An INFJ vs INFP Puzzler | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

An INFJ vs INFP Puzzler

Yes, it will be well. Thank you for your compassion and understanding.

Things have a way of turning out differently than the hopes and dreams of our youth. Yet those things that we would wish for ourselves are rarely what is best for us in the end.

I'm not of the mind that trials (however light they may be compared to others) are a curse. Most want a life of ease and pleasure and yet that is a life shared by even swine.

"Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated" and yet it was Esau with the easy life.

Yes, it is an absolutely ridiculous and laughable comparison, but the principle is true and doesn't demand anything from me.

So this can be encouraging to all I hope.

I am a religious person, but I am also a real person, warts and faults a plenty on display. May our trials guide us to the Truth.

Thank you.
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So I take another test just hours later and get completely different results other than super low Si and Te. Strong Se is also common.

But this one indicates higher Ne than Ni and higher Fi than Fe and higher Ti than Fi (but so close as to be insignificant especially considering my values).

This is why this quest feels impossible. I'm probably too old and experienced or have too many beliefs that cut across type stereotypes or something for these tests to be very effective.

So I better get to reading more including that True Type book.

The Keys to Cognition test is, in my opinion, one of the most reliable on the web, especially if you follow their 3 instructions for answering.

I'm curious why you feel you are in the NF family and not the NT family?

Looking at your results, your highest functions are Ti and Ne, and you also have good use of your Fe, which means that you could easily be an INTP (Ti-Ne-Si-Fe) or an ENTP (Ne-Ti-Fe-Si).

Just reading through some of your posts, some of your quotes and the tone of your writing could very much be indicative of Fe being your 3rd or 4th function, which can look like Fi, especially if it's the inferior function and you're still developing it. Even the level of detail and the intricacy at which you are approaching figuring out your type is very Ti.

Everyone, no matter what their type, can have very strong thoughts, feelings, values, beliefs, etc. I think that's part of the human experience, you don't have to have Feeling as your first or second function to have a strong point of view. :)