BattleStar Galactica

Battling stars in the galaxy? Wuuuut? Nerds!

PS: In all honesty I have never watched it!
Battling stars in the galaxy? Wuuuut? Nerds!

PS: In all honesty I have never watched it!

What are you waiting for! Go watch it now! You don't need to shower, eat, or do anything for the next 3 days! Seriously...I'm on episode 2 and I'm hooked!! (And I don't like space stuff!!)'ll love the hot blonde chick in the red dress! Even I love her....
I've played BSG the boardgame..and it's so much like the show (up to episode two of the first season...but I like to make generalizations!) ...the deception! Too awesome!
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Lame! I got so excited!

I promise …

… one day …​

… one day I am going to watch it, then discuss it …​

… one day!​
IT'S SO GOOD!!!!!!! I thought it was going to be a silly space show like Xena and StarGate...but it's SOO good!!!

*binge watches for the next 3 days*

1. Xena wasn't science fiction, it was fantasy.

2. Star Gate was awesome.

3. Battlestar Galactica, while admittedly a good show, is just as "silly" as any other Sci-Fi out there
1. Xena wasn't science fiction, it was fantasy.

2. Star Gate was awesome.

3. Battlestar Galactica, while admittedly a good show, is just as "silly" as any other Sci-Fi out there

Xena and Star Gate were both entertaining, but were a family-centred show that didn't have depth in story or characters. Xena and Star Gate had a lot of comedy and humour, and wouldn't be considered anywhere near a drama. It would be like comparing Bones or Castle to The Shield or The Wire...two completely different calibres of TV - both with their own appeals.

As for Xena not being sci-fi...sci-fi and fantasy have many overlapping attributes. Personal opinion.

And if we're going to be technical, I would say any show could be considered "silly".

I didn't mean to hit a nerve with you- who knew Xena and StarGate would be such passionate topics.
Xena and Star Gate were both entertaining, but were a family-centred show that didn't have depth in story or characters. Xena and Star Gate had a lot of comedy and humour, and wouldn't be considered anywhere near a drama. It would be like comparing Bones or Castle to The Shield or The Wire...two completely different calibres of TV - both with their own appeals.

As for Xena not being sci-fi...sci-fi and fantasy have many overlapping attributes. Personal opinion.

And if we're going to be technical, I would say any show could be considered "silly".

I didn't mean to hit a nerve with you- who knew Xena and StarGate would be such passionate topics.

I was being a bit facetious. I don't really care the topic, but since you've thrown down the gauntlet.

Science and religion have many overlapping attributes, but that hardly means there's no major distinctions. I wouldn't open Science magazine expecting to read an article on Psalms 23, just as I wouldn't start a Philip K. Dick novel and expect the story to be about swords and sorcery.

True, but BSG has quite a few absurd moments. Moments which are just as ridiculous as anything I've seen in Xena or SG. And I would disagree with the notion that SG didn't have depth in terms of story and characters. These aren't dealt with the level of Pathos as in BSG, but that doesn't meant that it isn't there..
I was being a bit facetious. I don't really care the topic, but since you've thrown down the gauntlet.

Science and religion have many overlapping attributes, but that hardly means there's no major distinctions. I wouldn't open Science magazine expecting to read an article on Psalms 23, just as I wouldn't start a Philip K. Dick novel and expect the story to be about swords and sorcery.

True, but BSG has quite a few absurd moments. Moments which are just as ridiculous as anything I've seen in Xena or SG. And I would disagree with the notion that SG didn't have depth in terms of story and characters. These aren't dealt with the level of Pathos as in BSG, but that doesn't meant that it isn't there..

It wasn't throwing down the gauntlet, I was trying to explain my harmless and overly joyous comment on BSG. Your comment seemed to suggest you took offense to what I said and wanted to unnecessarily put me in my place about (1) lumping Xena into sci-fi, and (2) referring to both Xena and StarGate as silly shows. It seemed like an unnecessary negative response to me being overly joyous about how great BSG was.

I think if you want to debate what is considered sci-fi and fantasy (and whether Science magazine and the Bible should be included in such a genre), perhaps we can move to another thread. I would much rather keep this thread about the original topic.
It wasn't throwing down the gauntlet, I was trying to explain my harmless and overly joyous comment on BSG. Your comment seemed to suggest you took offense to what I said and wanted to unnecessarily put me in my place about (1) lumping Xena into sci-fi, and (2) referring to both Xena and StarGate as silly shows. It seemed like an unnecessary negative response to me being overly joyous about how great BSG was.

I think if you want to debate what is considered sci-fi and fantasy (and whether Science magazine and the Bible should be included in such a genre), perhaps we can move to another thread. I would much rather keep this thread about the original topic.

I didn't mean to be confrontational. My original post wasn't meant to be taken seriously, however I can see why you did. I've been on this forum for a while and most people expect me to be facetious. I wasn't thinking when I wrote it and I apologise.
I didn't mean to be confrontational. My original post wasn't meant to be taken seriously, however I can see why you did. I've been on this forum for a while and most people expect me to be facetious. I wasn't thinking when I wrote it and I apologise.

Oh gosh! No apologies needed- I was worried I offended you, and likely read your post wrong. Sometimes nuances don't come through in words- so my apologies! From now on, I will know that you're often facetious ;)

On a side note- I binge watched StarGate as well and thought it was great! I'm just surprised at the drama in BSG- I wasn't expecting it to have that.
what do you think of it?

I generally dislike TV science fiction because the acting is so horrible. And somehow what science fiction depicts is no longer that "distant" as it used to be. And so science fiction has somehow lost its appeal to me.
Oh gosh! No apologies needed- I was worried I offended you, and likely read your post wrong. Sometimes nuances don't come through in words- so my apologies! From now on, I will know that you're often facetious ;)

On a side note- I binge watched StarGate as well and thought it was great! I'm just surprised at the drama in BSG- I wasn't expecting it to have that.

I read over what I posted and it would be very difficult for someone not familiar with my mannerisms to recognise it as farce. If you took every serious comment as facetious, you'd end up offending a lot more people. "My husband died in a car crash" "Ha ha ha, yeah right. Were you in the car with him or have you always been that ugly?"

I hope I didn't put you off it. It's a great series, even if it does have it's silly moments. And like you said that's the same with of all shows, even The Wire or Breaking Bad.