Are we as a society being kept from discussing the big issues? | Page 66 | INFJ Forum

Are we as a society being kept from discussing the big issues?

The government is controlled by the corporations. It is a fascistic system where corproate and state power has merged

The corporations want a strong government that they can control to use as an enforcer against the people

The corporations will control the internet throught eh government regulators

Your government is totally controlled at the moment by the corporations (both democrats and republicans) so they are not to be trusted

Yes, I understand that…but there is still a difference between being regulated by the FCC and being regulated by those selling you the goods.
I understand what Fascism is, and the US isn’t totally a Fascist state…we are getting there…specifically if we let things like Net Neutrality dissipate.
Yes, I understand that…but there is still a difference between being regulated by the FCC and being regulated by those selling you the goods.
I understand what Fascism is, and the US isn’t totally a Fascist state…we are getting there…specifically if we let things like Net Neutrality dissipate.

No you are already a fascist state

The government IS the corporations

If this was not the case then they would not be pushing through things like the TTIP or TAFTA on the international stage

The governemnt should be using RICO anti-trust laws to break up the 'too big to fail' corporations but it isn't

The corporations will use the government regulators to control you online
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The British Prime Minister is now warning the world that the global economy is heading towards a new 'crisis' which is exactly what i've been saying on this forum for years whilst some stubborn brain-damaged left-brain-dominant fuckwits were calling me a 'conspiracy theorist' you want to call the british PM a 'conspiracy theorist' as well?

David Cameron warns of new global economic crisis


PM says 'red lights are flashing on the dashboard of the economy'

Adam Withnall


David Cameron has said the world is on the brink of a second global economic disaster, six years after the crash that "brought the world to its knees".

At the close of the G20 economic summit in Brisbane, the Prime Minister said that he saw "red warning lights" for the global economy, the result of international "instability and uncertainty" and the slowing of growth in emerging markets.
Writing in The Guardian, he said that while the UK had fastest growing economy in the G7 group of countries, it was impossible "insulate ourselves completely" from global disaster.
"As I met world leaders at the G20 in Brisbane, the problems were plain to see," Mr Cameron said.
"The eurozone is teetering on the brink of a possible third recession, with high unemployment, falling growth and the real risk of falling prices too.
"Emerging markets, which were the driver of growth in the early stages of the recovery, are now slowing down.

For the rest of the article click the link above

You make me laugh [MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION].

You make me laugh @muir .

This is a serious issue!

Honestly speaking to people of different personality types here has helped me understand why the world is the way it is

There are people who are literally brain damaged...they are completely cut off from their right brain

These people are also the most arrogantly dogmatic
The British Prime Minister is now warning the world that the global economy is heading towards a new 'crisis' which is exactly what i've been saying on this forum for years whilst some stubborn brain-damaged left-brain-dominant fuckwits were calling me a 'conspiracy theorist' you want to call the british PM a 'conspiracy theorist' as well?

Sorry....I did not mean to imply you were not correct....nor do I think this issue is not serious.

I was laughing at the brain damaged fuckwits comment. It's true....

I agree they do appear to be brain damaged by not being able to connect with their intuitive imaginative right brain hemisphere.
Sorry....I did not mean to imply you were not correct....nor do I think this issue is not serious.

I was laughing at the brain damaged fuckwits comment. It's true....

I agree they do appear to be brain damaged by not being able to connect with their intuitive imaginative right brain hemisphere.

They are actually of stunted mental capacities

They flat out deny things that are obvious and then when events occur that prove them wrong they try and rationalise their way out of it

They're always thinking types....with a big mouth but no insight
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Thursday, November 13, 2014

WARNING Bank Deposits Will Soon No Longer Be Considered Money But Paper Investments

What does this mean?

This weekend the G20 nations will convene in Brisbane, Australia to conclude a week of Asian festivities that began in Beijing for the developed countries and major economies. And on Sunday, the biggest deal of the week will be made as the G20 will formally announce new banking rules that are expected to send shock waves to anyone holding a checking, savings, or money market account in a financial institution.
On Nov. 16, the G20 will implement a new policy that makes bank deposits on par with paper investments, subjecting account holders to declines that one might experience from holding a stock or other security when the next financial banking crisis occurs. Additionally, all member nations of the G20 will immediately submit and pass legislation that will fulfill this program, creating a new paradigm where banks no longer recognize your deposits as money, but as liabilities and securitized capital owned and controlled by the bank or institution.
In essence, the Cyprus template of 2011 will be fully implemented in every major economy, and place bank depositors as the primary instrument of the next bailouts when the next crisis occurs.
On Sunday in Brisbane the G20 will announce that bank deposits are just part of commercial banks’ capital structure, and also that they are far from the most senior portion of that structure. With deposits then subjected to a decline in nominal value following a bank failure, it is self-evident that a bank deposit is no longer money in the way a banknote is. If a banknote cannot be subjected to a decline in nominal value, we need to ask whether banknotes can act as a superior store of value than bank deposits? If that is the case, will some investors prefer banknotes to bank deposits as a form of savings? Such a change in preference is known as a "bank run."
Each country will introduce its own legislation to effect the ‘ bail-in’ agreed by the G20 this coming weekend.
Large deposits at banks are no longer money, as this legislation will formally push them down through the capital structure to a position of material capital risk in any "failing" institution. In our last financial crisis, deposits were de facto guaranteed by the state, but from November 16th holders of large-scale deposits will be, both de facto and de jure, just another creditor squabbling over their share of the assets of a failed bank. - Zerohedge
For most Americans with savings or checking accounts in federally insured banks, normal FDIC rules on deposit insurance are still in play, but anyone with over $250,000 in any one account, or held offshore, will have their money automatically subject to bankruptcy dispursements from the courts based on a much lower rank of priority, and a much lower percentage of return.
This also includes business accounts, money market accounts, and any depository investments such as a certificate of deposit (CD).
What makes this sudden push to securitize cash held as bank deposits is the pending question of whether the central banks or sovereign governments know that a crisis is forthcoming, especially in light of Europe's rapid decline into recession, and Japan's need to monetize their entire budget through central bank easing?
Just as people thought the ownership of gold and silver was inviolate prior to 1933 when the government ordered it confiscated to bailout the banks and Federal Reserve during the Great Depression, we are all now faced with the realization that the money we thought was our own, and protected in our checking and savings accounts no longer is. And after Sunday at the G20 meeting, the risks of holding any cash in a bank or financial institution will have to be weighed as heavily and with as much determination of risk as if you were holding a stock or municipal bond, which could decline in an instant should the financial environment bring a crisis even remotely similar to that of 2008.

[h=2]Suggested Links[/h]
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The Massively Manipulative Marketing Meme


by Zen Gardner
This may seem to be common knowledge to most, but to what degree? Do people really see the depths and breadths these wicked conniving controllers are willing to stoop to in order to control the mass mind according to their greedy, parasitic intentions?
Here are a few examples that will resonate and help plant your feet squarely in the camp of the observing enlightened. These exposures portray clearly what we’re witnessing daily in the constructed matricized world around us, and why we should steer clear of it.
First, an overview of the subtle yet obvious trickery of modern advertising. Pay close attention, it’s not as simple as it may appear and you’ll soon see these memes and themes all around you in a fresh and empowered fashion.
The Generic Brand – How Advertising Works


Now an example of one item that was manipulated to be considered of value and again used to strip humanity of its energy and cause more misguided attention:
[h=3]The Cleverly Constructed Diamond Illusion[/h]

But let’s go deeper and see who exactly “fathered” this modern propaganda machine. A very clever, well connected bastard, Edward Bernays – and his ilk.
[h=3]The Ways of Bernays and Social Programming[/h]

The profound power of marketing and advertising is taken for granted in today’s society. People watch and listen as if they are immune to its clever intricacies.
Not so. Exposure to any form of this manipulative sorcery is toxic. Hence this conclusion by modern day prophet Bill Hicks:
[h=3]Telling It Like It Is[/h]

Stay free. Turn off the mainstream bullshit and avoid staring at advertising in any form. It’s very cleverly designed to affect us in every way possible, whether we think we’re aware of what’s going on or not.
Turn it all off.
Love, Zen

[h=1]Barbara Spectre – “Swedish” Zionist[/h] Posted on April 3, 2012
This is a topic you ABSOLUTELY are not allowed to talk about in Sweden:


Barbara Lerner Spectre (born ca. 1942) is a US-born Jewess who is most noted for waging a racial campaign against Swedish people in particular and European people in general through the promotion of Cultural Marxism and demographic genocide. She is a hardline Zionist and supports Jewish-racial chauvinism in occupied-Palestine, and is head of Paideia - The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden, an organisation funded by the Swedish government and the Wallenberg Foundation to promote Jewish ideology. Through an organisation called One Sweden, which she heads, she promotes multiculturalism (cultural Marxism) against Europeans in their own homeland.
Read more:
Swedes are afraid to talk about this topic. IF they even know about it …but most don’t. If you try to rationaly discuss this topic, most people will not have the intellectually capability to process the information. They have no reference point and no understanding of the connotations behind what is being discussed in the video.
I generalize – and there will always be people who break the mold, but I urge you to try it.
If you try to talk to most Swedes, very few can actually “keep a conversation going” even less “start a conversation”. I’ve tried it many times. It’s like kicking a dead horse or trying to start an engine without spark plugs.
I would say there’s a lack of spark or SPIRIT.
Most “folks” in Sweden who are state and media “educated” (programmed and indoctrinated) through the tax funded socialist media such as SVT & SR WILL go into “auto-pilot” mode when you try to talk about these things. You will not be able to actually communicate with the person you first raised your initial point with. I’ve seen this “switch” taking place in people. This is something that happens in the mind but you can actually see the “switch” in the eyes. The blinders go down! They lights are on … but no one is home.
It’s scary when you can’t speak directly to a human being. I’ve experiences getting a series or “set” of pre-programmed phrases or combinations of words “fired” at me.
When you try to break down the points you enter into the deep dark forest of irrationality. It’s like they are possessed.
People bodies get “snatched”. The body snatchers take over:
Racist! Nazi!! Anti-Semite!!!

Rational in other words, and no emotional appeal at all.
You will most definitivley get ousted out of “The Hive” if you raise these points. This is a good thing. Not to worry. You’d want to get as far away as you can to develop your own rationality, individuality and maintain your humanity.
Freedom of thought has been under threat for a long time in this country.
The description for the video continues:
Barbara Spectre, who runs a government-funded Jewish study group in Sweden, makes the following remarkable statement—remarkable because she does not attribute anti-Jewish attitudes to irrational prejudices or even Muslims who hate Israel. Instead she says that it’s because of the “leading role” played by Jews in the movement toward multiculturalism.
Barbara Spectre is a US-born Jewess who is waging a racial campaign against Swedish people in particular and European people in general through the promotion of multiculturalism and demographic genocide. She is a hardline Zionist and supports Jewish-racial chauvinism in occupied-Palestine, while at the same time she promotes multiculturalism against Europeans in their own homeland.
Although born in the United States, Spectre colonised Palestine (“Israel”) in 1967 where she worked at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, though she decided to invade Sweden in 1999, which she has been occupying ever since.
The ultimatum faced by Europeans throughout the Western world is to place themselves in a position of enormous vulnerability in which their destinies will be determined by other peoples, many of whom hold deep historically conditioned hatreds toward them. Europeans’ promotion of their own displacement is the ultimate foolishness—an historical mistake of catastrophic proportions.


Israel’s non multicultural doubble standard
Imagine if we instead said the following towards the racist state of Israel:
I think there is a resurgence of racism against black people because at this point in time
Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think Africans are going to be
part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to
be the monolithic society they once were in the last century. Africans are going to be at
the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. Israel is not going to be
the monolithic place it once was, they are now going into a multicultural mode and
black Africans will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role
and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.
Yeah… that’s right. Let’s examine how the jews in Israel treat blacks:


Here is more:
[h=1]Israel’s Disgustingly Racist Behavior Towards Ethiopian Jews[/h] The government had previously denied the practice but the Israeli Health Ministry’s director-general has now ordered gynaecologists to stop administering the drugs. According a report in Haaretz, suspicions were first raised by an investigative journalist, Gal Gabbay, who interviewed more than 30 women from Ethiopia in an attempt to discover why birth rates in the community had fallen dramatically.
One of the Ethiopian women who was interviewed is quoted as saying: “They [medical staff] told us they are inoculations. We took it every three months. We said we didn’t want to.” It is alleged that some of the women were forced or coerced to take the drug while in transit camps in Ethiopia.
The drug in question is thought to be Depo-Provera, which is injected every three months and is considered to be a highly effective, long-lasting contraceptive.
Nearly 100,000 Ethiopian Jews have moved to Israel under the Law of Return since the 1980s, but their Jewishness has been questioned by some rabbis. Last year, the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who also holds the health portfolio, warned that illegal immigrants from Africa “threaten our existence as a Jewish and democratic state”.
So why does jews in Sweden working so hard to make Europe multicultural, when they can not even handle it themselves in their own backyard?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Who Trusts This Government to Regulate the Internet?

Eric Blair
Activist Post

The principle of net neutrality is easy to understand and support; to treat the delivery all data equally. This has been the status quo. Works great. Few oppose that, but supporting the principle of net neutrality is not the same thing as supporting the government's plan to enforce that principle.

The alleged problem that the government claims needs fixing is that Internet service providers (ISPs) want to charge different rates to websites for different levels of data usage, often referred to as fast lanes. Simply put, ISPs want the opposite of net neutrality and the corporate-run FCC supports this plan.

The New York Times reported in April:
The Federal Communications Commission said on Wednesday that it would propose new rules that allow companies like Disney, Google or Netflix to pay Internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon for special, faster lanes to send video and other content to their customers.

The proposed changes would affect what is known as net neutrality — the idea that no providers of legal Internet content should face discrimination in providing offerings to consumers, and that users should have equal access to see any legal content they choose.

The proposal comes three months after a federal appeals court struck down, for the second time, agency rules intended to guarantee a free and open Internet.

It's important to note that very few consumers currently have problems accessing the Internet. Smartphone and home access is affordable and sufficiently fast in most areas, and free public access in cafes and libraries is widespread.

So, in practical terms, there is no problem with the Internet that needs fixing, just a threat to the principle of equal treatment of data. A threat perpetuated by the FCC which now seems to be a red herring to create the excuse for regulating the Internet.

In a classic good cop/bad cop, Obama came out last week to oppose his own agency's fast lane plan and offered his solution to protect net neutrality by regulating the ISPs like public utilities.

"The time has come for the FCC to recognize that broadband service is of the same importance and must carry the same obligations as so many of the other vital services do," President Obama said. "To do that, I believe the FCC should reclassify consumer broadband service under Title II of the Telecommunications Act — while at the same time forbearing from rate regulation and other provisions less relevant to broadband services. This is a basic acknowledgment of the services ISPs provide to American homes and businesses, and the straightforward obligations necessary to ensure the network works for everyone — not just one or two companies."

The argument is that government needs to regulate the Internet to keep it "free and open", and the FCC needs to classify mega ISPs as "common carriers" to prevent them from becoming private monopolies.

As usual, the establishment is framing the solution as two simple choices -- either support predatory corporations or support government regulations.

Here's a great video explaining the potential problem of fast lanes for data. Note that the only solution mentioned is what became Obama's proposal:


Many Internet activists hailed Obama as a man of the people for taking a stand against greedy corporations by supporting "net neutrality."

How quickly they forget that together Comcast and Time Warner gave Obama over $750,000 for his 2012 campaign. Add in AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and other ISPs and Obama got more from this handful of companies than his public salary for his entire 4-year term. It's so cute that Americans still believe Obama is working for them.

And you've heard the term "regulatory capture" right?
Regulatory capture is a form of political corruption that occurs when aregulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or special concerns of interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.​
It's no mystery whose interests Tom Wheeler, Chairman of the FCC, serves as a former cable and wireless lobbyist.

Tom Wheeler according to Wiki:
Thomas Edgar Wheeler is the current Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission.He was appointed by President Obama and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in November 2013. Prior to working at the FCC, Wheeler worked as a venture capitalist and lobbyist for the cable and wireless industry, with positions including President of the National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA) and CEO of the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA).​
It doesn't get more revolving-door cronyism than that. Wheeler feeds the "problem" by supporting ISP fast lanes to provoke the desired solution -- entrenching private companies as a price-fixing public-private cartel.

Let's imagine for a moment that the government does nothing. And by nothing, I mean no new regulations and to stop blocking new ISPs from entering the market with ridiculous protectionism regulations. What's the worst thing that could happen?

The fear is that corporations may take advantage of their consolidated market share by reducing speeds and raising prices. First, this won't happen if other companies are allowed to compete, but it's all but guaranteed they won't be able to compete if ISPs are turned into public utilities.

But let's assume Elon Musk's plan or Google Fiber won't be able to offer better, faster, cheaper Internet access than current providers in the free market, and prices continue to go up and services decline. Does anyone really believe customers will put up with that or that innovators won't come up with alternatives? There will be far fewer alternatives if government regulates Internet access like radio or telephone companies.

Yet, I don't really care either way because techies are already finding ways around that as well. In the late 1980s AT&T enjoyed a near monopoly on long-distance phone service which was made completely obsolete less than two decades later by the Internet. Now it's free to call anywhere in the world.

Similarly, developments in peer-to-peer networking, I2P and the "Outernet" will make accessing the Internet free or nearly free in the near future regardless of what's decided by corporations or the government.

In conclusion, I'm not criticizing those who support the principle of net neutrality, because I support it too. However, I am criticizing everyone who thinks government regulation will be for the good of the public.

Trust the FCC to regulate the Internet like you trust the NSA to only spy abroad and you get exactly what you deserve.

Jim Carrey's Secret Hand Signal

Jim blows the whistle and has everyone laughin as he does it!

Australian police chief blows the whistle on child abuse in establishment

[h=1]Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox retires from police after sparking royal commission into child sex abuse[/h][h=2]By JOANNE McCARTHY[/h]Nov. 19, 2014, 10 p.m.
Peter Fox is retiring from the police force. Picture: Marina Neil

DETECTIVE Chief Inspector Peter Fox will leave the NSW Police Force at midnight on Thursday – exactly 36 years, seven months and three days after walking in.
He feels vindicated by evidence at last month’s inquiry into police involvement with a Catholic Church child sexual abuse reporting group, and relieved to leave without disciplinary action against him over the November 2012 television interview that led to a royal commission, but ended his career.
And he’s not going quietly.
‘‘When the hell are they going to do something about charging someone?’’ he said about the key recommendation of the NSW Special Commission of Inquiry report in May this year that slammed him, but found there was ‘‘sufficient evidence warranting the prosecution of a senior Catholic Church official in connection with the concealment of child sexual abuse’’ by the late Hunter priest Jim Fletcher.
‘‘Why is it now more than five months since the findings, but nothing in relation to a charge? The police force and the DPP [Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions] are dragging their heels on this matter.’’
He criticised the report for lacking balance, and the police force’s treatment of him at the inquiry in Newcastle and Sydney last year.
‘‘They wanted me to break down in the witness box. I had private hearings with the commission and public ones. I spent 13 days in the witness box. I was punch drunk, but I wasn’t going to let them win.’’
Peter Fox and his wife Penny

He cried, once, in December last year following a private hearing several months after public hearings were formally concluded. The private hearing went for more than six hours until 7pm, and included gruelling questioning by police.
‘‘I had a fairly hard upbringing in a Housing Commission estate. I haven’t cried since I was a child, but I pulled over on the side of the road near the ambulance station when you cross the Hawkesbury River on the way home after that and I cried.
‘‘Penny [his wife] cried. She kept saying ‘They’ve done it. They’ve got what they were after’.
‘‘It frightens me for anyone who might speak out for a conscientious reason, that this is what happened to me.’’
Mr Fox was in Bali when Commissioner Margaret Cunneen’s report was released in May. He read large sections, but has so far not read the full report with its damning assessment of him as ‘‘deliberately untruthful’’, and its description of him as an officer who had developed an ‘‘obsession about the Catholic Church and alleged conspiracies involving senior police’’.
‘‘I’m a pretty tough guy but I’ve never been so low in my life as when that report came out,’’ Mr Fox said this week. ‘‘I’ve never tried to put myself out as an angel. I made some errors. But what stood out was the lack of balance.
‘‘I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t a little bit apprehensive what the public reaction would be.’’
The overwhelming majority of people were supportive. He continues to have strong support from victims’ groups and outspoken critics of the Catholic Church’s handling of child sex abuse cases – like Victorian couple Chrissie and Anthony Foster and Hunter man Lou Pirona, whose son John’s suicide in 2012 sparked the Newcastle Herald’s Shine the Light campaign for a royal commission.
‘‘I think most people read between the lines and made up their own minds up about what the inquiry was really about,’’ Mr Fox said.
He stands by his open letter to the then NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell that appeared in the Herald on November 8, in which he alleged the Catholic Church covered up the crimes of paedophile priests, silenced victims, hindered police investigations, destroyed evidence and moved priests to protect its ‘‘good name’’.
He feels vindicated about some of his allegations against police after the NSW Police Integrity Commission was told last month that police may have ‘‘condoned’’ or even ‘‘encouraged’’ the cover-up of child sexual abuse by the Catholic Church.
‘‘I got put through hell because of a couple of lines I said about the police force, but had those couple of lines not been said, I don’t think we would have had a royal commission,’’ he said.
His religious beliefs have been irrevocably changed.
‘‘I’m now agnostic. The more I looked into churches – the power and corruption – the more I could feel myself moving away,’’ he said.
‘‘But I still believe there’s something greater than us. We were put here for a reason.
‘‘Would I do it all again – the whole career including the last few years? Absolutely. In the blink of an eye.’’

[h=3]57 Million Americans Warn UK About GMO Dangers[/h] [h=5]“Instead of bringing certainty and security, GMOs have raised more and more worrying questions about their effectiveness"[/h]

Image Credits: European Parliament / Flickr

by Christina Sarich | | November 20, 2014

[h=5]In an open letter published in The Times newspaper, several American celebrities and over 57 million Americans warn UK citizens about the dangers of growing GMO crops, and the importance of speaking out for their right to decide whether or not to grow them.[/h] Susan Sarandon, Daryl Hannah, and Robert Kennedy Jr have joined trade groups like the Food & Water Watch, the Sierra Club, the Rachel Carson Council, Friends of the Earth, the Organic Consumers Association, Dr Bronner’s, and NYR Organic to warn the UK of the peril which GM crops could cause if people don’t speak out in time.
The open letter details the challenges that American farmers have had to face, as nearly two decades now of genetically altered crops have littered our once-pristine fields and farms.
Pamm Larry and Diana Reeves, as well as Beyond GM Director, Pat Thomas, were the original champions of the letter, and helped to organize its completion.

The fully referenced letter, is signed by groups and individuals representing 57 million members and supporters. It is clear now that most of the world, including scientists and even former biotech supporters, have seen the light concerning GM food dangers. It is an unsustainable model to feed the world. Its main goal was never to ‘feed’ anyone, but make profits for companies whose best-selling products are chemicals.
With the European Parliament’s recent decision to bring member states a step closer to deciding for themselves if they want to ban genetically modified food, there is no doubt that this letter will have even more of an impact.
The letter argues that GM crops have not increased crop yields, and have only inflated pesticide use. GM crops have increased the costs of farming to farmers while polluting our environment and our livestock. Vital pollinating insects have been decimated, and the Monarch butterfly populations are down more than 80% in parts of the Midwestern US, a place where many crops are sprayed with neonicotinoid chemicals. Roundup chemicals kill milkweed – one of the butterflies’ main food sources when they migrate from Mexico to the US.
The letter also points out the absolute invasiveness of GM crops. After just 20 years they have completely infiltrated our food system. Over 70% of all processed foods in the US now contain GM ingredients, which means high levels of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides are now lingering in our food. The incidence of cancer, dementia, reproductive issues, bowel problems, and even Autism and ADHD are on the rise – all linked to biotech chemical exposure.
What’s more, all of these chemicals are showing up in people’s blood, urine, and breast milk. American mothers have tested to find that their breast milk is contaminated with around 1,600 times higher levels of GM chemicals than what is currently allowable in European drinking water.
The US is now a perfect example for the EU to look to when determining whether or not to allow more GM crop growth. We are a ‘failed agricultural model’ that can serve as a warning to other countries considering growing GM foods. Control has been given to corporations to sustain our food supply, and now we are all suffering from this choice.
Actress, Susan Sarandon said:
“Instead of bringing certainty and security, GMOs have raised more and more worrying questions about their effectiveness, their necessity, and even their safety. Polls show that the majority of US citizens – and in fact citizens everywhere – either want them labeled or taken out of the food system altogether.”
Activist attorney Robert Kennedy Jr said:
“An informed and engaged public is one of our greatest weapons against widespread threats to health and environmental justice. Initiatives like The Letter from America highlight clearly the problems we have faced in the US in the 17 years we have been planting and eating GMOs.”
Vivienne Westwood, who helped deliver the petition, said:
“GMOs are a democratic issue. They are a massive, unethical experiment in human and environmental health. People are voicing legitimate concerns about how they and their families will be affected by eating them, how planting them will affect the environment and biodiversity, how forcing them on developing countries will disempower and impoverish farmers there and most of all why, if so many unanswered question remain about GMOs, our government is continuing to try and force them on the British public.”
For the full version of the Letter from America to the UK, please visit:
This article originally appeared at Natural Society.

The mental trap of the NEW AGE RELIGION: Solipsism

This makes new agers think that nothing happening matters; it is designed to suppress the 'masculine' energies which are what actively get things done (like for example defend people)

This is why so many New Agers say: ''don't worry, everythings fine, everythings going to be fine, you don't need to do anything.....''

It's a mental trap designed to make people docile and easily controlled








[h=1]David Icke - Two Hour Special Royal/Political Paedophilia How the Global Pieces Fit[/h]