[PAX] - Christians: How do you understand God's plan for your life? | INFJ Forum

[PAX] Christians: How do you understand God's plan for your life?


Sep 5, 2009
How do you understand God's plan for your life? Do you see it as a definite path or goal or do you see it as moment by moment walk? Do you feel as if God's plan is a overwhelming destiny for your entire life that will be revealed or do you think it's meant to be something discovered day by day?

Jeremiah 29:11

New International Version (NIV)

[SUP]11 [/SUP]For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
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Oh dear, well if God has an MBTI I hope He isn't ENXP. What about plans to follow up on his plans? (Would make sense though... Sending INFJs around to do the dirty work :3)

I think God has super detailed plans for our destiny but we will never know them, except maybe through breakthrough hints or spiritual epiphanies. I don't think there is any "meant to" way to approach it. If you want to endlessly ask what's happening next then go for it. I also think He has a vague definition of "prosper" etc from that quote... a really loose definition lol. Yes, people will learn things and grow and have a future, but some people can still live terribly hard lives so it's not like it's literally sunshine and flowers He is setting you up for.
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I belive He has some direction for anyone, but it does not come in shape of written manual:) And it is probably not specific and one goal, it is more the form of life for what he gave us possibility.
I don't understand it, God does. He is the Seeing, the Knowing, and I am but a human in the middle of it.
I think God's plan for our lives is for us to grow and develop and become just like Him.

We were created in God's image or as a replica of God (little gods, if you will). God did this so that we could singularly enjoy fellowship with him - not because God needed it but His over-abundant love wanted to make a creature that could enjoy Him (for the creature's joy - not God's).

So I think we are missing the big picture when we ask, "What is God's plan for me?" and we are thinking vocation, marriage, etc... I think, for the most part, God leaves that up to us to decide but the real question to ask is, "why are we here? for what purpose?" .

The answer to that question, I believe, is that this life is like a boot-camp or a nursery (so to speak) where we are to grow and become what we were created to be - which is like God and, since God is love, the highest thing we can try and attain to is also becoming love - not a sentimental, mushy love but a real love, a strong love, a deep love.

We are like artists, each one of us, and the clay for us to work on and mold is our own selves - that is our purpose in this life, to work on ourselves and to grow and to become what we were meant to be.
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All I can say atm is that I'm being processed. And tested, and reviewed, and reminded, but mostly processed.

Oh, disclaimer : I am no dogmatic believer of the Judeo-Christian God in particular, but prays to Him. My main deity, so to speak.
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Some principles come to mind:

* To truly love and be what you are fully (human in all its aspects).

* To truly love and seek that everything else be what it is (love of other people and all creatures animate and inanimate).

* On top of this - to seek what is most beautiful, true, good, wise, etc. (love God).
How do you understand God's plan for your life? Do you see it as a definite path or goal or do you see it as moment by moment walk? Do you feel as if God's plan is a overwhelming destiny for your entire life that will be revealed or do you think it's meant to be something discovered day by day?

Momentary. Discovered day by day.

The Plans are discovered and revealed little by little.
I'd say more of a moment-by-moment thnig.
I don't know God's plan for me. It's a process of listening, praying, etc. God reveals what you need to know when he sees fit.

personally, i have a tendency to want a plan, and am not that great at listening. it's definitely a strugge.

For any Christians who want to read, i thought this was a great article (or non-Chrstians too) http://www.jonacuff.com/stuffchristianslike/2012/03/the-map-the-plan/
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Well it's quite simple really, read the Bible. Believe it or not results won't vary.
As I think about what I need to do and what skills I should have, and I'm fairly sure I'm on vaguely the right tracks, I see numerous opportunities that were put in my way that I sometimes didn't take. The same opportunities re-emerge sometimes but with other things they just don't and are seemingly gone forever. I can't help but feel sometimes that where multiple chances to do something come up again and again that it is possibly a preferable path to the one I am currently on.

I suppose I could do anything but I know that this feeling in my gut won't go away unless I do something definite. Is that a plan being laid out? I don't know...but I do know what feels right and what feels like simply another alternative to anything else that is possible.
Here is what I believe:

God and yourself decide together what you want to achieve overall in a certain lifetime before you incarnate. When the decision is made, your soul goes to the Earth and you are born. You typically completely forget everything in the process. As you get older, Your Spirit guides assigned to you begin to remind you of your purpose, and God starts opening opportunities/putting people in your life that/who will best support your goal/purpose. Of course as human beings, many of us will dismiss these subtle nudges, and they will keep getting bigger until you get the hint. He's not going to outright tell you how to go about living your life. He gave you the gift of free will, so that you can learn and grow as you figure out/achieve your goal. It is always going to be a work in progress to an extent.
I don't understand it. I find myself blindly guessing; just doing what I think is probably the right thing, or just following my own desires /feelings and letting god clean up the mess.
I don't understand the plan, nor do I strive to. Like kmal said, He sees the big picture, I have no way of being object from down here in the midst. As barnabas mentioned, if you want to know God and His plans you can get closer to Him by getting familiar with His word.

I suppose many things are necessary and predestined for His purpose, but I don't feel fenced in because it seems to me that we all have free will and He can repurpose our evils for ultimate good.
How do I understand God's plan for my life? (From the thread above)

I do not understand it all at once, because only God knows my future completely. It is a walk of faith, and His word says to "prove the will of God." It does not say to find it. So by my hearts desires and knowing who I am and still learning who i am, I begin to walk towards my hearts longings. The things that are meaningful and important to me. The things that make me "come alive". For example, I love to help people, I want the best for people, and I am a problem solver. So, I have a desire to counsel people and help them. That's what makes me come alive with purpose and meaning. Then I see God work in that situation and I can only do my part to be a helping vessel. I love it though, when people prosper so I know it is God who works In me both to do And to will according to His good purpose.
Don't we all search for the meaning of our lives?
For me it is moment by moment. When I see an opportunity arise, I see it as something God is presenting to me. What I do with it is my choice.