Climate/Weather Changes and Our Bodies | INFJ Forum

Climate/Weather Changes and Our Bodies


Permanent Fixture
Oct 6, 2010
Anecdotally, I have felt that I've been feeling differently, and worse, with the pressure changes from the rain (or cold/warm air interactions that cause it anyway). Puffed out feeling. Low-pressure -> less pressure to keep things closely together : expansion (like a bag of chips in mountains). Which made me think about how it could also effect our brains, and bodies. Atmospheric pressure and effecting our bodies(brains particularly) is something that I haven't seen a lot of people connect the dots on, as far as in relation to climate change, but there is evidence of less clear thinking in lower pressures (on planes). My guess is that the less clear thinking is probably related more to less oxygen though (less pressure/density = less oxygen, unless you've hooked yourself up to a breather). People are more likely to get headaches, especially migraines, with the change in air pressure. The expanding and contracting probably isn't very conducive to clear thinking (or anything good): anecdotally, agitation, foggy thinking, lethargy. There is less oxygen in lower pressures : I have noticed myself sleeping less easily, feeling short of breath, and waking up because of it (especially if windows are open). Faster changes in weather, from high to low temperatures, are the indications of more rapid pressure change. It's no accident that people complain of the blues, joint pain, headaches and migraines in cloudy weather. Kind of a d'oh moment for me. It's been obvious that the more rapid weather changes have been happening, and it's become clearer that the physiological, and corresponding psychological, changes have been happening too (as I've noticed in myself and others).

A good link :
A Brain for all Seasons: Human Evolution and Abrupt Climate Change

It seems to me that trying to control the climate/weater, by maybe trying to even out (globally) temperature or pressure by modifying one or the other is really all that we're left with, for the next 100 years, if we want to avoid a bunch of death, chaos, extinctions, destruction, etc. (It won't be long, by the way, before real eco-terrorism starts to happen, maybe from a bunch of ticked off people who are effected the worst.)

To doubters: it won't be long before the conservatives who understood some of what this all means, and they are out there (one of them being a hardcore libertarian who was ousted by a TeaPartier who blathered on and on about how global warming wasn't happening), will have an "I told you so" moment, kind of like the only senator who voted against the Patriot Act (whose warnings about the vague and overly-broad language were spot-on compared to what has happened)... not that anyone will feel good about them being right, themselves included (which is pretty much the whole point of trying to avoid it).
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Yes, and it gets worse.

Unregulated mining and deforestation and habitat loss is both killing the species that we'd need in order to bounce back, and causing Co2 effects to be heavier than usual because we're making Co2 and killing what can get rid of Co2 at the same time, which is also wrecking the oceans.

There will likely be extinction debt because the balance is already upset and things always have to propagate through the entire chain and then come back around in a feedback loop. Extinction debt is when things are already set in motion such that a species is already on the verge of collapse, and can't meaningfully recover their numbers, they're just kind of lingering on until the extant population finally dies out which can take many generations.
*hums*.....and I feel fine... :)
It would be interesting for chemtrail watchers to also look for the signs of low pressure in the air and to see if these things correlate. My guess is that they do correlate. When I've seen "chemtrails" it's been in situations with other hanging and wispier clouds. Regardless, seeing them more often is probably a bad sign.

Cold fusion nao, plox. It's pretty much the only thing that can be deployed cheaply and quickly enough to keep things for getting much worse, imo. And it will maybe get rid of tons of death/conflict over oil...
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It would be interesting for chemtrail watchers to also look for the signs of low pressure in the air and to see if these things correlate. My guess is that they do correlate. When I've seen "chemtrails" it's been in situations with other hanging and wispier clouds. Regardless, seeing them more often is probably a bad sign.

Cold fusion nao, plox. It's pretty much the only thing that can be deployed cheaply and quickly enough to keep things for getting much worse, imo. And it will maybe get rid of tons of death/conflict over oil...

Here's how i see it

There is a cabal of international bankers who are working with a global el-ite to make money through corporations that destroy the environment and degrade the masses

These same el-ites are now telling us that we have damaged the environment and must pay them carbon taxes

Watch how whatever happens in the world they get richer and everyone else gets poorer.....this should get anyone more than a little bit suspicious

There's a war...the bankers get richer, the people get poorer
There's an economic crisis...the bankers get richer, the people get poorer
There's environmental damage...the bankers get richer, the people get poorer

The corporations sprayed agent orange, a cancer causing substance in the vietnam war on the vietnamese populace
This substance was created by MONSANTO

Monsanto has teamed up with the government to create sprays and spraying technologies before.

Bill Gates has shares in Monsanto and he has spent money on 'weather modification' experiments.

Monsanto make chemical sprays that kill pretty much all living things except their genetically modified plants

Bill Gates is also investing heavily in vaccines. Have you ever looked into what vaccines are made up of?

In the same way that agent orange contained dioxins that cause cancer, vaccines for years contained thimerosol which is a mercury derivative which damages living things

These guys are psychopaths. They thought nothing of spraying cancer causing sprays on vietnamese women, children and men and their water courses and crops.

Any US citizen who thinks these guys give a damn about them is beyond naive

These guys are control freaks. Not only is Monsanto patenting many food stuffs that are naturally growing and therefore the birth right of every living person on earth, but they also have lobbied the government to stop farmers using their own seeds....they are monopolists....they are control freaks

Do they want to control the weather? Hell yes....they want to control EVERYTHING
@muir ,

If they're going to be spraying anywhere to control the weather to create very violent storms, or to try to stop global warming, it would be at the north pole. The violent storms would be a result of large and rapidly changing pressures combining with the air circulation around there, and are due to that. Rain seeding relies on the clouds being there to begin with. Likewise, to accomplish anything of the scale to control weather and make storms like 'Frankenstorm' and Sandy, they would have to be manipulating those base causes, or necessary conditions, of the weather in the first place. You aren't going to create the pressure differences/warm cold fronts in such a localized area short of venting parts of our atmosphere into space -- massive scale project in and of itself, not to mention hard to hide (definitely not caused by chemtrails). At least, I hope they don't think they're going to accomplish anything by spraying along the middle latitudes, because they definitely won't be doing anything important there (besides flat out poisoning people). Meteorologists and pilots would say the same thing, ie low-pressure. Hanging around more often because there is low-pressure enough to cause them more often. Which also is the cause of the more extreme weather.

Are many people going to be happy to make money off of all of this, psychopaths included? Most definitely, yes. Creating a monopoly on food via patents evil? Definitely. We agree that many of them are definitely psychopaths... they've led the campaign against there being any reason that the climate or weather would change to begin with and play pin the tale on the donkey when they do entertain it. Considering that there is almost certainly a logical reason for the weather/climate to change (and it has happened as they love to point out, throughout history), then I don't know why they would be so successful in telling us that it just can't happen or be the accumulation of things we've been doing for 150 years on a now massive scale. They've thrown money at propaganda so they can continue to make their money, irrespective of the other results... we would agree, rather typical behavior. Psychopathy, pathological shortsightedness, or both, your pick. Frankly, we're going to need weather control, and they will be all too happy to help. Which is why our industries have been thinking about what to patent for their next monopoly.
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If you want to follow where they are spraying then its probably best to look at satellite images as these will show the spraying patterns

I take your point about spraying at the poles as a way to best mess with gaias weather cycles

It seems though that they are spraying all over the world. More info can be found here:

Personally i think there are different reasons for the spraying. I do think they are tampering with the weather as a way to increase crop related profits and as a way to raise global temperatures to justify a carbon tax and to allow the exploitation of oil at the poles, but i think there is something far more sinister going on as well

The documentary 'why in the world are they spraying' looks at the Monsanto angle to all this

There are still evidently many people out there who are completely unaware of this going on and whats more when you point it out to them they deny it

However they can have their own opinions but they can't have their own facts and the facts are that the US and UK governments have sprayed their own and other populations. This is all documented fact

Here's a link to a newspaper article about a spraying programme in the UK:

Here's a newspaper article about the CIA funding spraying:

Monsantos agent orange:

Doco called 'food inc' about monsantos monopoly over US seed production:

Wikipedia is full of experimentation carried out on human subjects without their permission by the US government. Many operations involved spraying stuff into the atmosphere or into water. Here's a link about it and it has many more links at the bottom:

All the information is there and yet many people continue to sleep walk their way through life. Its not that they don't have access to the information and its not even that they don't hear about it anymore as more and more people are discussing this stuff. Its simply that they don't give themselves permission to upgrade their perception of reality; in effect they choose to stay closed minded

That is really THE BIG problem in the world today. Its not that a bunch of psychopaths are running amok...that's just a sad fact of life...its that most people just let them do it. Many people simply are not taking responsibility for this reality that we all they give away all the power to an industrious but diabolical few who then bend reality to their will

There are other levels to this thing. Sure on the surface they seem to be a bunch of unfeeling psychopaths; that's the manifestation on this physical plane. On another dimension of consciousness something else is happening. These people really seem to be acting with PURPOSE

They are operating as a cohesive group following a coherent game plan

Yes they are dumping sprays on us containing toxic particulates such as aluminium that causes dementia and other problems (ie damaging the brain), but they are also putting flouride in the water, additives in our food, toxins in vaccinations and they are creating an invisible soup of Radio Frequency radiation that we are all living in the whole time. They are also dumbing down education and the media.

They are attacking us on every level

One agenda is simply population control which is part of 'Agenda 21' which is a UN policy. Its long term aim is to cut the human population down in numbers, relocate everyone to tightly controlled urban centres, linked by high speed railways. The rest of the land will be carved up for various usages such as agriculture, mining etc. Everyone will be microchipped to allow them to be tracked and also so their money is stored electronically on the chip

All the 'smart' products are part of this vision for the future including smart meters which not only poison people with wireless RF radiation but also feed information about everyones energy usage back to the central controllers.

People aren't going to just go along with all this so they have to find ways to shepherd people in the directions they want them to go in. That is why they use things such as 'false flag' attacks to rile people up so that in their anger they agree to whatever they are told.

The central controllers are currently orchestrating a financial crisis so that they can carry out a bank 'bail in'. Where a bank 'bail out' involves the government using public money to bail out failed banks, a bank bail in involves the banks simply freezing everyones accounts and then taking a 'haircut' off everyones money ie grabbing it straight from peoples accounts. They did this in cyprus recently as a dry run for the rest of europe and northern america. They operate out of the central bank of central banks which is the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

They will take everyones money and make people more and more dependent on them eg through food banks and privatisation of all utilities etc so that they own them all. This will make the population easy to control because they will be reliant on the central controllers (operating through their 'too big to fail' monopoly capitalism corporations) as the dog never bites the hand that feeds it

If you want to get an idea of just how manipulative they are you can watch clips of David de Rothschild (who looks a bit like jesus) doing talks around the world to promote his new book on the dangers of global warming and how we all need to pay carbon taxes to the central controllers (ie the rothschilds and their sub clans).

I wonder how much carbon that hypocrite created by flying around the world on his book launching tour?!!! His family have been the money behind the industrial revolution so they are the worlds biggest polluters in that respect and now they are messing with our weather so that they can tell us we are all facing a catastrophe if we don't pay them more taxes.

Evelyn de rothschild has even started a weather prediciton service! Well of course he can predict the weather, he's controlling it!

These guys are laughing at humanity.....i bet they wonder how the hell they keep getting away with it all....i guess they just think we are all just dumb goyim (cattle). Sadly many people seem to be living down to that expectation

Have you ever watched those detective shows where the serial killer keeps leaving clues and seems to want to be caught....they taunt their pursuer and actually blame their pursuant for not stopping them from carrying out their crimes! These guys seem to be a bit like that......they need humanity to take their cold blooded, reptilian hands off the steering wheel so that we can all steer the good ship planet earth back onto a safe course, because at the moment these guys seem to be bent on creating a grey, lifeless, archontic world

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