best friend INFJ too


Community Member
this is so weird. i found out in the Easter holidays that i am an INFJ so i went to school and told my closest frinds and they took they test too. weirdly my closest friend is also an INFJ. i t makes scense because we are always cofrorable around each other when were quiet and when we first got to know each other we bonded easily, its like she was my first friend who trully understood me. we always do wird stuff like finish each others sentences and share the same sense of humor.
sorry you probably didn't want to know that but i find it tatally amazing.
hs this happened to any one else.
this is so weird. i found out in the Easter holidays that i am an INFJ so i went to school and told my closest frinds and they took they test too. weirdly my closest friend is also an INFJ. i t makes scense because we are always cofrorable around each other when were quiet and when we first got to know each other we bonded easily, its like she was my first friend who trully understood me. we always do wird stuff like finish each others sentences and share the same sense of humor.
sorry you probably didn't want to know that but i find it tatally amazing.
hs this happened to any one else.

My 3 closest friends are all INFJ. They did take the tests pretty quickly and I am quite sure one of them is actually ISFJ but it fits for the other two. Almost everyone I am close to is an IN, and that's how I like it, so the best conversations and the best level of understanding.
Both my parents are INFJ, from what I can tell. Growing up there was no angst at home.