file into two different ones, but you'd still have the same length of total time, which i would not think would fit on the CD. you could use a DVD but i think that's an awful waste of space, as a DVD-R can hold a ton. hope it helps. feel free to ask me if you are still wondering about this.
The average CD can hold 700 MB. How big is the file in question? If it's in MP3 format it should fit if you burn it as a data file, not as a music file. (so the length in time shouldn't be a problem). I assume you were trying to burn it as a WMA? (Windows Media Audio).

If it's not a MP3 try converting it, and if the file size is the issue, compression?

Thanks Peppermint. The file is 84.2 MB but 1 hour and 30 mins long. I'm not sure whether I was trying to burn it as an WMA or other type - how would I know that? I checked the "Properties" tab/window, and under "Type of File" it's stated as: MP3 Format Sound (.mp3) .

What happens when you compress a file and how is it done? Also, if I burn it as a data file, will I only be able to listen to it on my computer?

what is the file extension? generally i have found compressing the file or changing file types does not degrade the audio quality, though it is a risk. and you could use a program such as Audacity to split the file into two different ones, but you'd still have the same length of total time, which i would not think would fit on the CD. you could use a DVD but i think that's an awful waste of space, as a DVD-R can hold a ton. hope it helps. feel free to ask me if you are still wondering about this.

Thanks RWIR. The file extension is .mp3 . I thought about using Audacity by playing the file and simultaneously recording it to Audacity via a hooked up mike but I thought that may impact the quality of the audio (with extraneous sound, mike quality, etc.) - is there another way to do this using Audacity? I wouldn't mind the waste of space I guess if I recorded it onto a DVD, but I'm guessing this would mean I could only play the disc on my comp or a dvd player, right?.. no car listening?

Thanks again for your help! Computers are definitely foreign land to me (aside from the net and whatnot). :tongue:
Thanks Peppermint. The file is 84.2 MB but 1 hour and 30 mins long. I'm not sure whether I was trying to burn it as an WMA or other type - how would I know that? I checked the "Properties" tab/window, and under "Type of File" it's stated as: MP3 Format Sound (.mp3) .

What happens when you compress a file and how is it done? Also, if I burn it as a data file, will I only be able to listen to it on my computer?

Thanks RWIR. The file extension is .mp3 . I thought about using Audacity by playing the file and simultaneously recording it to Audacity via a hooked up mike but I thought that may impact the quality of the audio (with extraneous sound, mike quality, etc.) - is there another way to do this using Audacity? I wouldn't mind the waste of space I guess if I recorded it onto a DVD, but I'm guessing this would mean I could only play the disc on my comp or a dvd player, right?.. no car listening?

Thanks again for your help! Computers are definitely foreign land to me (aside from the net and whatnot). :tongue:

maybe this link might help. that's one of the first thoughts i had is that mp3 is actually one of the smallest file sizes (compared to something like .wav which is a bit more unwieldy.) You could use audacity but i think that would degrade the audio quality with extraneous noise; also, that might not even help reduce the file size. i think your best bet is to low the bitrate. there should be info on that link.

hope it helps
Q1. Are you going to play the disc on a cd player that supports mp3 audio? (most new cars do by the way)

If YES, then select data cd (not audio cd) in your cd burning software. Drag-drop the mp3 file onto the disc and burn.

If NO, then you'll need to expand it to wave and cut it into two parts, and burn it onto TWO discs. Use a freeware sample editor. Open the file, cut it into two parts, and save as part1.wav and part2.wav. Making sure you select the format as PCM uncompressed wave. 16bit signed. 44100Hz. stereo.

Now open your cd burning software and select the new audio cd project. Put part1.wav onto disc 1. burn it. Then drag part2.wav onto disc 2. burn it.