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Are we as a society being kept from discussing the big issues?

[h=1]Hypnotic data: 4 essential features[/h] Oct13 by Jon Rappoport
Hypnotic data: 4 essential features
by Jon Rappoport
October 13, 2014
Television news needs to create a hypnotic effect. Otherwise it would fall apart and shatter into a million nonsensical pieces.
One: the presented data must be repeated, of course. This is the time-honored strategy. When the viewer sees and hears the same nugget many times, he accepts it because—“how can they say it so often if it isn’t true?”
Close on the heels of this: “everybody else must be accepting it, who am I to make an objection?”
And then, finally, there is the after-image effect. At the edge of consciousness, the viewer remembers the nugget and—“anything in my memory is automatically real.”
Two: a significant percentage of all news stories are framed as he-said, he-said. Two opposing viewpoints. No resolution. Done often enough, this produces cognitive dissonance, which in turn shuts off the rational mind and puts the viewer into a light trance, a state of suspension.
At this point, he becomes more accepting of other news items. No deliberation; no questions. He’s a channel, sucking in the information.
Three: the blend, the segue, the smooth transition from one news story to the next, as if the entire newscast is a single narrative: car accident on the highway, holiday shopping, ISIS, defective car recall, slow hurricane season, new drug for arthritis, stock market jitters, Presidential approval ratings, dancing cat YouTube video.
Consciously, the viewer can’t connect any of these bits, but the anchor is an actor who can pretend to make them all into a flowing story.
The viewer chooses to succumb—otherwise he would have to face the fact that he is looking at unbridled lunacy.
He doesn’t want that. He wants story. He’s solidly addicted. So he’ll settle for the nightly pretense of a story.
His settling deepens his trance.
Four: the invisible threat. This is always a big seller. Whether it’s al Qaeda or ISIS or some other group he’s never heard of—and will never see—he’s buying.
At some interior level, he’s hoping for an enemy that will justify his ongoing generalized fear, suspicion, and anxiety—as a point of focus. “Ah yes, there it is. Got it in my crosshairs. Now I know why I feel this way.”
The Surveillance State implies there are untold numbers of terrorists hiding in our country. The CDC hypes a new invisible germ that could sweep away lives.
“I don’t want to see the threat. Let it remain invisible. I just want to know it’s there. Then I can explain why I have feelings that point to no apparent target. Tell me there is a target. Then I’ll be satisfied.”
In this kind of psyop, the viewer is quite happy to sit on one side of a line in the sand, where he doesn’t have to do anything.

Occasionally, the news, with pumped-up emphasis, pulls him across the line and tells him: get vaccinated; see something, say something; vote; donate to a good cause—then you can you return to your former trance.
Or, in extreme circumstances, the news will present a quick blitz of several simultaneous stories, all of which appear to be spinning out of control and bringing chaos.
This is a prelude to later assurances that order has been restored. Of course, the order always carries with it a retraction of some piece of freedom—characterized as a humane response.
To the degree that I watch, listen to, and read mainstream news, this is why: to observe these and other allied strategies in action.
Seeing how reality is being built among ladders, pulleys, ropes, utilizing workers, deploying front men, is the kind of education that energizes the mind and torpedoes the trance.
“Coming up after the break, more mind control. Stay with us.”
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29[SUP]th[/SUP] District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

This is kind of interesting, never heard Peter Levenda speak before... particularly relevant to now are the 'shennanigans' that paperclip scientists got up to, especially in respect to ISIS and Al Qaeda, Saddam, etc.
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Ashkenazi zionists (khazars who converted to judaism and whose ancestors never came from the holy land) killed off many sephardic jews (the jews who actually descended from people who came from the holy land) after creating israel:

[h=1]The Ringworm Scandal: When Israeli Doctors Killed Tens of Thousands of Arab Children[/h]

NOTE: There are a number of readers who are either confused or reading this post sloppily, including the headline. To clarify: there is a link to a Jonathan Cook piece at the end of this post which notes that the State of Israel irradiated both Arab Jewish and Palestinian children for ringworm. Hence the title of this post which uses the inclusive term, “Arab,” by which I include both Jewish and Palestinian children.
There are also those who claim that radiation was a standard treatment for ringworm inside and outside Israel in the 1950s. This too misconstrues the argument put forward in the film and here. While radiation may’ve been considered suitable for ringworm in that era, no one killed children with radiation outside of Israel. The dosage set by Dr. Sheba was far too high and the X-ray machines he used were outmoded and hence the dosage administered could not be calibrated accurately or administered suitably.
* *​
By the early 1950s, Israel had absorbed most of the Holocaust survivors and other immigrants from western countries. These were generally the preferred Ashkenazi Jews, who were the nation’s elite. It was then that Jews from Arab lands began arriving in great numbers. David Ben Gurion knew he needed great numbers of Jews to come to Israel in order to counter the demographic threat posed by Israel’s Palestinian population (those who hadn’t been expelled during the Nakba). That’s why he accepted and encouraged the Arab immigration, despite the fact that the newcomers’ Sephardi heritage was considered defective.
The 2004 documentary, The Ringworm Children, presents the historical context of this immigration and is dedicated to the greatest national medical scandal in the state’s history. During this early period, Israel looked with deep suspicion on the Arab olim. They were viewed not only as culturally inferior, but as reservoirs of disease. To be fair, these same views had been prominent in the U.S. during the heights of immigration to this country.
But unlike here, Israel allowed one senior health official, Dr. Chaim Sheba, to conduct a massive program of unnecessary medical treatments, at enormous expense, which actually killed many of the victims. At that time, many children developed ringworm, a non-lethal condition of fungal origin which affected the scalp. Unlike in other countries, 100,000 Jewish (and Palestinian) Arab children were irradiated in order to treat the condition. While medical protocol of the day directed that no technician receive a dose higher than .5 Roentgen, those treated could received a higher dose. A lethal dose was considered 200 Roentgen (R). The children treated received individual doses of 350R. Sometimes they received two doses (for a total of 600R). 6,000 of the victims died within the first year or so after treatment. To this day, many of the remaining victims suffer cancers, epilepsy, infertility and other brain disorders. Even their children have been impacted through genetic abnormalities passed on from one generation to the next.
When the scandal was first exposed in 1994, the government reacted by circling the wagons and refusing to admit fault or liability. Then activists pressured the government to pass a law demanding that the State take responsibility. It did so. But the law was not understood by the victims at the time, who didn’t realize that it was a Trojan Horse. It persuaded them that the State had finally accepted fault and that it would compensate for their suffering. But in reality, the law set hurdles so high, that very few survivors have been approved and received any compensation. They were forced to prove they were victims, and their treatment by the medical evaluation committees victimized them a second time. Those who agreed to accept the government’s conditions, could not appeal or sue once they had been denied. So almost no survivors chose to apply for compensation under the law.
Further, a senior health ministry official at the time of the passing of the Ringworm law, had secreted all of the Ringworm files in his personal archives. Thus he prevented anyone from gaining access to them: victims, their lawyers, doctors, even other government officials. When he died, the files were transferred to government archives. Current health ministry officials deliberately have not examined them because they don’t want to know what’s in them. Neither the victims nor their attorneys can gain access to them either.
This is a massive coverup, but one that is completely legal. The Supreme Court itself has refused to rule on the case, arguing that the Knesset law absolves the victims of any right to claim negligence on the part of the government’s medical officers. Meanwhile, Dr. Sheba has one of Israel’s major medical centers named for him and is considered one of the founding father’s of Israeli medicine. He founded the Tel Aviv University medical center and helped found those in Jerusalem and Haifa.
There is one further claim the film makes that brings it all back home to the U.S. The X-ray treatments provided by Israel were extremely expensive. The final cost was in the range of 400-million Israeli pounds, which at the time were equivalent to British pounds. That would put the cost at least $800-million and possibly even higher (in 1952 dollars). That means the project cost far more than the entire national budget. Israel obviously couldn’t afford such a massive expenditure. The filmmakers offer one possible explanation: that the U.S. government, which had just bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, needed an outlet to do radiation testing. We couldn’t or wouldn’t do such experiments here because American medical standards would not permit it. So American officials “farmed” the operation out to Dr. Sheba and the Israelis, who had no such ethical problems with it.
The Arab Jewish children were viewed as defective and undesirable to begin with by the Ashkenazi elite like Sheba. Here is a passage from an Israeli academic monograph on early scientific and medical approaches from the Mandate period that bore the marks of eugenics and reflected an attitude that Ashkenzai Jews were of superior racial stock to Sephardim:
In fact, medical discourse was an important mediator of Orientalist ideas to the Jews of Palestine. Public medicine was one of the main fields of regular interaction between Ashkenazi and Mizrahi Jews during the Mandate period, and this was reflected in the presence of Mizrahi Jews in this discourse. It often depicted members of various Mizrahi communities as variations on a single type – they were described as primitive, superstitious, ignorant, neglectful of their children, passive,lacking drive and the will to change – in general, as an essentially different type, physically and mentally, from the immigrants from Europe
So these Mizrahi children were suitable as fodder for the greater good of medicine. Though Nazi medicine operated in a context of a plan to exterminate the Jewish race in Europe, the experiments performed in Israel were not dissimilar in nature. Sheba knew his radiation dosage would harm children, even kill them. It turns out it did so on a far larger scale than he may’ve imagined. But the subjects were deemed expendable, just as Jewish subjects of Nazi doctors were. And tens of thousands were killed, just as the Nazis did.
The film suggests another possible explanation–that Sheba, who came to the U.S. both to collect the X-ray machines that administered the treatment, also fundraised among American Jews for treating the Ringworm children. Though I doubt he raised anywhere near the sum mentioned above, it’s possible American Jews donated generously to this cause. This should be a warning to such donors today to examine carefully whatever projects they’re asked to fund.
To be fair to Israel, it wasn’t the only nation which performed what were essentially eugenics experiments. The Nazis did so and even the U.S., in the Tuskegee experiments, deliberately allowed syphilis victims to die untreated. The difference, as I noted above, is that the U.S. never engaged in such ghoulish medical experimentation on a national level and never with victims in such numbers. Further, when there were victims, they could come forward and demand justice.
Israel has essentially sealed off access to justice, thus creating a monstrous stain on its medical and moral legacy.
I want to raise a strong note of caution. There are those who view the Ringworm project as proof that Israel’s treatment of the children testified to its embrace of Nazi values. That is one bridge too far for me. It’s far better to note the sheer evil of the experiment and the suffering it induced without having to claim that it turned Israel into a Nazi state or that Zionism itself was a Nazi ideology.
H/t Jonathan Cook.
Brain scans can be used to identify psychopaths:

For full article:

A snippet from the article:

Science has made great leaps in mapping the human brain through the use of PET scans and the MRI machine. (1) We can now look at pictures of a brain and visually gauge levels of compassion and empathy found within. By studying thousands of these scans and cross-referencing them with the histories of the subjects scanned, irrefutable conclusions have been arrived at. Brains showing a lower than average development in the frontal cortex link to a patient history of psychopathic behavior. Studies indicate these diminished brain areas in individuals are markers for what we call psychopaths; manifestations of psychopaths include a lust for power and control, desire wealth and unearned respect and a marked lack compassion for others, or empathy.
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[h=1]The great British money launderette: At least 19 UK firms under investigation for an alleged conspiracy to make $20bn of dirty money seem legitimate[/h]
[h=3]Exclusive: Criminals and corrupt officials from around the globe take advantage of Britain’s lax corporate rules[/h]
Jim Armitage Weds 15 Oct 2014

Front companies in the UK are at the heart of an investigation into one of Europe’s biggest money-laundering operations, allegedly forming part of a conspiracy to make $20bn (£12.5bn) of dirty money look legitimate. The funds are believed to have come from major criminals and corrupt officials around the world wanting to make their ill-gotten cash appear “clean”, so they can spend it without suspicion.

At least 19 UK-based front companies are under suspicion. The scandal highlights how lax corporate rules have made this country an attractive destination for global organised crime. The secrecy company directors are entitled to under UK law is also hindering attempts to identify the “Mr Bigs” behind the scam.
An investigation by The Independent and the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, an NGO, has identified dozens of firms in a global web spreading from Birmingham to Belize.
The scam appears to have gone on for four years before being shut down in May by investigators in another of its main centres – the former Soviet republic of Moldova.
Vasile Sarco, an investigating officer in Moldova, told The Independent: “This money was routed from Russia, but the companies incorporated in Britain were instrumental to transit the funds.”
He has sought help from UK organised crime police to help track down the British end of the operation.
Money laundering involves creating the impression that dirty money has been earned through legal means. Criminals need to find ways of coming up with official documentation that testifies to their money’s honest origins. Often, they will take over legitimate businesses which they can then push the money through in fake transactions, generating a paper trail of receipts.
However, when the illicit earnings run into the tens of billions of dollars, such small-scale schemes are impractical. Documentation for much larger amounts of cash is needed.
In the scam exposed today, the launderers created front companies in the UK which carried out massive phoney business deals between themselves. These front companies then sued each other in courts in Moldova, demanding the repayment of hundreds of millions of pounds of loans.

Click HERE to view full-size version of graphic
A judge in Moldova, a small Eastern European country whose legal system is not considered as robust as those in Western Europe, would rule in favour of the claimant company, which would then receive the cash from the other front firm – with an all-important signed court document ordering the debt to be paid.
But rather than being transferred from one legitimate British company to another, the funds were being routed from Russia, where gangs from around the world go to launder money from corruption, drug dealing, prostitution and people smuggling.
Their tainted money would first be put into the UK front companies’ accounts in Moldova before being transferred to another bank in Latvia. As Latvia is in the highly regulated European Union banking system, this final stage adds to the dirty money’s “clean” appearance.
Investigators are trying to discover the identities of the criminals whose cash was being laundered. However, this is proving extremely difficult because it is virtually impossible to establish who actually owns the UK front companies – and therefore who ultimately had access to the laundered money.
Investigators said similar laundry systems, often involving UK front companies, were being used by organised crime syndicates and officials as far afield as South America, Syria and Japan. Britain is regularly used in such scams because it is easy to set up front companies here with relatively few, if any, questions asked.
The launderers are able to get the jurisdiction for their legal cases shifted to countries like Moldova, with weaker legal systems, by employing citizens there as guarantors in the fake business transaction. The phoney debts were co-guaranteed by Russian companies, who channelled the cash.
Although the British companies were registered at ordinary-looking office buildings in London, Edinburgh, Belfast, Glasgow and Birmingham, their real ownership is hidden by a web of brass-plate entities and nominee directors in secretive havens like the Seychelles, the Bahamas and the Marshall Islands.
For example, one of the companies based in Edinburgh lists its shareholders as two untraceable companies in Panama and Belize.
Another, Westburn Enterprises, claimed a debt of half-a-billion US dollars from a Russian guarantor through the Moldovan courts. Despite purportedly carrying out such vast transactions, it lists its registered address as that of a small accountancy firm, Axiano, in Edinburgh, which is not involved in any wrongdoing. Westburn states that its sole director is Marios Papantoniou, but he is merely the boss of Axiano, and has nothing to do with Westburn’s operations.
Axiano is one of hundreds of British firms which conduct entirely legitimately work as formation agents, setting up companies for clients in a way that allows them to retain their anonymity. When approached by The Independent, Mr Papantoniou explained that he could not answer questions on behalf of his client unless requested to by the police.
Under UK laws, companies can obscure the identity of their owners by using “nominee” directors – people who lend their names to a company without actually having anything to do with them. They can also lend their names to shareholdings in companies to mask who owns them.
Another of the UK businesses alleged to be under investigation is the London-registered Valemont Properties. Its director is Damian James Calderbank, who lists his address (in Companies House filings) variously as being in two Dubai tower blocks and an office building in London. He, too, is thought to be a nominee director and will have been unaware of the company’s activities.
Valemont’s “company secretary”, rather than being a person who could be questioned about its activities, is an outfit called Hextable Limited, based in the Bahamas. Mr Calderbank’s filings say he holds 21 UK directorships, has resigned from 333 more and been a director of 227 UK companies now dissolved. He is also a director in many more offshore companies. Accounts for 2011 show him as a shareholder, through a Gibraltar company, in the Moldovan bank Moldindconbank, through which all the laundered money went. That is again likely to be a nominee shareholding in which he had no real involvement. He did not respond to written and emailed requests to comment.
Two of the 19 front companies give as their registered addresses places which turn out to be branches of the PO boxes chain Mailboxes Etc – one in Edinburgh and the other in Shepherd Market, in Mayfair, London. (There is no suggestion of wrongdoing by Mailboxes Etc.) Three more are registered to a room in a Birmingham office building which is home to nearly 1,300 other companies. Documents from the Moldovan Ministry of Justice show one of those Birmingham companies received half-a-billion dollars in one court award. None of the companies responded to written requests for comment.
Evgheni Viborov, one of the alleged Moldovan patsies, pictured on his public profile on vkontakte, Russia’s equivalent of Facebook
According to the investigator Mr Sarco, judges in Moldova issued more than 50 court orders in the scam, certifying about $20bn of debts paid. Some of the judges have resigned; others are under investigation. One, interviewed by the OCCRP, said he had ruled correctly on the evidence before him, pointing out that none of his rulings had been overturned.
Mr Sarco said he was close to arresting “four or five” bankers in connection with the alleged scam. He also said the suspect companies had made payments to legitimate British firms from accounts at the Moldovan bank used in the laundry process. The UK bank accounts involved include ones at UBS in London, HSBC, RBS, NatWest and Citibank. The Independent is passing details of the transactions to the banks.
Mr Sarco said: “We hope our colleagues [at Britain’s National Crime Agency] will uncover what activity took place in the UK, but our main difficulty is that the relevant authorities in the Russian Federation are being less co-operative.” He said he had contacted the Serious Organised Crime Agency (which merged into the NCA last year) with information about the scam. The NCA declined to comment, saying it was unaware of any investigation.
The Russian connection is crucial to the case but the companies there who funnelled the money are proving difficult to penetrate. They appear to have been represented by proxy people in Moldova and Ukraine who were paid small sums to front for the real figures behind the transactions.
One such proxy was a Moldovan citizen listed as the guarantor for a loan made to Valemont Properties – one of the first UK firms used in the alleged scam, back in 2010.
The man, Andrei Abramov, works at Chisinau airport in Moldova. He said he was approached after graduating by a man offering him a job opening a branch of his consultancy in Moldova. When tracked down by reporters from the OCCRP, Mr Abramov claimed he was told he would be the branch manager. “It never happened though. I worked for them for four months and all I got was $100.”
The Moldovan judge ordered two Russian firms to pay a combined $408.3m to Valemont. The money was transferred from Russia to the Moldovan bank Moldindconbank, exchanged into pounds and transferred to Valemont’s account at Latvia’s Trasta Komercbanka. The same route was used for all the alleged transfers. Moldindconbank denied breaking any rules, saying its operations have respected Moldova’s legislation and central bank rules. Trasta Komercbanka said in a statement that the case was still under investigation and that neither the bank nor its employees were involved in the alleged laundering.
Mr Sarco, heads of his country’s Money Laundering Prevention Unit, claims the rulings from the judiciary which triggered the cash transfers were improper and is investigating the judges, some of whom have denied wrongdoing.
Mr Abramov was not the only Moldovan patsy. Another traced by the OCCRP was a small-time businessman also facing a court case for meat smuggling. A third, Evgheni Viborov, is a dispatch driver. Despite not even being able to afford his own car, he is listed as a shareholder and director of one of the companies which court documents show paid the British front company Westburn Enterprises $500m.
[h=3]Money laundering explained: Why criminals flock to the UK[/h]One of the biggest problems of being a successful drug dealer is finding a way to make your money look like it’s been made honestly.
Key to this is obtaining official documentation or receipts that show the money has been made legally.
There are many ways of doing this, from setting up legitimate businesses that turn over lots of cash, to buying and exchanging travellers’ cheques, to corrupting legitimate businessmen to fake transactions to you.
Another way, as this story shows, is to set up front companies and make them look like their money comes from legitimate sources.
Britain is popular for such companies because it is so easy to set up a company here. An industry of company formation agents and their accompanying solicitors and accountants exist to create companies for all-comers, with few questions asked.
An agent at London-based Dudley Miles Company Services – which set up one of the 19 UK companies allegedly used in this scam – said he knew nothing of the client and was under no obligation to do so. A Ukrainian man had ordered the company over the phone, he said. Like the other agents and accountants involved, Dudley Miles has done nothing wrong.
An Eastern European or Cypriot flavour runs through many of Britain’s company formation agents. Most are situated in small, fairly dingy offices in central London. Some, such as Albion Business Incorporations, have their website all in Russian.
Another Russian formation agent who declined to give his name explained: “Our clients like to keep their identity hidden for many reasons. Tax avoidance perhaps. They like to come to Britain because it is so much easier and cheaper to set up businesses here.”
Vince Cable’s Department for Business has announced plans to make companies disclose the identities of business owners holding more than 25 per cent of the shares. The former head of the Fraud Squad, David Clarke, now a private fraud consultant at Today Advisory, applauded the Government’s moves, but said: “We need a proper, concerted effort between law enforcement and Companies House, because at the moment we’re still handing it on a silver platter to the villains.”

[h=1]Top police officer warns of 'many more' child sex scandals – like Rotherham[/h]
[h=3]Norfolk chief constable says the idea of paedophile gangs was 'overshadowing a far, far, bigger picture - abuse in the home'[/h]
Ian Johnston 15 Oct 2014

Tens of thousands of children are the victims of sex crimes every year, according to a leading police officer who warned there might be “many more Rotherhams to come”.

Simon Bailey, chief constable of Norfolk Constabulary, told The Guardian that child sex abuse had been “too long been a hidden crime”.
He said that some of the media’s concentration on the ethnicity of the mainly Asian gangs behind the sexual exploitation of 1,400 girls in Rotherham was a mistake.
“There has been an unhealthy focus on that particular model of abuse and we cannot afford to take our eye off the fact that it is but one model and we have to look at the bigger picture,” he said.
Mr Bailey, who leads on child abuse for the Association of Chief Police Officers, said that the idea of paedophile gangs was “overshadowing a far, far, bigger picture, and that bigger picture is that 90 per cent of child sexual abuse takes place in the home where crimes are being perpetuated upon victims by people they know already”.
He said police did not “know for sure” how many children were being abused, but said he thought it ran into “tens of thousands of victims of an appalling crime” every year.
And he said the authorities “might find many more Rotherhams to come” amid the increased scrutiny of sex crimes against children.
A report by Professor Alexis Jay into child sex abuse in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 found that gangs of mainly Asian men had groomed, abused and trafficked vulnerable children. It said that police had been contemptuous of the victims, while the council ignored what was happening despite several warnings.
Cases included the rape of children as young as 11 by a number of different men. They were also abducted, beaten and trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England for further abuse.
Professor Jay said in August that she had documented case in which children were “doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
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Man arrested dumping formaldehyde into well in africa to create ebola like symptoms

Under questioning he reveals he is being paid to do it and that there are many more like him

[h=1]'You're moving closer to Russia and blame Russians for being close to NATO'[/h]


[h=1]What heaven's really like - by a leading brain surgeon who says he's been there: Read his testimony before you might just shake your beliefs[/h] By Dr Eben Alexander
Published: 22:06, 17 October 2014

When I was a small boy, I was adopted. I grew up remembering nothing of my birth family and unaware that I had a biological sister, named Betsy. Many years later, I went in search of my biological family, but for Betsy it was too late: she had died.
This is the story of how I was reunited with her — in Heaven.
Before I start, I should explain that I am a scientist, who has spent a lifetime studying the workings of the brain.
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Dr Eben Alexander says he was taken 'on a voyage through a series of realms' after he went into a coma when he was diagnosed with meningitis

My adoptive father was a neurosurgeon and I followed his path, becoming an neurosurgeon myself and an academic who taught brain science at Harvard Medical School.
Although nominally a Christian, I was sceptical when patients described spiritual experiences to me.

My knowledge of the brain made me quite sure that out-of-body experiences, angelic encounters and the like were hallucinations, brought on when the brain suffered a trauma.
And then, in the most dramatic circumstances possible, I discovered proof that I was wrong. Six years ago, I woke up one morning with a searing headache. Within a few hours, I went into a coma: my neocortex, the part of the brain that handles all the thought processes making us human, had shut down completely.

Dr Eben's Alexander's 'heaven' was filled with music, animals, trees, and colours and was extremely vivid

At the time, I was working at Lynchburg General Hospital in Virginia, and I was rushed to the emergency room there. The doctors ascertained that I had contracted meningitis — a rare bacterial strain of E coli was in my spinal fluid and eating into my brain like acid. My survival chances were near zero.
I was in deep coma, a vegetative state, and all the higher functions of my brain were offline. Scans showed no conscious activity whatever — my brain was not malfunctioning, it was completely unplugged.
But my inner self still existed, in defiance of all the known laws of science.


Magical: He said he found himself as a speck of awareness on a butterfly wing, among pulsing swarms of millions of other butterflies

For seven days, as I lay in that unresponsive coma, my consciousness went on a voyage through a series of realms, each one more extraordinary than the last — a journey beyond the physical world and one that, until then, I would certainly have dismissed as impossible.
For thousands of years, ordinary people as well as shamans and mystics have described brief, wonderful glimpses of ethereal realms. I’m not the first person to have discovered that consciousness exists beyond the body.
What is unique in my case is that I am, as far as scientific records show, the only person to have travelled to this heavenly dimension with the cortex in complete shut-down, while under minute observation throughout.
There are medical records for every minute of my coma, and none of them show any indication of brain activity. In other words, as far as neuroscience can say, my journey was not something happening inside my head.
Plenty of scientists have a lot of difficulty with this statement. My experience undermines their whole belief system. But the one place I have found ready acceptance is in church, where my story often tallies with people’s expectations.
My knowledge of the brain made me quite sure that out-of-body experiences, angelic encounters and the like were hallucinations, brought on when the brain suffered a trauma

Even the deep notes of the church organ and the glorious colours of the stained glass seem to echo faintly the sights and sounds of Heaven.
Here, then, is what I experienced: my map of Heaven.
After the blinding headache, when I had slipped into the coma, I gradually became aware of being in a primitive, primordial state that felt like being buried in earth.
It was, however, not ordinary earth, for all around me I sensed, and sometimes heard and saw, other entities.
It was partly horrific, partly comforting and familiar: I felt like I had always been part of this primal murk.
I am often asked, ‘Was this hell?’ but I don’t think it was — I would expect hell to be at least a little bit interactive, and this was a completely passive experience.
I had forgotten what it was even to be human, but one important part of my personality was still hard at work: I had a sense of curiosity. I would ask, ‘Who? What? Where?’ and there was never a flicker of response.
After an expanse of time had passed, though I can’t begin to guess how long, a light came slowly down from above, throwing off marvellous filaments of living silver and golden effulgence.
It was a circular entity, emitting a beautiful, heavenly music that I called the Spinning Melody. The light opened up like a rip in the fabric of that coarse realm, and I felt myself going through the rip, up into a valley full of lush and fertile greenery, where waterfalls flowed into crystal pools.
There were clouds, like marshmallow puffs of pink and white. Behind them, the sky was a rich blue-black.
This world was not vague. It was deeply, piercingly alive, and as vivid as the aroma of fried chicken, as dazzling as the glint of sunlight off the metalwork of a car, and as startling as the impact of first love.
I know perfectly well how crazy my account sounds, and I sympathise with those who cannot accept it. Like a lot of things in life, it sounds pretty far-fetched till you experience it yourself.


Despite scans showing his brain was not functioning, Dr Alexander had a vivid experience

There were trees, fields, animals and people. There was water, too, flowing in rivers or descending as rain. Mists rose from the pulsing surfaces of these waters, and fish glided beneath them.
Like the earth, the water was deeply familiar. It was as though all the most beautiful waterscapes I ever saw on earth had been beautiful precisely because they were reminding me of this living water. My gaze wanted to travel into it, deeper and deeper.
This water seemed higher, and more pure than anything I had experienced before, as if it was somehow closer to the original source.
I had stood and admired oceans and rivers across America, from Carolina beaches to west coast streams, but suddenly they all seemed to be lesser versions, little brothers and sisters of this living water.
That’s not to denigrate the seas and lakes and thunderstorms that I’ve marvelled at throughout my life. It is simply to say that I now see all the earth’s waters in a new perspective, just as I see all natural beauties in a new way.
In Heaven, everything is more real — less dense, yet at the same time more intense.
Heaven is as vast, various and populated as earth is ... in fact, infinitely more so. But in all this vast variety, there is not that sense of otherness that characterises our world, where each thing is alone by itself and has nothing directly to do with the other things around it.
Nothing is isolated in Heaven. Nothing is alienated. Nothing is disconnected. Everything is one.
I found myself as a speck of awareness on a butterfly wing, among pulsing swarms of millions of other butterflies. I witnessed stunning blue-black velvety skies filled with swooping orbs of golden light, angelic choirs leaving sparkling trails against the billowing clouds.
Those choirs produced hymns and anthems far beyond anything I had ever encountered on earth. The sound was colossal: an echoing chant that seemed to soak me without making me wet.
All my senses had blended. Seeing and hearing were not separate functions. It was as if I could hear the grace and elegance of the airborne creatures, and see the spectacular music that burst out of them.
Even before I began to wonder who or what they were, I understood that they made the music because they could not contain it. It was the sound of sheer joy. They could no more hold it in than you could fill your lungs and never breathe out.
From then on, I was back in the old, earthly world I’d left behind before my coma struck, but as a genuinely new person.I had been reborn

Simply to experience the music was to join in with it. That was the oneness of Heaven — to hear a sound was to be part of it. Everything was connected to everything else, like the infinitely complex swirls on a Persian carpet or a butterfly’s wing. And I was flying on that carpet, riding on that wing.
Above the sky, there was a vast array of larger universes that I came to call an ‘over-sphere’, and I ascended until I reached the Core, that deepest sanctuary of the Divine — infinite inky blackness, filled to overflowing with indescribable, unconditional love.
There I encountered the infinitely powerful, all-knowing deity whom I later called Om, because of the sound that vibrated through that realm. I learned lessons there of a depth and beauty entirely beyond my capacity to explain.
During this voyage, I had a guide. She was an extraordinarily beautiful woman who first appeared as I rode, as that speck of awareness, on the wing of that butterfly.
I’d never seen this woman before. I didn’t know who she was. Yet her presence was enough to heal my heart, to make me whole in a way I’d never known was possible. Her face was unforgettable. Her eyes were deep blue, and her cheekbones were high. Her face was surrounded by a frame of honey-brown hair.

She wore a smock, like a peasant’s, woven from sheer colour — indigo, powder-blue and pastel shades of orange and peach. When she looked at me, I felt such an abundance of emotion that, if nothing good had ever happened to me before, the whole of my life would have been worth living for that expression in her eyes alone.

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Dr Alexander became a neurosurgeon and an academic who taught brain science at Harvard Medical School
It was not romantic love. It was not friendship. It was far beyond all the different compartments of love we have on earth. Without actually speaking, she let me know that I was loved and cared for beyond measure and that the universe was a vaster, better, and more beautiful place than I could ever have dreamed.
I was an irreplaceable part of the whole (like all of us), and all the sadness and fear I had ever suffered was a result of my somehow having forgotten this most central of facts.
Her message went through me like a breath of wind. It’s hard to put it into words, but the essence was this: ‘You are loved and cherished, dearly, for ever. You have nothing to fear. There is nothing you can do wrong.’
It was, then, an utterly wonderful experience.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, I had been in my coma for seven days and showing no signs of improvement. The doctors were just deciding whether to continue with life support, when I suddenly regained consciousness. My eyes just popped open, and I was back. I had no memories of my earthly life, but knew full well where I had been.
I had to relearn everything: who, what, and where I was. Over days, then weeks, like a gently falling snow, my old, earthly knowledge came back.
Words and language returned within hours and days. With the love and gentle coaxing of my family and friends, other memories emerged.
By eight weeks, my prior knowledge of science, including the experiences and learning from more than two decades spent as a neurosurgeon in teaching hospitals, returned completely. That full recovery remains a miracle without any explanation from modern medicine.
But I was a different person from the one I had been. The things I had seen and experienced while gone from my body did not fade away, as dreams and hallucinations do. They stayed.
Above all, that image of the woman on the butterfly wing haunted me.
And then, four months after coming out of my coma, I received a picture in the mail.
As a result of my earlier investigations to make contact with my biological family, a relative had sent me a photograph of my sister Betsy — the sister I’d never known.
The shock of recognition was total. This was the face of the woman on the butterfly wing.
The moment I realised this, something crystallised inside me.
That photo was the confirmation that I’d needed. This was proof, beyond reproach, of the objective reality of my experience.
From then on, I was back in the old, earthly world I’d left behind before my coma struck, but as a genuinely new person.
I had been reborn.
And as I shall reveal on Monday, I am by no means the only one to have glimpsed the afterlife — and the wonders it holds.
Extracted from Map of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon Explores the Mysteries of the Afterlife & The Truth About What Lies Beyond by Dr Eben Alexander, published by Piatkus at £14.99.
© 2014 Dr Eben Alexander. Offer price £12.75 until 25 October. Order at or call 0808 272 0808, p&p free for a limited time only.
Mark passio on the kabbalistic tree of life

All the main religions are based on stories about people having visions...which is to say DIRECT RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE

Then the priests and the money changers move in and they take over the 'revelations' of the visionary and they tell people to listen to them and that they don't need to have direct religious experience themselves they just need to do what the priests tell them

The old mystery schools however used to take initiates through a process that would expand their consciousness and make them aware of a greater reality beyond this 'physical' world of the 5 senses

Some of the mystery schools were very exclusive whilst others were open to, women and even slaves

Shamanism which is the oldest form of religion we have recommends direct religious experience of exploring other realms of consciousness

The control system in our modern society is afraid of people exploring these realms and it makes it illegal to take entheogenic plants. it wants people locked into the 5 sense world and identifying with their bodies instead of realising that they are really consciousness using this 'physical' body to have a life experience here in this holographic reality

However the pineal gland on our brains creates naturally DMT, known as the 'spirit molecule' which is responsible for giving us dreams and near death experiences (NDE's) and out of body experiences (OBE's)

Sometimes in altered states of consciousness people meet entities in other dimensions. Hundreds of years ago people spoke about being taken away by 'fairies' and nowadays people speak about being abducted by 'ET's'

Both good and evil exists in the spirit world just as it exists in our world and the spirit world and our world interpenetrate each other...they are woven together as part of the same fabric

Shamans pro-actively go to the spirit world to negotiate with it

Not all interactions in the spirit world are positive and some can be shocking or terrifying but all teach something and that is what it is for

Some say it is another dimension in which people can go from this 'physical' realm and meet there whilst others say that it is actually our DNA that scientists currently call 'junk DNA' (because they don't know what it's for); some believe that the DNA is a storehouse of information which we can tap into like the akashic records through altered states of consciousness

Indeed the scientist who discovered DNA did so whilst under the influence of LSD

Personally i believe that because this is a holographic universe we have all the information about all of it already in us and altered states of consciousness simply allow us to perceive aspects of reality outwith our usual perception range

Controlling our reality in this 'physical' realm of visible light is all about controlling perceptions so it stands to reason that the powers that be do not want us to expand our perceptual awareness and for this reason they suppress the pursuit of religious experience and encourage empty ritual in its place and the passing on of knowledge from previous generations of priests many of which will not have had direct religious experience

The original christians however DID seek religious experience for example the 'desert fathers' in the middle east or the celtic culdees in their stone cells on far flung scottish and irish islands who through fasting, meditiating, praying, isolation and sensory deprivation would have induced altered states of consciousness

The reason many people feel like modern life is missing something is because it is. Modern life is 2D when humans are supposed to be living 3D (metaphorically speaking of course as in reality it is multi-dimensional)

Mark passio on left v's right brain

The two party political system

democrats v's republicans / tories v's labour


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Statue of a pine cone flanked by peacocks in the vatican

The pine cone represents the pineal gland known as the 'seat of the soul' because of its role in allowing access to other realms of consciousness and spiritual faculties such as intuition

The peacocks on either side are a symbol of initiation but here they represent the two hemispheres of the brain

The balancing of the two hemispheres allows a person to reach their full potential and activate higher circuits in the brain; this has always been the goal of the mystery schools

The modern field of academia is about over activating the left brain whislt suppressing the right brain; this keeps people lacking the full inutitive insight to realsie how out of whack their society is or how spiritually berfet it has become

Instead they end up feeling malaise, ennui, uneasyness, anxiety and a host of other manifestations of an imbalanced mind

Spiritual Alchemy: The Blackening

The negrado, or blackening, is often given as the first stage of the Royal Art. But as with most aspects of this deliberately obscure subject, the exact nature of ‘the blackening’ is hard to pin down. In this article we will look at the negredo from the perspective of spiritual alchemy.

The basic principle upon which the content put forwards in this article rests is this: for a change to occur in any given system destruction must precede creation; for a new order to come to power the old order must be pulled down.

This then is the work of darkness and destruction, and can be the most painful and difficult stage of the work. But in many ways it is also the one which most closely resembles the manner in which western culture is accustomed to go about the quest for knowledge and understanding, for one of the greatest virtues needed for the successful completion of the negredo is scepticism.

The cold critical intelligence with which the scientist analyses his theories and models, the alchemist must unleash on him or herself. And this is not an easy thing: to hold up a magick mirror to the soul, and through it to behold within yourself that which is ugliest, most base, most ignorant, selfish and evil. In the material analogies the blackening is accomplished by direct exposure to fire – and the negredo of spiritual alchemy is indeed a trial by fire.

The negredo of spiritual alchemy calls upon the alchemist to look inside himself and to question and challenge everything. In the darkness of the blackening nothing is sacred, and you must be merciless with yourself. Here is the demon Choronzon, the beast who guards the gates and your personal nemesis. Be it in a literal or metaphorical sense you must invoke him and face him.

But here also is the pregnant darkness and the beginnings of genius. One must have courage and faith to let go of what is comforting and familiar and to step into the darkness of the unknown. But without this abysmal voyage nothing new can be discovered. Look back at the geniuses of the past, such as Einstein, and you will see that they were not the ones who extended what was already known; they were the ones who took an axe to the foundations of knowledge, and then set off in an entirely novel direction. What they did for science you can do for yourself and your own life. From the perspective of psychological alchemy this is the destruction of the ego (by facing the shadow archetype) which precedes the creation of the manifest self.

On a slightly different note, we may also find in the negredo a vindication of much of the suffering we already endure. Through the blackening much of our suffering may gain a purpose, and thereby by transcended – in the completion of the impetus behind our suffering and pain it is overcome.


If we were all completely satisfied with the material conditions of our life, there would be no spirituality, as no-one would have any interest other than material satisfaction. If our ancient ancestors had been content amongst the trees, they would not have sought out the knowledge to make tools and master fire, and we would all still be apes. It is only through adversity that we become more than we once were.

The blackening is a call to recognise this in your own life, and to transmute your problems into opportunites.

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Tesla boss Elon Musk warns artificial intelligence development is 'summoning the demon'

Tesla chief executive Elon Musk has described artificial intelligence as a “demon” and the “biggest existential threat there is”, in his latest dramatic statement about technology.

Addressing students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Musk said: “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I were to guess like what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that.
“With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon. In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like yeah he’s sure he can control the demon. Didn’t work out.”
The business magnate, inventor and investor, who is also CEO and CTO of SpaceX, and chairman of SolarCity, has warned about artificial intelligence before, which he believes could be more threatening than nuclear weapons.
In August he tweeted: “Worth reading Superintelligence by Bostrom. We need to be super careful with AI. Potentially more dangerous than nukes.”
In another Twitter post he said: “Hope we're not just the biological boot loader for digital superintelligence. Unfortunately, that is increasingly probable.”

During his MIT appearance Musk also discussed his company SpaceX’s plans to help populate Mars. “It’s cool to send one mission to Mars, but that’s not what will change the future for humanity,” he said.
“What matters is being able to establish a self-sustaining civilisation on Mars, and I don’t see anything being done but SpaceX. I don’t see anyone else even trying.”
Musk left the symposium to a standing ovation. Watch the whole thing here.
The ethical issues around AI were highlighted earlier this year when Google bought the British start-up DeepMind for $400 million (£242m). The London-based firm, founded by chess prodigy Demis Hassabis, specialises in algorithms and machine learning for e-commerce and games. But Mr Hassabis has also predicted that AI machines will learn “basic vision, basic sound processing, basic movement control, and basic language abilities” by the end of the decade.


Google has acquired a slew of robotics firms, including Boston Dynamics That purchase – Google’s largest European acquisition – came just months after it bought Boston Dynamics, a firm that produces life-like military robots. Google has reportedly set up an “ethics board” in wake of the purchases but concerns remain.
Dr Stuart Armstrong, from the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University, has warned that artificial intelligence could spur mass unemployment as machinery replaces manpower. He has also warned about the implications for uncontrolled mass surveillance if computers were taught to recognise human faces.

But Mr Musk’s warning has particular weight given his strong credentials as a tech pioneer. The South African-born multi-millionaire’s CV includes online payments system PayPal, electronic car manufacturer Tesla Motors, and Hyperloop – his proposal for a near-supersonic transport link between San Francisco and Los Angeles.
In 2002 many sneered as Mr Musk launched a private space travel company Space X. A decade later it became the first private firm to launch a spacecraft into orbit and bring it back to earth.
Intelligent machines: AI breakthroughs

A bedside computer that entertains patients while engaging them with relevant information and advice.
Understands the context of language and how words fit together.
Applies AI to labour-intensive clerical tasks.
Uses advanced mathematics to detect abnormal behaviour in organisations instantly in order to manage risks from cyber attacks.

Cultural Marxism: Managing The Ant Farm

Karl Marx knew he was doomed: ‘Thus heaven I’ve forfeited, I know it full well. My soul, once true to God, is chosen for hell.” This profound sadness is now proliferating in the destruction of the lives of millions of people as ‘progress’.


Moses Mordecai Marx Levi (‘Karl Marx’) was a ghostwriter for Rothschild.​
Marxism is the controlled opposition against Capitalism, creating what would become the classical dialectic Capitalism vs. Marxism, that the elites use to get to World Governance through managed conflict.
Marxism’s main aim is to transfer the Capitalist Monopoly into State hands, claiming this will end Plutocracy, but ‘overlooking’ that the State is and always has been owned by said Plutocracy. In a dialectic both ‘protagonists’ have hidden attributes in common and Capitalism and Marxism are both Godless, Materialist and Monopolies.
Economically speaking Marx managed to hide that Capitalism is Usury, Banking. He promoted the idea of an amorphous Capitalist class, hiding that Finance (Usury) rules over Commerce, Industry, Land and Labor alike. A small business man obviously has much more in common with the worker than with the banker.
In the West, implementation of Marxism was simply not an option and their strategists decided to first subvert society, before consolidating everything in a Marxist Global State.
For this Marxism morphed into Cultural Marxism, spearheaded by the Frankfurter Schule.
They started subverting everything: modern ‘art’ for instance, total soulless garbage, a far cry from the wonderful, inspired art of the 1800’s and before. This debases our sense of beauty and diminishes our capacity to differentiate the unbecoming from the elevating.
Much worse, they invented Feminism, changing the problem from Plutocracy to Patriarchy and setting up the women against their men. The key goal is to destroy family, isolating individuals and thus making them more vulnerable to top down control. A stunning success, with a 50% divorce rate and fewer people marrying every year.
The Homolobby is part and parcel of it too, as is ‘sexual liberation’, an excellent example of binding people to carnal desire, instead of inspiring them to overcome this.
Feminism/Homolobby/Porn/Sexual ‘Liberation’ are all One and they have another key effect: they murder fertility. Fertility in the West is barely sufficient to maintain current population. This serves their depopulation agenda.
The other side of this coin is Mass Immigration, replacing Whites in their ancestral lands.
Mass Immigration is sold with Multi Culturalism, which is part and parcel of Cultural Marxism.
All these lobbies have their own labels: ‘misogynist’, ‘homophobe’, ‘racist’.
These build on the success of the mother of all labels: ‘antisemite’. They serve to shame and shut up dissenters. To end critical thought and careful listening with the lobby members when faced with coherent argumentation (‘ah, he’s just a misogynist’).
It instills an esprit de corps in the lobby members, based on victimhood and fear of the ‘racists’ etc.
This link to the antisemite label is no coincidence, as all these lobbies worldwide are dominated by Jews. As is Banking.
The key thing to understand here is, that the lobbies all ‘protect’ ‘minorities’, claiming they are ‘oppressed’. But the effect of this is, that the majority is simply being attacked. For instance: Christmas trees in the US are now ‘non inclusive’ because a few Jews and Muslims could ‘take offense’.
This is the lie behind ‘tolerance': there is only tolerance for the minorities, there is zero tolerance for the vast majority, which is expected to move over and make place.
Thus the Bankers divide and conquer on the road to World Government.
Socialism is not the answer to Capitalism
Capitalism Is Jewish Usury

(Above: Women, by their nature, are more vulnerable to sob stories about ‘victims’ and are more likely to consider Big Brother family.
These ladies drank all the kool aid with a passion, betrayed their husbands and marriage vows (‘divorced’), robbed their children from their fathers and are now living together as lesbians. Most people seeing this picture just assume they’re having fun and few realize the dads are missing. Even fewer wonder how they may be feeling under all this.
The boy is protecting his genitals in a futile effort to resist emasculation.)

"Anthony Migchels is an interest-free currency activist. He blogs at, "Supporting People and the Commonwealth and resisting the Money Power by defeating Usury". He runs the Gelre, the first Regional Currency in the Netherlands. The Gelre is the first interest-free credit based unit that is convertible to Euro and Anthony believes this innovation holds great promise to bring liberating currencies to the people in its struggle against the Money Power."

[h=1]The Secret Stupid Saudi-US Deal on Syria[/h] William Engdahl | October 24, 2014 3 Comments
The Kerry-Abdullah Secret Deal & An Oil-Gas Pipeline War
The details are emerging of a new secret and quite stupid Saudi-US deal on Syria and the so-called IS. It involves oil and gas control of the entire region and the weakening of Russia and Iran by Saudi Arabian flooding the world market with cheap oil. Details were concluded in the September meeting by US Secretary of State John Kerry and the Saudi King. The unintended consequence will be to push Russia even faster to turn east to China and Eurasia.
One of the weirdest anomalies of the recent NATO bombing campaign, allegedly against the ISIS or IS or ISIL or Daash, depending on your preference, is the fact that with major war raging in the world’s richest oil region, the price of crude oil has been dropping, dramatically so. Since June when ISIS suddenly captured the oil-rich region of Iraq around Mosul and Kirkuk, the benchmark Brent price of crude oil dropped some 20% from $112 to about $88. World daily demand for oil has not dropped by 20% however. China oil demand has not fallen 20% nor has US domestic shale oil stock risen by 21%.
What has happened is that the long-time US ally inside OPEC, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, has been flooding the market with deep discounted oil, triggering a price war within OPEC, with Iran following suit and panic selling short in oil futures markets. The Saudis are targeting sales to Asia for the discounts and in particular, its major Asian customer, China where it is reportedly offering its crude for a mere $50 to $60 a barrel rather than the earlier price of around $100. [1] That Saudi financial discounting operation in turn is by all appearance being coordinated with a US Treasury financial warfare operation, via its Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, in cooperation with a handful of inside players on Wall Street who control oil derivatives trading. The result is a market panic that is gaining momentum daily. China is quite happy to buy the cheap oil, but her close allies, Russia and Iran, are being hit severely.
The deal
According to Rashid Abanmy, President of the Riyadh-based Saudi Arabia Oil Policies and Strategic Expectations Center, the dramatic price collapse is being deliberately caused by the Saudis, OPEC’s largest producer. The public reason claimed is to gain new markets in a global market of weakening oil demand. The real reason, according to Abanmy, is to put pressure on Iran on her nuclear program, and on Russia to end her support for Bashar al-Assad in Syria.[2]
When combined with the financial losses of Russian state natural gas sales to Ukraine and prospects of a US-instigated cutoff of the transit of Russian gas to the huge EU market this winter as EU stockpiles become low, the pressure on oil prices hits Moscow doubly. More than 50% of Russian state revenue comes from its export sales of oil and gas.
The US-Saudi oil price manipulation is aimed at destabilizing several strong opponents of US globalist policies. Targets include Iran and Syria, both allies of Russia in opposing a US sole Superpower. The principal target, however, is Putin’s Russia, the single greatest threat today to that Superpower hegemony. The strategy is similar to what the US did with Saudi Arabia in 1986 when they flooded the world with Saudi oil, collapsing the price to below $10 a barrel and destroying the economy of then-Soviet ally, Saddam Hussein in Iraq and, ultimately, of the Soviet economy, paving the way for the fall of the Soviet Union. Today, the hope is that a collapse of Russian oil revenues, combined with select pin-prick sanctions designed by the US Treasury’s Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence will dramatically weaken Putin’s enormous domestic support and create conditions for his ultimate overthrow. It is doomed to fail for many reasons, not the least, because Putin’s Russia has taken major strategic steps together with China and other nations to lessen its dependence on the West. In fact the oil weapon is accelerating recent Russian moves to focus its economic power on national interests and lessen dependence on the Dollar system. If the dollar ceases being the currency of world trade, especially oil trade, the US Treasury faces financial catastrophe. For this reason, I call the Kerry-Abdullah oil war a very stupid tactic.
The Kerry-Abdullah secret deal
On September 11, US Secretary of State Kerry met Saudi King Abdullah at his palace on the Red Sea. The King invited former head of Saudi intelligence, Prince Bandar to attend. There a deal was hammered out which saw Saudi support for the Syrian airstrikes against ISIS on condition Washington backed the Saudis in toppling Assad, a firm ally of Russia and de facto of Iran and an obstacle to Saudi and UAE plans to control the emerging EU natural gas market and destroy Russia’s lucrative EU trade. A report in the Wall Street Journal noted there had been “months of behind-the-scenes work by the US and Arab leaders, who agreed on the need to cooperate against Islamic State, but not how or when. The process gave the Saudis leverage to extract a fresh US commitment to beef up training for rebels fighting Mr. Assad, whose demise the Saudis still see as a top priority.” [3]
For the Saudis the war is between two competing age-old vectors of Islam. Saudi Arabia, home to the sacred cities of Mecca and Medina, claims de facto supremacy in the Islamic world of Sunni Islam. The Saudi Sunni form is ultra-conservative Wahhabism, named for an 18[SUP]th[/SUP] Century Bedouin Islamic fundamentalist or Salafist named Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahha. The Taliban derive from Wahhabism with the aid of Saudi-financed religious instruction. The Gulf Emirates and Kuwait also adhere to the Sunni Wahhabism of the Saudis, as does the Emir of Qatar. Iran on the other hand historically is the heart of the smaller branch of Islam, the Shi’ite. Iraq’s population is some 61% majority Shi’ite. Syria’s President, Bashar al-Assad is a member of a satellite of the Shi’ite branch known as Alawite. Some 23% of Turkey is also Alawite Muslim. To complicate the picture more, across a bridge from Saudi Arabia sits the tiny island country, Bahrain where as many as 75% of the population is Shi’ite but the ruling Al-Khalifa family is Sunni and firmly tied to Saudi Arabia. Moreover, the richest Saudi oil region is dominated by Shi’ite Muslims who work the oil installations of Ras Tanura.
An oil and gas pipeline war
These historic fault lines inside Islam which lay dormant, were brought into a state of open warfare with the launching of the US State Department and CIA’s Islamic Holy War, otherwise known as the Arab Spring. Washington neo-conservatives embedded inside the Obama Administration in a form of “Deep State” secret network, and their allied media such as the Washington Post, advocated US covert backing of a pet CIA project known as the Muslim Brotherhood. As I detail in my most recent book, Amerikas’ Heiliger Krieg, the CIA had cultivated ties to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood death cult since the early 1950’s.
Now if we map the resources of known natural gas reserves in the entire Persian Gulf region, the motives of the Saudi-led Qatar and UAE in financing with billions of dollars the opposition to Assad, including the Sunni ISIS, becomes clearer. Natural gas has become the favored “clean energy” source for the 21[SUP]st[/SUP] Century and the EU is the world’s largest growth market for gas, a major reason Washington wants to break the Gazprom-EU supply dependency to weaken Russia and keep control over the EU via loyal proxies like Qatar.
The world’s largest known natural gas reservoir sits in the middle of the Persian Gulf straddling part in the territorial waters of Qatar and part in Iran. The Iranian part is called North Pars. In 2006 China’s state-owned CNOOC signed an agreement with Iran to develop North Pars and build LNG infrastructure to bring the gas to China.[4]
The Qatar side of the Persian Gulf, called North Field, contains the world’s third largest known natural gas reserves behind Russia and Iran.
In July 2011, the governments of Syria, Iran and Iraq signed an historic gas pipeline energy agreement which went largely unnoticed in the midst of the NATO-Saudi-Qatari war to remove Assad. The pipeline, envisioned to cost $10 billion and take three years to complete, would run from the Iranian Port Assalouyeh near the South Pars gas field in the Persian Gulf, to Damascus in Syria via Iraq territory. The agreement would make Syria the center of assembly and production in conjunction with the reserves of Lebanon. This is a geopolitically strategic space that geographically opens for the first time, extending from Iran to Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.[5] As Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar put it, “The Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline – if it’s ever built – would solidify a predominantly Shi’ite axis through an economic, steel umbilical cord.”[6]
Shortly after signing with Iran and Iraq, on August 16, 2011, Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian Ministry of Oil announced the discovery of a gas well in the Area of Qarah in the Central Region of Syria near Homs. Gazprom, with Assad in power, would be a major investor or operator of the new gas fields in Syria. [7] Iran ultimately plans to extend the pipeline from Damascus to Lebanon’s Mediterranean port where it would be delivered to the huge EU market. Syria would buy Iranian gas along with a current Iraqi agreement to buy Iranian gas from Iran’s part of South Pars field.[8]
Qatar, today the world’s largest exporter of LNG, largely to Asia, wants the same EU market that Iran and Syria eye. For that, they would build pipelines to the Mediterranean. Here is where getting rid of the pro-Iran Assad is essential. In 2009 Qatar approached Bashar al-Assad to propose construction of a gas pipeline from Qatar’s north Field through Syria on to Turkey and to the EU. Assad refused, citing Syria’s long friendly relations with Russia and Gazprom. That refusal combined with the Iran-Iraq-Syria gas pipeline agreement in 2011 ignited the full-scale Saudi and Qatari assault on Assad’s power, financing al Qaeda terrorists, recruits of Jihadist fanatics willing to kill Alawite and Shi’ite “infidels” for $100 a month and a Kalishnikov. The Washington neo-conservative warhawks in and around the Obama White House, along with their allies in the right-wing Netanyahu government, were cheering from the bleachers as Syria went up in flames after spring 2011.
Today the US-backed wars in Ukraine and in Syria are but two fronts in the same strategic war to cripple Russia and China and to rupture any Eurasian counter-pole to a US-controlled New World Order. In each, control of energy pipelines, this time primarily of natural gas pipelines—from Russia to the EU via Ukraine and from Iran and Syria to the EU via Syria—is the strategic goal. The true aim of the US and Israel backed ISIS is to give the pretext for bombing Assad’s vital grain silos and oil refineries to cripple the economy in preparation for a “Ghaddafi-”style elimination of Russia and China and Iran-ally Bashar al-Assad.
In a narrow sense, as Washington neo-conservatives see it, who controls Syria could control the Middle East. And from Syria, gateway to Asia, he will hold the key to Russia House, as well as that of China via the Silk Road.
Religious wars have historically been the most savage of all wars and this one is no exception, especially when trillions of dollars in oil and gas revenues are at stake. Why is the secret Kerry-Abdullah deal on Syria reached on September 11 stupid? Because the brilliant tacticians in Washington and Riyadh and Doha and to an extent in Ankara are unable to look at the interconnectedness of all the dis-order and destruction they foment, to look beyond their visions of control of the oil and gas flows as the basis of their illegitimate power. They are planting the seeds of their own destruction in the end.
# # # # F. William Engdahl, BFP contributing Author & Analyst
William Engdahl is author of A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics in the New World Order. He is a contributing author at BFP and may be contacted through his website at [url][/URL] where this article was originally published.

[1] M. Rochan, Crude Oil Drops Amid Global Demand Concerns, IB Times, October 11, 2014
[2] Nihan Cabbaroglu, Saudi Arabia to pressure Russia Iran with price of oil, 10 October 2014, Turkish Anadolu Agency,–saudi-arabia-to-pressure-russia-iran-with-price-of-oil

[3] Adam Entous and Julian E. Barnes, Deal With Saudis Paved Way for Syrian Airstrikes: Talks With Saudi Arabia Were Linchpin in U.S. Efforts to Get Arab States Into Fight Against Islamic State, Wall Street Journal, September. 24, 2014,

[4] POGC, North Pars Gas Field, Pars Oil and Gas Company website,

[5] Imad Fawzi Shueibi , War Over Gas–Struggle over the Middle East: Gas Ranks First, 17 April, 2012.

[6] Pepe Escobar, Why Qatar Wants to Invade Syria, Asia Times, September 27, 2012,

[7] Ibid.

[8] F. William Engdahl, Syria Turkey Israel and the Greater Middle East Energy War, Global Research, October 11, 2012,

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How Psychedelic Mushrooms Can Free the Mind

A recent study found that psilocybin mushrooms change the way information is carried across the brain.

Researchers studying the effects of psilocybin on the brain have found that the naturally occurring psychedelic compound frees the mind to make new connections by sprouting new links across previously disconnected regions. This may explain why people experience effects such as “seeing” numbers as colors after taking magic mushrooms, which contain the mind-altering compound.

The study, which was published by the Journal of the Royal Society, concluded that post-psilocybin “the homological structure of the brain’s functional patterns undergoes a dramatic change.”

Yahoo Finance
reports: “When researchers compared the brains of people who had received IV injections of psilocybin with those of people given a placebo, they found that the drug changed how information was carried across the brain. (Subjects received 2 milligrams of psilocybin; the dose and concentration of the chemical in actual mushrooms — which are eaten, not injected — varies.) Typically, brain activity follows specific neural networks. But in the people given psilocybin injections, cross-brain activity seemed more erratic, as if freed from its normal framework.”