Awesome Idea for an FPS/TPS

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Shai Gar

Plot: Jesus has decided to spread the word of god. However the Rabbis have hired assassins kill the son of god. You must use your skills as a prophet, and the miracles of god in order to get past these obstacles and deliver the message. Once you have completed your task you must then accept gods wisdom and be crucified for the sins of humanity. In order to do this you're going to have to break Pax Romana and kill a lot of the romans stationed in israel.

Arsenal: Every single weapon from the games series Quake, Duke Nukem and Doom.
Abilities: Every martial arts move from the Tekken series.
Powers: Every miracle attributed to jesus before the resurection. To raise your power
level you'll need to raise the belief that people have in you through healing.

It'd play like Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, in that there'd be free ranging abilities for the player. Anything would be able to be smashed according to a very clever hit point structural damage engine, like Oblivion.

{opening scene} Red Desert
sound of someone shuffling across a desert
view of emaciated old man, wearing a cloth over his eyes (denoting blindness)

{Voice from offscreen}
"Your powers are weak, old man"

{Jesus enters from right stage}
spinning kick into view, smashes a crowbar into the old mans neck, there's some blood splatter and he drops to the ground.

Jesus is breathing deeply, holding a BFG over the body of the old man he killed.
Jesus - "Let's DO this."

{cut to black}
Jesus Christ returns, EASTER MONDAY 2009. Be Prepared.

Can we please refrain from the Jesus pedophile jokes and Jesus video games and all other likeminded crap? Seriously this is VERY offensive to me!!!!
CokeNut said:

Can we please refrain from the Jesus pedophile jokes and Jesus video games and all other likeminded crap? Seriously this is VERY offensive to me!!!!
Why is it offensive? It wouldn't be to jesus.

He'd just turn the other cheek and accept what I do or say... and Then I'd go to hell. But it'd be me that's going there. 'sides, this idea isn't making him out to be a pedophile, just an awesome game character. and you don't need to view it, it's the OP of the Thread, you could just ignore it.
whatever ... its offensive and you know it. Play whatever games you want but don't play dumb and don't try to pull me into one of your contests.
CokeNut said:
whatever ... its offensive and you know it. Play whatever games you want but don't play dumb and don't try to pull me into one of your contests.
No. It's not offensive to anyone other than the person who chooses to take offense to it. If you don't like the thread, don't play in it.

AND ESPECIALLY DON'T ASSUME EVERYONE HAS THE SAME VALUES YOU DO. Not everything is automatically offensive to others if it is to you.
Well~ But since this forum is populated with introverts it's entriely possible that none of them are willing to step up and say it is offensive to them.

Coke might be an unwitting advocate and therefore not actually assuming anything at this point in time.

I personally don't care. Video games don't hold a lot of interest for me. I prefer a good book.
I wasn't offended, don't think much of the game concept though, being crucified seems kind of anti-climatic, I suppose you would have to wait for the expansion pack; JESUS: The Second Coming...
I've got the expansion pack prepared, they'd have to be created at the same time, released with an interval between them so the market can play it, and then be prepared for the second
Apocalyptic awesomeness?
Work safe?
God mode sounds good, causing plagues, smiting heathens, good times...