[INFJ] Are we easily led??


I'm doing some research into my fellow INFJs.

Do you think there needs to be different approaches when marketing to introverts in general and INFJs in particular versus to extroverts?

Given the complexity of the personality disposition, it seems that it (the company, marketing, product, vision. etc) must really fill the need of the person, rather than be a game of selling tactics that may work on other people.

Perhaps INFJs see through the bullshit easier? I've found that I can be very skeptical but when I want something, I feel like I really need it. I guess this isn't an aspect of my personality I don't understand yet...Any thoughts anyone has would be greatly appreciated.
Are you trying to design a campaign that targets introverts?

Wow... A more powerful statement has never been made...

INFJ's are easily manipulated... It's kinda an open secret among INFJ's that we are all <...and by all I mean 80% ish> are entranced by... cat meme's....

They make us feel soft and warm and safe... Totally bypasses all our defenses... So much cuteness...
Are you trying to design a campaign that targets introverts?
Indirectly, yes.. I'm a marketing assistant and this question has been brought up by my boss before. Which got me thinking about my own personal relation to it. Made me I realized that, for as much as an expert that I think I am on personality types, I actually don't know anything about my own...Or possibly anyone else's haha
No, not easily led. I'll ride along if I'm curious, but usually jump ship at the first sign of perceived BS.

I've never been one to follow trends or want the newest great thing in the market. I tend to find the practicality in a purchase; especially big-ticket purchases.
No, not easily led. I'll ride along if I'm curious, but usually jump ship at the first sign of perceived BS.

I've never been one to follow trends or want the newest great thing in the market. I tend to find the practicality in a purchase; especially big-ticket purchases.

Yes! This right here!