Communication Style Quiz | INFJ Forum

Communication Style Quiz

Your primary communication style is: Controller / Supporter
You are a unique combination of two primary communication styles which may be in conflict with each other as sometimes you are task oriented and sometime you are people oriented. Used wisely, these two styles can make you very effective in managing people while remaining sensitive to their emotions and needs.
Here is a summary of your primary characteristics.
Your Value To A Team
You provide unique task orientation and organizational skills combined with an interest in people that helps the group to function smoothly.
Your Major Strengths

  • You have strength of purpose and determination.
  • You are very goal oriented and will work through obstacles to obtain important goals.
  • You have good people skills.
  • You are a good team player and take the needs and feelings of others into account.
Your Major Weaknesses

  • In an effort to preserve harmony you may sacrifice results.
  • You may become impatient with others and let them know about your impatience through words and body language.
  • You can be demanding of other people, especially those who don’t share your focus on getting things done.
You Are Primarily Motivated By

  • Results
  • Challenges
  • Relationships
Your Method Of Communicating

  • You are concerned about the feelings and emotions of others so you seek to understand them.
  • Your communication tends to be fact based and task oriented, but you are a good listener.
  • You blend the need for results with the need to maintain relationships.
To Improve Your Communication

  • Leave time for small talk before you ‘get to the point’.
  • Learn to express yourself even when everyone may not agree with you.
  • Realize that just because someone disagrees with you, it doesn’t mean that they don’t like you.
Your Typical Emotional Response
Warm and friendly with a tendency to become detached sometime.
Your primary communication style is: Analyzer
You are the type of person who uses a methodical problem solving method approach to life. You tend to lean more towards good ideas, complex concepts and intriguing solutions rather than towards feelings. You also like study and analysis of the topics you are interested in.
Here is a summary of your primary characteristics.
Your Value To A Team
You are great at focusing on details and how things will get done. Planning, procedures, and record keeping skills will also make you valuable to the group.
Your Major Strengths

  • Planning and organizing.
Your Major Weaknesses

  • Because of your task and goal orientation, you can be insensitive to feelings of others.
  • You can be seen as being negative because you ask a lot of questions.
  • When faced with pressure you can be evasive in style and try to change the subject or offer non-specific solutions.
You Are Primarily Motivated By

  • Being right
  • Quality
Your Method Of Communicating

  • Your primary question is “how?”
  • You are a good listener, especially in relation to tasks.
  • You like to have lists, charts, graphs, and print outs that support your position.
To Improve Your Communication

  • Pay more attention to people and their feelings.
  • Leave time for small talk and getting to know people.
  • Limit your natural tendency to ask questions.
  • Make sure you allow the other person to finish what they are saying. You natural tendency is to think you know what they are going to say.
Your Typical Emotional Response

  • Sensitive
  • Careful

Eh. I tend to be diplomatically direct in communication, not insensitive. Decent quiz, though.
Hrm...not sure about the results:

Your primary communication style is: Supporter / Analyzer
You are a unique combination of two primary communication styles, both of which cause you to focus on details rather than the big picture. This is both your strength and weakness.
Here is a summary of your primary characteristics.
Your Value To A Team
You provide the detail orientation, organizational skills, and exactness that helps the group to function smoothly.
Your Major Strengths

  • You are a good team player and take the needs and feelings of others into account.
  • Thoroughness.
  • Accuracy in analyzing data.
  • Planning and organizing.
Your Major Weaknesses

  • In an effort to preserve harmony you may sacrifice results.
  • You may be reluctant to initiate action for fear of failure or rejection.
  • Because of your need to collect details, you can be overly cautious when making decisions.
  • You can be seen as being negative because you ask a lot of questions.
You Are Primarily Motivated By

  • Relationships
  • Appreciation
  • Being right
  • Quality
Your Method Of Communicating

  • You can become withdrawn and quiet if you feel that you are being attacked.
  • Your primary question are “how?” and "who?"
  • You are a good listener, especially in relation to tasks.
  • You like to have lists, charts, graphs, and print outs that support your position.
To Improve Your Communication

  • Learn to express yourself even when everyone may not agree with you.
  • Realize that just because someone disagrees with you, it doesn’t mean that they don’t like you.
  • Pay more attention to people and their feelings.
  • Leave time for small talk and getting to know people.
  • Limit your natural tendency to ask questions.
Your Typical Emotional Response

  • Warm and friendly.
  • Like
Reactions: knight in battle
Your primary communication style is: Analyzer

You are the type of person who uses a methodical problem solving method approach to life. You tend to lean more towards good ideas, complex concepts and intriguing solutions rather than towards feelings. You also like study and analysis of the topics you are interested in.

Here is a summary of your primary characteristics.

Your Value To A Team

You are great at focusing on details and how things will get done. Planning, procedures, and record keeping skills will also make you valuable to the group.

Your Major Strengths

· Planning and organizing.

Your Major Weaknesses

· Because of your task and goal orientation, you can be insensitive to feelings of others.

· You can be seen as being negative because you ask a lot of questions.

· When faced with pressure you can be evasive in style and try to change the subject or offer non-specific solutions.

You Are Primarily Motivated By

· Being right

· Quality

Your Method Of Communicating

· Your primary question is “how?”

· You are a good listener, especially in relation to tasks.

· You like to have lists, charts, graphs, and print outs that support your position.

To Improve Your Communication

· Pay more attention to people and their feelings.

· Leave time for small talk and getting to know people.

· Limit your natural tendency to ask questions.

· Make sure you allow the other person to finish what they are saying. You natural tendency is to think you know what they are going to say.

Your Typical Emotional Response

· Sensitive

· Careful
Your primary communication style is: Promoter

Promoters are people with strong social skills. You are very good at winning over people, crowds, even your enemies. You have lots of friends and enjoy being in the lime light.

Here is a summary of your primary characteristics.

Your Value To A Team You are great at influencing people and enjoy establishing and maintaining the social connections necessary for the group to function effectively.
Your Major Strengths
  • You are enthusiastic.
  • You are great at getting people motivated & involved.
  • You can make almost anything seem exciting.
Your Major Weaknesses
  • You may be impulsive and move from subject to subject without completing anything.
  • Your tendency is to not focus attention on details and facts and this can cause problems.
  • You may over-commit and under deliver.
  • You can be too easily influenced by emotional appeals.
You Are Primarily Motivated By
  • Recognition
  • Approval
  • Visibility
Your Method Of Communicating
  • As a communicator you are enthusiastic, stimulating, and can inspire others.
  • Your communication is often one-way and you may not wait for a response before you continue to talk.
  • You make effective use of non-verbal communication.
To Improve Your Communication
  • You may be too busy talking and need to listen more.
  • Seek to accurately understand what the other person means before you start to think about how you feel about a subject.
  • Be sensitive to those who want to “get to the point”, and cut the small talk when appropriate.
  • Be careful about expressing your feelings too much.
Your Typical Emotional Response
  • Your emotions are characterized by highs and lows and you many move quickly from one to the other.

Do I sound enough like a cult leader yet?
Your primary communication style is: Promoter Plus

You are a unique combination of multiple communication styles with a balance that makes you effective in managing people and tasks with an emphasis on details. While you can appreciate the big picture, you sometime get distracted by details. You

have a tendency to be critical of yourself.

Here is a summary of your primary characteristics.
Your Value To A Team
You provide unique people orientation combined with attention to details that helps the group to function smoothly.
Your Major Strengths

  • You have excellent people skills and can relate well to most people.
  • You are an excellent team player and take the needs and feelings of others into account.
  • Planning and organizing.
Your Major Weaknesses

  • You can be challenged by people who don’t pay attention to details.
  • You have a need for other people to like and admire you.
  • You can be seen as being negative because you ask a lot of questions.
You Are Primarily Motivated By

  • Relationships
  • Details, facts, and organization
Your Method Of Communicating

  • You are concerned about the feelings and emotions of others so you seek to understand them.
  • Your communication tends to be fact based and task oriented, but you are a good listener.
  • You blend the need for results with the need to maintain relationships.
  • You like to have lists, charts, graphs, and print outs that support your position.
To Improve Your Communication

  • Get to the point when others aren’t interested in personal information.
  • Learn to express yourself even when everyone may not agree with you.
  • Make sure you allow the other person to finish what they are saying. You natural tendency is to think you know what they are going to say.
Your Typical Emotional Response
Warm and friendly with a tendency to become detached sometime.
Your primary communication style is: Controller / Supporter

You are a unique combination of two primary communication styles which may be in conflict with each other as sometimes you are task oriented and sometime you are people oriented. Used wisely, these two styles can make you very effective in managing people while remaining sensitive to their emotions and needs.
Here is a summary of your primary characteristics.
Your Value To A Team
You provide unique task orientation and organizational skills combined with an interest in people that helps the group to function smoothly.
Your Major Strengths

  • You have strength of purpose and determination.
  • You are very goal oriented and will work through obstacles to obtain important goals.
  • You have good people skills.
  • You are a good team player and take the needs and feelings of others into account.
Your Major Weaknesses

  • In an effort to preserve harmony you may sacrifice results.
  • You may become impatient with others and let them know about your impatience through words and body language.
  • You can be demanding of other people, especially those who don’t share your focus on getting things done.
You Are Primarily Motivated By

  • Results
  • Challenges
  • Relationships
Your Method Of Communicating

  • You are concerned about the feelings and emotions of others so you seek to understand them.
  • Your communication tends to be fact based and task oriented, but you are a good listener.
  • You blend the need for results with the need to maintain relationships.
To Improve Your Communication

  • Leave time for small talk before you ‘get to the point’.
  • Learn to express yourself even when everyone may not agree with you.
  • Realize that just because someone disagrees with you, it doesn’t mean that they don’t like you.
Your Typical Emotional Response
Warm and friendly with a tendency to become detached sometime.
This sort of sounds right. I don't stand for discord.

Your primary communication style is: Supporter

Supporters are the best of friends. They are very casual and likable people that will go all out to please others. They are peace makers because they tend to minimize conflict with other people.

Here is a summary of your primary characteristics.

Your Value To A Team
You are great at building the relationships that hold the team together.

Your Major Strengths
· You have good people skills.
· You are a good team player and take the needs and feelings of others into account.
· You can be an excellent mediator when conflict or crisis comes.

Your Major Weaknesses
· In an effort to preserve harmony you may sacrifice results.
· You may be reluctant to initiate action for fear of failure or rejection.

You Are Primarily Motivated By
· Relationships
· The appreciation of others

Your Method Of Communicating
· You are a good listener who keeps the conversation going with a two way flow.
· You are concerned about the feelings and emotions of others so you seek to understand them.
· You can become withdrawn and quiet if you feel that you are being attacked.

To Improve Your Communication
· Concentrate on setting goals and taking action.
· Learn to express yourself even when everyone may not agree with you.
· Realize that just because someone disagrees with you, it doesn’t mean that they don’t like you.

Your Typical Emotional Response
· Warm
· Friendly
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Reactions: knight in battle
Your primary communication style is: Promoter

Promoters are people with strong social skills. You are very good at winning over people, crowds, even your enemies. You have lots of friends and enjoy being in the lime light.

Here is a summary of your primary characteristics.

Your Value To A Team
You are great at influencing people and enjoy establishing and maintaining the social connections necessary for the group to function effectively.

Your Major Strengths
· You are enthusiastic.
· You are great at getting people motivated & involved.
· You can make almost anything seem exciting.

Your Major Weaknesses
· You may be impulsive and move from subject to subject without completing anything.
· Your tendency is to not focus attention on details and facts and this can cause problems.
· You may over-commit and under deliver.
· You can be too easily influenced by emotional appeals.

You Are Primarily Motivated By
· Recognition
· Approval
· Visibility

Your Method Of Communicating
· As a communicator you are enthusiastic, stimulating, and can inspire others.
· Your communication is often one-way and you may not wait for a response before you continue to talk.
· You make effective use of non-verbal communication.

To Improve Your Communication
· You may be too busy talking and need to listen more.
· Seek to accurately understand what the other person means before you start to think about how you feel about a subject.
· Be sensitive to those who want to “get to the point”, and cut the small talk when appropriate.
· Be careful about expressing your feelings too much.

Your Typical Emotional Response
· Your emotions are characterized by highs and lows and you many move quickly from one to the other.
Your primary communication style is: Supporter

Supporters are the best of friends. They are very casual and likable people that will go all out to please others. They are peace makers because they tend to minimize conflict with other people.

Here is a summary of your primary characteristics.

Your Value To A Team - You are great at building the relationships that hold the team together.

Your Major Strengths
· You have good people skills.
· You are a good team player and take the needs and feelings of others into account.
· You can be an excellent mediator when conflict or crisis comes.
Your Major Weaknesses
· In an effort to preserve harmony you may sacrifice results.
· You may be reluctant to initiate action for fear of failure or rejection.
You Are Primarily Motivated By
· Relationships
· The appreciation of others
Your Method Of Communicating
· You are a good listener who keeps the conversation going with a two way flow.
· You are concerned about the feelings and emotions of others so you seek to understand them.
· You can become withdrawn and quiet if you feel that you are being attacked.
To Improve Your Communication
· Concentrate on setting goals and taking action.
· Learn to express yourself even when everyone may not agree with you.
· Realize that just because someone disagrees with you, it doesn’t mean that they don’t like you.
Your Typical Emotional Response
· Warm
· Friendly
Your primary communication style is: Controller

Controllers are typically people whom others perceive as a very active, independent, self-confident and a results oriented kind of person. You may appear to be bossy at times or even disregard other people’s feelings when it comes to getting things done.

Here is a summary of your primary characteristics.

Your Value To A Team
You tend to take initiative and exhibit leadership.

Your Major Strengths
· You have strength of purpose and determination.
· You are very goal oriented and will work through obstacles to obtain important goals. This can make you seem insensitive to others if you are not careful.
· You get things done and can typically be counted on in a crisis.

Your Major Weaknesses

· Because of your drive, determination, and focus on goals, you can be insensitive to feelings of others.
· You may become impatient with others and let them know about your impatience through words and body language.
· You can be demanding of other people, especially those who don’t share your focus on getting things done.

You Are Primarily Motivated By
· Results
· Challenges
· Action

Your Method Of Communicating
· Your communication tends to be fact based, task oriented, and one way.
· You may have challenges being a good a listener.
· You prefer to initiate conversations.

To Improve Your Communication
· Listen more.
· Become more interested in other people.
· Leave time for small talk before you ‘get to the point’.
· Practice expressing your feelings.

Your Typical Emotional Response

· Because you are not usually comfortable expressing your feelings, you can become detached.
As a DOER you are very active, independent, self-confident and results oriented in your communication. You may appear to be bossy at times or even disregard other people’s feelings when it comes to getting things done.
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