Authority and Your Expectations

Top 3 Qualities You Desire in a Leader

  • Knowledgeable

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • Honest

    Votes: 18 81.8%
  • Hardworking

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • Intelligent

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Critical thinking skills

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Logical

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Fair

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • Kind

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • Practical

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • Wealthy

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


A true lady
If you work for someone, do you find that they do/don't measure up to your idea of what a good authority figure should be? Do you accept their directives, when you don't agree, without arguing or do you state your mind?
What qualities do you look for in a boss/leader?
I have usually quit or given notice immediately when disrespected or talked down to barbarically. My Dad asked me to do something I was not physically able to do one morning. That afternoon, I asked if he would mind helping me find another job. I was working in an industry I would be in over eight years in the next two days. I was fortunate through my life to work mainly for understanding people. I don't work for someone else now. I would say understanding meant the most to me, and I try to give that to anyone that might work with me now.
Depends on the society and culture in which you were brought up. Growing up authority was almost absolute, so you were expected to listen to and show respect for anyone in authority. Wasn't really a choice. There would always be some consequence. Now that I'm in the culture I'm in, I am conscious of my preferences when it comes to the types of leaders I want to work with. But I don't always have to agree or like what my bosses say or think. Sometimes, you simply have to do what they say, regardless of how you feel. You can share what you think depending on the boss. Some bosses are too busy or arrogant, or combo of both to really have time to listen to their employees. In other words, there is no ideal answer. In many cases, it's less about having the boss you want than learning to work with the one you have. Can't always get what you want.

But if I had a choice of qualities, they would knowledgeable, honest, hard working, fair, and kind.
I chose fair, honest and hardworking.

I work as part of a multi-disciplinary team and I'm the lowest rank below nurse, therapists, teachers and doctors. However, I am still invited or encouraged to share my observations and perceptions. I think the senior management who oversee the hospital are closer to a traditional 'boss' but I don't have much interaction with them nor do I want to since I am interested in the caring, rather than business/bureaucratic side of things.
I state my mind. If they dont listen consistently I do what they say. If it matters to me, if its something I care about I make sure everyone knows what I think in meetings etc....basically showing no respect to the person in question. But... I rarely care about things enough to do that.
Interesting poll!

Honest, fair and kind were my selections. As long as our interests align, I could follow an honest, fair and kind leader happily.

I considered intelligent or hardworking, but I instead chose kind because kindness is important to me. I want everyone to be able to co-exist without too much strain or worry and a kind leader is a large step in that direction. AND I don't want to deal with mean people. Honest and fair are obvious answers to me.
Interesting poll!

Honest, fair and kind were my selections. As long as our interests align, I could follow an honest, fair and kind leader happily.

I considered intelligent or hardworking, but I instead chose kind because kindness is important to me. I want everyone to be able to co-exist without too much strain or worry and a kind leader is a large step in that direction. AND I don't want to deal with mean people. Honest and fair are obvious answers to me.
Kindness is exceptionally rare.
I would say HONEST, HARDWORKING and PRACTICAL are at the top of the list. I actually have a great boss right now who is all of these things and more, she is very honest, very intelligent. Most of all she's democratic, and genuinely gives everyone a chance, I respect that a lot in a boss because so few are that way. I also think bosses should be hardworking and not abuse their authority to ease their own workload. Then again, bosses who completely take over are just as bad. A good boss probably has many of the same traits as a good parent, they do their fair share, listen well, educate instead of dictate, are patient with conflicts, respectful, kind, set a good example with their own behavior, etc
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Kindness is exceptionally rare.

Well, in my experience it's rare as well, but only normally rare and not exceptionally rare.

Also, I'd say that means it's more valuable and should be cherished even more.
The more inept, lazy, and incompetent the better.

Running things behind the scenes is where I like to be and this gives me the greatest amount of leverage.
it really depends. if i am dependent on their good will in some way, i try to do my best for their best interests. i try to balance out doing whats right with doing what i know they want. i'll shut up and take it up the ass and cry about it in my free time. qualities i look for in a leader are giving me money and giving me opportunities to network up the ladder and get more money. fair, firm, ethical, spartan, economical, and politically professional without being fake are also good. clear and rapid communication is super important.
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If you work for someone, do you find that they do/don't measure up to your idea of what a good authority figure should be? Do you accept their directives, when you don't agree, without arguing or do you state your mind?
What qualities do you look for in a boss/leader?

I measure my superiors by how capable and humane they are. I will generally follow directives if I know the person giving them can keep their ship running smoothly towards its port with consideration for the resource cost to get there. If I am to work under anyone at all, I work best under and have the most respect for a superior who is aware of my skills and allows me to use them as I see fit to accomplish the overall goal. I know what I can do and when to ask for help. The more freedom I have, the better my performance is, and usually that of my team. Consistently treat me like an imbecile or breathe down my neck when I've never demonstrated anything less than stellar performance and I will quit. My skillset is in high demand and there will always be other places willing to take me in. I've told one employer that when he thought to discriminate against me because of my relative youth, and he backed off. Usually I am respectfully direct when communicating with superiors, but that guy placed way too much value on age in determining employee value.

On the other hand, if I am constrained to an employer who has none of my preferred qualities, I take Matt's approach. Thankfully, I doubt I will ever again be in a position that requires it.

The more inept, lazy, and incompetent the better.

Running things behind the scenes is where I like to be and this gives me the greatest amount of leverage.
It pretty much depends on what kind of a situation, but generally I think I'd go with someone who communicates well and can make decisions. Someone who can get everyone on the same page and have a clear direction, while still listening to reason.
I have worked under many bosses that I have not considered my equal in many respects….that having been said, I firstly have no clue how good of a boss I would be because it’s nothing I have ever gone for…I have little to no interest in playing nice with corporate.
And they are all corporate now…I think my hospital was one of the last few hold-outs before (here I’m naming the bitches) PeaceHealth bought them out.
We actually had a PENSION plan…in this day and age…wow?!
Immediately we watched benefits crumble…all the Radiology, blood-work, and pharmacy, so long as you went through the hospital used to be free….NO MORE!!
"Oh, but we’re carrying on the healing ministry of Jesus Christ.” says them.


Is what ACUTAL Jesus says about their BS statement.

They fired 500 people right before Christmas…the lowest paid went first…the housekeeping staff, kitchen help, etc. (All of whom they have had to REHIRE because they didn’t have enough people to function properly…of course they get paid less now.)
And guess what the local paper says - Hospital administrators give each other bonuses while 500 fired.

So that’s what I think about who my boss is…this has always been my experience throughout my years, as a CNA, a Paramedic (both private and Coast Guard), an ER tech, to Surgical Nurse, to Open Heart First-Assist) my boss is the one who has to kiss their asses.
Fuck that…would vomit in their faces.
They get paid a lot more to address things I don't feel like addressing. That's a bonus already.

Otherwise, don't be an asshole. Respect is important.