Assuming particular intelligences or smarts comes naturally | INFJ Forum

Assuming particular intelligences or smarts comes naturally


Sep 5, 2009
I've noticed that each culture values and develops different traits or intelligences in higher or lower degrees. However, we don't realize that particular emphasis is placed on these traits for some but not for others. As a result, if we have a well developed trait or type of intelligence, we assume it should come naturally to everyone else as well. I'm including social, cognitive, or other traits.

For example, growing up culturally, social smarts or intelligence weren't high on the list of traits that I was encouraged to develop. I was expected to focus more developing spiritual and academic intelligences such as verbal/linguistic intelligence or logical intelligence. So, of course, my social smarts were not well developed. I didn't have the practical social education earlier on that was necessary to maneuer the social world. I had to learn from wider social experience and one or two classes in communication also helped. But we often take for granted that everyone has those kinds of smarts or that it should be easy to develop those kinds of smarts.

Although it's assumed that social smarts come naturally to everyone and shouldn't need to be taught or required in formal education, it is something that has to be taught and learned for some if not all. I think our world operates under the assumption that some smarts come naturally and don't need to be taught, not realizing that everyone has different kinds of smarts and some smarts may need training because not everyone has them instinctually. For example, verbal/linguistic smarts may be easier for me to grasp (as it seems for many here) but incorrectly, when I'm explaining something in English, I assume it should be easier to understand, not realizing that it's only easier because it's something I'm more naturally more inclined towards and a smarts which was developed more intensely in school. So, someone who develops a particular trait or smart well will have the advantage in that particular area.

What do you think?
:m096: <- Link

I would say you are right. In different cultures and environments different skills are needed and therefore teached. The good news is, you can learn those things yourself to some degree, so no need to worry!^^ Unfortunately I can only compare myself to this theory, but it taught me that I'm well prepared, the only thing that really lacks are intrapersonal feelings, I try hard... BUT you also have to have some strains to be outstanding...